May babies!!!! (or April, or June - everyone welcome as we were tri3 together!)

Wow Roo I wish Lucas would do that!!! Let's hope he keeps up with that.

Treeze I know what you mean about it being hot today. I was hoping to go for a walk but may have to wait until it cools a little.

Jodie, I hope you had a good run. I'Ve been going on Dance Central on Kinect for the X-Box.

I just want to shift weight from my stomach now and then I will be able to fit into my shorts nicely (they do fit but there is a muffin top so I'm not wearing them yet lol). Lucas is now 3 weeks old. Is it too soon to be doing stomach exercises? I feel fine and feel like I could do it. Everywhere recommends you wait till 6 weeks though. What do you ladies think? xx
Thanks for lovely comments RE my giving up breastfeeding girls but ive been back at it today! I think i just needed to take the pressure off myself to do it. Health visitor today said just relax about it and do it whenever i feel like it instead of worrying about my supply etc so ive pretty much breast fed Ifan every time today and its been sooooo much better because i know i dont have to :-)

Ifan was weighed today and hes 8lb9 so hes putting weight on really well too! x
Riotfox i feel the same - hes almost 3 weeks old now and i feel like i could start toning my stomach but i thought it was too soon? I should have asked the health visitor today. I think the 6 weeks is just a guideline though and we'd be ok to start now x
I think the main reason why Jake has been sleeping so well is that he doesn't really sleep during the day. For instance today he's not slept at all since 8.30am until about 4.30pm.

He tends to be awake from about 7pm until bedtime naturally too so he tends to wear himself out. Sometimes during the day I am begging him to go to sleep so I can get chores done!

Had a lovely lunch with my aunts, they are both midwives and say Jake is doing really well. They also said he looks more like a 2 month old than 3 weeks!

2 of my uncles are visiting my Dad tomorrow so Jake is going to meet them after we've seen the HV. Then we are popping to one of my friends house for a cuppa and so she can finally meet my little man, then another friend is cooking me tea. And OH is home tomorrow!! I'm used to him being away, but since having Jake I've really missed him this time!
Roo - I don't think I could cope if Louie was awake that long through the day. He sleeps loads, after he fed at 6am he slept until 9.30am then slept from 12ish until 2 then fed again and is still sleeping. Hes hard to put down at night though, he doesn't cry just lies wide awake lol. x
It's tough Emma to be honest as he cries if he's put down during the day whether he's awake or asleep. Am thinking of getting a sling so I can get jobs done and hopefully he'll settle. I'm quite happy for him to be awake during the day, but I need him to be calm and not screaming the house down!! There's also only so much you can entertain a 3 week old baby with too.

Luckily at night, he is normally only awake for about 30 minutes during feeds, although he has been known to be awake for hours but thats normally when he's slept a lot in the evening.

He was really well behaved today, we went to the pub with my aunts and he was awake the whole time we were there but only started to cry when we were about to leave. I did have to sit there and let him suck my little finger the whole time we were there so had to eat my lunch one handed!!
Do you have a swing? I bought one last weekend, it took Louie a few times to get used to it but he is really good in it, will lie awake in it or will just fall asleep. I know I can imagine, it's hard to entertain a 3 week old baby! Xx
Yeah we've got a swing, he's sleeping in it now! I normally put him in it when I am doing his bottles in the morning, but if he's not in the right frame of mind he just screams! As soon as I pick him up he stops screaming!
I can't wait until he can can his bouncer by himself so that he can come round the house with me while I get jobs done. He likes me to bounce it for him for a little bit. He will happily just occupy himself in his moses basket but I hate leaving him there if he's wide awake. If I put him under his activity mat he likes it for 5 minutes but then decides he is bored. I'm sure as he gets older he will love them xx
Thats the problem I have, anything I do only keeps him occupied for 5 mins max then he demands my full attention!
The swing is the only thing that holds his attention but He also has to be in the mood for it or he will just cry. He is still too small for his bouncer, his head just slides down lol. In a few weeks all these gadgets will become entertaining for them lol x
Yeh I can't wait until they can really enjoy these things. Lucas only woke up once between 10pm and 7am!!! Woohoo!! Think it was only because he didn't really sleep through the day as he was very unsettled from the heat. I actually feel awake today for once. xx
Alex is nearly 7 weeks and hes finally interested in his lil mat with the toys etc and his swing.. hes hated them until now though... He has one day where he sleeps most the day and the next day he'll have llike 2 half hour kips all day:!... But we're still doing better with sleeping so İm still a happy mummy :D oops lil ones fed up on his mat now (been on it about 20 mins) so will write more later lol
Another good night for Jake and I. He went to bed at about 9.45pm. I put him down awake and came back downstairs and he got himself off to sleep!!! He woke up for a feed at 2.00am and again at 5.00am. The only problem is that after his second feed he won't settle in his crib so I have to bring him into bed with me so I can get a bit more sleep. I don't really want him getting into the habit of this.

He woke up again at about 8.30am so am quite refreshed today. He was a little grumpy whilst I was showering and drying my hair but he's currently asleep in his swing. The HV is coming out in a few minutes to weigh him.

Jake even let me hoover and get all his bottles ready this morning! I must admit I did cheat him a little! He always stops crying when the hoover is on so I left it on whilst I did his bottles and the food shopping online!!

Got more family visits this afternoon, then seeing a couple of friends later.

OH was supposed to be back on the road home by now but he's been held up and is going to be at least another hour before he can leave then he's got a 4 hour car journey home. Am glad I made so many plans for today rather than sitting at home and waiting for OH to get home. I am looking forward to handing Jake over for a little while so I can have some 'me' time when OH gets home. I never really realised just how difficult looking after a newborn is, especially one that only catnaps during the day!
Roo alex is the same.. when he wakes up at say around 5 he likes to stay in bed with us.. but i dont mind and i dont think it gets them into a bad habit really.. its only like morning cuddles really :D

I remeber with ky I thought having a newborn was so hard.. but now with my 2nd im finding it rather easy actually. I feel like I just know what im doing this time and dont worry about everything all the time. I really am more relaxed with the 2 than I ever was with just 1 lol and although not at the moment im normally on my own with them all day. But ı do the hoover trick too.. if i start hoovering whilst hes asleep i dont turn it off either cos it keeps him down for longer... as soon as i turn th hoover off he wakes up lil rascal!

Hes being a bit of a grump today and is really fussing over the boob while hes eating.. im wondering if i may have eating something that hes not liking. cos its the first time hes done it.. i had something kinda of like choriza with breakfast this morning and wondering if that could be it.
I suppose us first time mums are just learning the ropes lol!! We will soon get there! xx
Hi girls,

Been ages since I managed to get on and see how everyone is. Looks like your all doing good.

Samuel is growing fast, he's put on 2lb in 3 weeks and is a proper little bruiser! He is a chatty little thing as well, gurgles and shouts at me! We haven't cracked a routine yet, night times are still hit and miss. My OH works 14 hour days so I do pretty much everything at the mo, it's hard work, and not a lot is being done round the house. I need to invest in a sling!

We went back to my mum and dads in Staffordshire on Saturday. I did the 200 mile trip alone and only had to stop twice on the way there for food and burps, and not at all on the way home! So now I've done it once I'm doing it again this weekend. I love having the support of my parents, really want to move home to the Midlands now and have my family close.

Anyway, I have a sleepy baby in my arms who I am going to risk putting in his Moses Basket so I can attempt an hours rest!

Keep smiling girls :) xx
I hope he settles in the moses basket so you can get some rest Mrs B.

We had another successful night last night. He fell asleep around half 7. We took him upstairs at around half 9 and fed and changed him while he was sleeping. He woke up at half 1 for a feed and then woke up at 6. I really hope this is going to carry on. I feel more awake!!

How is everyone else's baby sleeping?

Hey mrs b lovely to see you - hope you get some rest soon!

Riot fox I'm glad things are heading the right way for you sleep wise

We had a bit of a breakthrough last night - just hope it's not a one off! It was the first night I've only has to get up once to feed :-). Ella went to bed at about 8pm after a bath and feed. I did a dream feed before I went to bed at 11pm. Then I had to get up at 3.30am but then she slept through until the next feed at 7am :dance:

I'm feeling v cheery today as the sun is shining and it's not too hot so plan on going on a longish walk with Ella in the buggy once she wakes up from her nap and is fed again - hope everyone else has a nice day x
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ahw jodie that's great - makes all the difference if they just wake once doesn't it.. good girl ella!

Mrs B - what a star driving all that way and attempting a trip like that on your own - that's FAB! I keep putting off going up to Leicester to visit the in-laws... it's not so much worrying about taking the girls as Josie is great and watches movies in the car on her little tele and Emma would probably sleep all the way ... its the packing/unpacking that drives me mad! We were already filling a car up with all our stuff for jst 2 nights and that was with just Josie!!! It is lovely to see the family though x x x

i've just got back from clinic and Emma is 4 weeks adn 2 days and now weighs 11lb 5oz.. so she has put on 2lb 8.5oz since she was born. They were very pelased with her.

Has anyone else's babies got a red mark on the back of their neck? the Health visitor said it's called a stork bite and that sometimes they go away and sometimes they don't... just wondered if anyone else had heard of them?

My attempt at being healthy is going very well.. haven't had any biscuits, cake, crisps or junk food so far this week... went swimming at the gym monday and going again tonight.. it's so nice being able to go in the sauna, steam room and jacuzzi after.. only takes me an hour to go, swim, spa, shower and get home again so i go at 6pmwhen hubby gets in and i'm back in time to tuck josie up in bed and read her a story...

can't wait to weigh myself on Monday... I was 18stone 2 when i gave birth, and 16 stone 9 on Monday morning - just can't wait to see what I've lost if i keep up the healthy eating I haven't been this good for months and months!

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