May babies!!!! (or April, or June - everyone welcome as we were tri3 together!)

I know I said it on Facebook but Happy Birthday again Beth!! Have a nice barbecue. Pleased he did well with the injections. xx
Have a fab bbq Beth and well done with the jabs!
Hope you had a lovely BBQ Beth!

I think we have turned a corner with Ellas sleeping - she's been taking v little from the bottle at 10.30pm ish so we've abandoned that feed completely. She slept for two nights from 8pm to 5am then quick feed and back to sleep until 8am. Didn't quite go that smoothly last night lol but fingers crossed we are on the right track now :-)
ahw sounds good Jodie - well done Ella...

Emma has had a few random nights.. saturday she slept from 9pm til 7:30pm...but back to waking up sometime between 2am and 4am most nights.. then last night she fell asleep from 5pm after her bath and woke at half past midnight and then slept til 5:30am! so a bit all over the place really but geting some longer sleeps deffo! This is all new to me - Josie slept through from 4 weeks!
Well Ella is just starting to wake up now after going to bed at 7.30pm!! No night feed last night woohooo :-)
Well done Ella!!! I bet that felt good not doing a night feed.

Emma sounds like she is nearly sleeping through.

Lucas only has one night feed now which I don't mind doing. Usually asleep by 9pm and up about 6.30am with a night feed between 2-4am. My mum is up this weekend from Devon so she will get to spend some time with Lucas. Last time she saw him was when he was a week old so I'm sure she will think he has changed loads.

My god everyone is getting so much sleep! Ifan is still feeding every 2 hours - even through the night! I dont know if theres anything i can do? He takes 4oz at a time and literally clamps his mouth shut after 4 so i cant give him any more at one time? x
I don't know what to suggest as he's obviously hungry. I'm sure he will eventually get there as his weight stabilises. xx
Ahh cherelle my first was like that until he was about 18 months so hopefully he grows out of it sooner. Alex has had a bad 2 night.. he was up hourly last night. it was quite cool last night and i think hes just used to the heat and hated having a thin blanket on him lol... I am strange though.. when he sleeps well i am so tired but when we have an awful night i feel better... grrr

Thanks for all the birthday wishes.. we had a lovely day.. yummy bbq and really yummy cake :D
Beth so sorry been really busy so happy belated birthday!!!!

I dont know what happened with Sam, but something clicked and for the last few nights he has gone down at 10.30pm and wakes at 5-6ish. I know im probably jinxing myself by discussing his sleeping patterns. He is completley breastfed still, but ive also started bathing im with Johnsons Bedtime bath and slathering him in Johnsons bedtime lotion!! Probably isnt the reason hes sleeping but im convincing myself its the reason so im going to continue! Are you using Hungry Milk Cherelle? My friend had issues with her little girl and started using hungry milk at night and she started to settle and now goes through the night.
Hope he starts to settle for u soon xx
I dont know what happened with Sam, but something clicked and for the last few nights he has gone down at 10.30pm and wakes at 5-6ish. I know im probably jinxing myself by discussing his sleeping patterns. He is completley breastfed still, but ive also started bathing im with Johnsons Bedtime bath and slathering him in Johnsons bedtime lotion!! Probably isnt the reason hes sleeping but im convincing myself its the reason so im going to continue! Are you using Hungry Milk Cherelle? My friend had issues with her little girl and started using hungry milk at night and she started to settle and now goes through the night.
Hope he starts to settle for u soon xx

Aww we tried the hungry milk but it just made him constipated and he didnt sleep any longer :-(

Weve been bathing him every night too but thats not made a difference either. I think its just a waiting game really untill he gets a bit bigger but hes only 6 weeks and hes over 12 and half lbs! x
He's certainly big enough then cherelle lol! Ella was only 11lbs 12oz last week and she's 16 weeks tomorrow.

I do think it just comes with time but you could try extending the gaps between feeds to see if he will take more eg not feed until 2 hrs 15 mins to start eith then 2hrs 30 mins next night etc

Having said that I have always just fed Ella whenever she's hungry and she's sorted herself out

Fingers crossed I haven't jinxed myself now! She's been asleep since 7.15pm so fingers crossed for another feed free night! Night night ladies xx
Aww we tried the hungry milk but it just made him constipated and he didnt sleep any longer :-(

Weve been bathing him every night too but thats not made a difference either. I think its just a waiting game really untill he gets a bit bigger but hes only 6 weeks and hes over 12 and half lbs! x

Have you tried given him nice warm bath after that nice full body massage before his night feed..that's what Health Visitor suggested, might go into deep sleep I hope.:)

Ps. Want to do June babies post since there's already may and july babies posts but the problem is I cant remember who give birth in June. am jealous! :xlol
Aww we tried the hungry milk but it just made him constipated and he didnt sleep any longer :-(

Weve been bathing him every night too but thats not made a difference either. I think its just a waiting game really untill he gets a bit bigger but hes only 6 weeks and hes over 12 and half lbs! x

Have you tried given him nice warm bath after that nice full body massage before his night feed..that's what Health Visitor suggested, might go into deep sleep I hope.:)

Ps. Want to do June babies post since there's already may and july babies posts but the problem is I cant remember who give birth in June. am jealous! :xlol

You are v welcome here Hun xx
Hi ladies completely behind, already said well done to Ella on fb hehe, but hope it's continued!
Will just do a brief update (haha nothing I do is brief) Emily had her first jabs, a bit hot and grumpy for a day or two but fine now. Went to our first baby sensory session yesterday and she loved it! We have another 2 sessions booked for august and July. can't take her to the regular classes as it's quite far away for me with two buses there and back. Think I've found another class which is similar and closer to me! It was nice to see her watch all the other babies too :)

Colic is pretty much gone, she's still waking for one night feed at 4am, the majority of the time she goes straight back to sleep, I'm still having trouble getting back to sleep. She was 10lb 4 on Tuesday :) have just upped her bottles to 6ozs.
There may be sole early teething signs but that's another story in another thread. Sorry I haven't been keeping up! It's quicker for me on fb and less chance of me typing an essay on there :)

I don't bath Emily every night - just top and tail, and have quiet time. I'd let her get into the habit of falling asleep in her bouncy chair to the point where one night last week she wouldn't settle in her basket so I've managed to nip that in the bud quite quick even if it does take her a while to settle in her basket, I'm trying to let her get used to it.
Only thing I think I may need to do is give her a last night feed later? Has anyone done dream feeds? I like her to be in bed, sleeping for 9 at the latest and eventually I want it to be even earlier. Could I dream feed at 11pm? Might this help her to sleep through? I suppose there is no harm trying , well unless she has a feed at 11 and then one at 4am again because I know she can go from 7.30pm - 4am before needing a feed! But when she wakes at 4am she screams and she starving!
Anyway sorry that was supposed to be brief!
Aww pinky.. why not just give the dreamfeed a try.. it it works keep it up ..if not then just stop.. just hope it doesnt disturb her normal routine.

Alex had had to go into his cot as hes just way to big for his moses basket.. hes only lasted this long as my moses basket is about double the size of the normal ones you get in the uk... He slept a bit better again last night.. they tell you not to bath them for 3 days after their injections here (dont know if they say that in the uk) so hes been sweaty and hot.. we did his normal routine of bath at 9 then feed and bed for about 9.30 and the slept till 2.30 then till 5 then up at 7.30 and we both dozed and fed until 8.30 ... alot better than hes done the last few nights so was good.
Hes vvverry dribbly atm.. constantly slobbering on everything and everything going straight to his mouth :D he loves chatting away and giggling :D
So pleased that Emily's colic has just about gone. Baby sensory sounds good. What do they do at the classes?

I bet Alex looked tiny in his cot hehe. I can't wait to hear giggles.

We had our first meal out last night with Lucas. He slept just about the whole time. Was nice to catch up with some of my family.


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