May babies!!!! (or April, or June - everyone welcome as we were tri3 together!)

PP, hope you had a good night off and relaxed. xx
Hi ladies
Hope everyone is ok?
I'm feeling much happier :-)
Hubby came home with wine and flowers on Friday and we had a lovely evening together - nice meal etc whilst Ella was in bed so I'm feeling much better about things on that front.
Still not resolved the bottles issue yet but have side stepped it a little by doing a dream feed at about 10.30pm - she will take about 45mls from the bottle without even waking so no crying etc from her and yet she is still having a bottle. Would still like to try awake bottles fairly regularly though so will have to try that again soon - might do that during the day if out with a friend or something rather than in the evening when I want her calm and going to sleep.
Sorry haven't really kept up to date with everyone else! How are your weekends? Quite sunny here today later on and supposed to be lovely tomorrow and Monday. Went to hubby's school fete this afternoon and tomorrow we are out to lunch with our antenatal group which should be good.
Jodie xx
Hi girls,

I feel like I haven't posted in here for ages. I've been having a bit of a rubbish time of it. I finallymadmitted to myself on Thursday that I'm not coping the way I should be and that I am showing lots of signs of having postnatal depression :( I had some very hard days and OH got a half day Thursday and holiday on Friday to help me. He goes back to work tomorrow so I hope I get on ok. I have started on medication to help me and I just hope it improves how I'm feeling, I know I probably have quite a time ahead of me but my OH says admitting that I actually have it is a huge step. Seeing the doc to review how meds are working in 2 weeks then back to my doc at hospital at end of July for a proper review.

To make matters worse had a lot of trouble going to the loo, tmi but it's like pooing glass and I passed out and woke up on bathroom floor with a huge lump on my forehead (this was yesterday), bump has gone down a good but. So I'm back on my iron tablets as I think I'm anaemic again, it's one thing after another lol. So to add to the list of tablets, I'm going to also have to take something to make it easier to do the loo.

Jodie - that's good tour feeling better. You always seem like such a cheery person, was actually surprised at your post. Hope Ella starts taking bottle better soon.

I'm so sorry vie hardly read anyone elses posts, my heads been all over the place. But I hope everyone is doing well. Xxx
Jodie I'm pleased your feeling better!! I hope she starts taking bottles better but at least she will dream feed from them. That's a step in the right direction.

Emma at least you have admitted that you weren't coping. How nice of your OH to take holiday to help you. I hope you start feeling better soon.

I can't believe how warm it is today. Definitely going on a nice walk later. xx
Emma hope you are feeling a bit better soon - as you say admitting how you feel is a huge step big :hug: xx
Hi All,

I havn't posted for a couple of days as i've been so tired. Owen has started being awake at very unsociable hours usually after feeds. he was such a good sleeper before so I hope it's just a blip and he will go back to normal soon.

Has anyone's LO's had thier injections yet? Owen's appointment is booked for July 14th and my parents are due to come up and stay for 2 nights from that day. Is he likely to be poorly or cranky after his injections? I don't know whether to try and change the appointment as I don't want my parents to travel all that way to be kept up all weekend by a screaming baby. What should I do?
hiya all..

catty, every baby is different obviously and hopefully owen won't have any side effects at all but to be on the safe side i would change the appointment and then there's no chance of it happening! When Josie had her first jabs (this is 4 years ago mind!) we were moving house the same day! Looking back i wish i had changed it to another day as it was too much to cope with all on the same day!

emma sorry to hear your news but i think it's great that you've already done something about it and hopefully you will start to feel better once your meds kick in. Your going to the loo pains def shouldn't be that bad surely - did you mention that to doc too? I still used to swear by half a pint of prune juice mixed with half a pint of welchs purple grape juice (so you don't taste the prune!) - 1 glass of that a day should help loads and it's not another medicine to add to the list too.. awh hope you start to feel better soon.

jodie - glad you're feeling better, as emma said it was a bit out of character for you to be feeling down...

I am on a bit of an emotional rollercoaster at the moment and today I think i've got my first period back which would explain my hormones going nuts over the last few days...

on friday i went and joined slimming club and yesterday i tried to sit down and work out menu's/diet for the next week so i could go shopping and ended up in tears with frustration over it!! At first it sounded like a really good diet as you can eat alot but when it came down to what meals i was going to plan it is just a nightmare.. seems everything looks lovely in all the books etc but you have to cook most of it from scratch including lunches and breakfasts so in the end i decided i'm going to ditch slimming world already!!!! Then I felt a failure for "not having time to cook" as it's not like i'm working or anything at the moment but most days i don't even get time for cereal for brekki let alone cooking something... by the time i get me josie and emma up and dressed and josie dropped of to nursery it's already nearly lunchtime! So i have decided that ACTUALLY i just need to stop eating crap like biscuits cakes and crisps and being a bit more healthy and i'm sure that will help!!

I took Josie swimming yesterday and upped my gym membership to full peak now so at least i can get out in the evenings when Ray gets home for a swim or sauna etc.

Then this morning i flipped out at my poor hubby over Emma's bottles... she is really good at night but during the day now she is getting through loads of bottles but not finishing any of them... plus she is constipated and can't poo for 1 or 2 days and she looks in real pain with it. She was really good before at having nearly 4oz and sleeping for a good few hours but now its like she'll drink 1oz, sleep for half hour and wake up again wanting more milk and then only drink 1oz again and fall back to sleep etc. Thankfully it isn't happening at night but hubby started only making up bottles of 2oz again and i went mad saying that was like going backwards.. we need to be increasing her feeds not going back to 2oz! SO far today we are trying to keep her alsleep for longer in her bouncy chair so that hopefully she'll drink more wehn she wakes up and get back into a good routine again!

I do think emotionally this is a really tough time about everything... i want to get losing some weight but find it so hard not to eat rubbish and drink wine every night... i'm trying hard to keep doing things with Josie so she doesn't feel left out and then to top it al off i get the witch put in an appearance again and it's not even 4 weeks since i gave birth!!!!

oh well that's my moan over - from tomorrow i'm going to really try hard with the eating healthy and going swimming again... new start from tomoz! Off to watch my brothers band play an acoustic set at the pub this afternoon. Hubby going to drop me and the girls off and meeting sis there too so hopefully that should cheer me up a bit!!!
Jodie glad your feeling better :D Your generally so upbeat in all your posts ! Hopefully she will start taking the bottle again soon.. Alex is still refusing!
Emma well done for admitting it, I hope you start feeling more yourself soon!
Well done Emma for admitting how you're feeling. Hope you start to feel better soon.

And Jodie am pleased to hear you're feeling happier.

OH is just getting ready to go away for work for a couple of days. Jake is currently sleeping so am hoping he'll behave for me especially at night time.

I've just been speaking to my Dad who was at my cousins wedding yesterday. For those who don't know, we lost my Mum really suddenly about 18 months ago. Dad's just been telling me he's bagged himself a girlfriend at this wedding. The only problem is that she lives a 3 hour car journey away. He seems to be really excited about it which I'm happy about, just feel a bit weird to think of him with someone other than mum, but I'm sure I'll get used to it.

Have been out to mothercare today to spend a voucher I got given when Jake arrived. Didn't buy anything exciting, only some more clothes for Jake, sheets and new bottles!

Am going to relax for the rest of today, then tomorrow I have 2 of my aunts coming over and we're going for lunch so that'll be a nice day for Jake and I.

Hope everyone is enjoying this sunny weather, I hope we get some more days like this during the summer!
Catty, with my first his injections he was fab.. they made him more sleepy than anything.. i think it was the only time in the first 6 months that we had a good nights sleep.. so i quite looked forward to his next ones lol.. But if your worried theyll make him grumpy just change the appointment. Alex should have his on the 12th July I think as long as hubby has time to take us.
We've been having better nights the last few days which im happy about.. hes going to bed at 10 wake up at 1 but only feeding about 10 mins. then going till 4.. feeding for half hour then sleeping till about 7 when older one wakes him up. So that fab compared to how he was doing before.. hes also generally going at least 2 hours in the day now except in the evening when he cluster feeds. Im going to hopefuly take himn sometime in the next week to get weighed as hes growing so much :(... Ive got the Mıl here atm so its been nice to have a bit of help but i think i cope better on my own as thats what im used to. I find it easier just doing the cooking cleaning and getting the boys ready etc on my own as i know what im doing whereas when someone else does something it changes all my routine etc plus im not good at accepting help .. but shes here for the summer so i best get used to it. At least she only
helps shes lets me do everything how i want so thats good.
Im feeling pretty positive about stuff atm, hubbys at work ALOT but his business is going really well and as its only his 2nd year open its really great .. hes also promised to teach me to drive this winter :D I cant wait cos it means ill be able to get out and about with out always depending on my hubby (we live nowhere near shops etc and buses here are like a small minibus so theyre awful when you have buggy 3 year old and baby!)..
Anyways enough waffling from me ! Hows everyones LO doing? How they sleeping? Any with colic wind still?.. Are any of you having christenings etc?
Treeze I'm sure you will lose weight just by cutting out the rubbish. I think you were right to ditch the slimming world. I used to cook from scratch but now I don't have time and I only have one child. You have 2!! I tend to just put in some chicken dippers or quiche but then I make sure I have a salad with it or sweetcorn.

Beth I'm pleased you are getting some help and some company. It's good that Alex is sleeping better. Lucas has started sleeping a littler better. He was going 2 hour intervals between his sleep at night which was a nightmare as he was really unsettled as well. This week he has been settling himself better after his bottle so it's usually an hour between his sleeps to change him and feed him. He still struggles from wind but the infacol has helped to ease it.

Roo I hope he behaved for you. We have some Mothercare vouchers to spend as well. Think we are going next weekend. I hope you have a nice day tomorrow with your aunts.

I still can't believe how hungry Lucas is. The only time he really cries is when he has to wait for his bottle. He can't stand the wait! I think we will have to up his feed to 5oz as he is mostly finishing 4oz. How is everyone else's little one feeding?

Nice to read through and see how everyone is doing. Dont get on here as much now! Grace is doing really well, still a little angel and for the last 3nights slept the whole night! Im so lucky!

We registered her and she is now officially Grace Madeleine Perez Del Pulgar. My OH wasnt happy with her middle name, I think you will know why, but she was born on the 24th May which is St Madeleine Sophie's day. I wanted her to have a Saints name, I think its lovely. It has meaning and she has her own Saint to pray too and also can pray for the little girl who went missing. (We are catholic) Went to church and are sorting out her baptism next week!

I tried slimming world a few years back and got no where! Im doing Pro Points from Weight watchers atm- I find it really good I've only done it a week but I know I've lost a few pounds. My sis has lost 2stone and kept it off- such a skinnie minnie now. So I hope I stick to it! x
Riotfox – thanks for the vote of confidence for ditching slimming world!! Going to try a whole lot harder from tomorrow to just STOP eating junk and biscuits and cakes…

Eilish – i think your daughters name is lovely.. I have always liked Grace as a girls name and Madeline is lovely too …. along with Mabel, Emily, Sophie and Ella which were all close contenders for us!

Had a lovely afternoon watching my little bro playing FAB guitar in his band so that has cheered me up and Josie joined in with the tambourine too! I’m onto the healthy eating big time from tomoz!! New start tomorrow for me x x x x
Emma sorry to hear youve been feeling so down, hope things improve for you soon.

I finally admitted to myself last night that i cannot breastfeed anymore its driving me insane and causing so much stress and upset - i feel so releived to switch to formula! Feel slightly guilty too and in a way ill miss it but thank god i dont have to worry about the stress and pain anymore it was ruining motherhood for me which i otherwise absolutely love. Ifan has slept so much longer and been more content after just last night and today on formula.

Im joining you girls on the proper diets now that im not breastfeeding! Now my stitches feel better too ive got some exercie dvds im going to start doing from tomorrow. Just wish i wasnt so sweaty!! Anyone else feel like a sweaty mess after giving birth??! x
I'm pleased it's not just me Cherelle!! I went for a walk the other day and had to keep my arms down so people couldn't see me armpits lol!! The dress I was wearing really showed it up!! I haven't wore the dress since lol. Pleased you are a lot happier formula feeding. Don't feel guilty about it.

Eilish, I like the link of the name to the day that she was born. Good luck with the diet.

Treeze, pleased you had a good afternoon!

Hey ladies,

Thanks for all your well wishes - as you say I'm normally really positive so it was a bit out of character for me! Feeling lovely and happy today as I sit here in bed typing this with the sun streaming in and my little girl fast asleep on my bed :-)

Catty - I hope Owen has gone back to sleeping well! When Ella had her first lot of jabs she was just really sleepy for a few days, but some babies can get grumpy so maybe change the appointment to be on the safe side

Treeze - good luck with the healthy eating I'm going to try and do the same from today because I'm fed up of my flabby legs and tummy so must do something about it

Roo - hope you have a lovely lunch with your aunts

Beth - sounds like things are getting better at night for you. We have booked Ella's christening for september - it will be in the church where we got married and then a small reception at out house afterwards

Riot fox - sounds like lucas likes his milk! I don't really know how much Ella has as she is bf so just whatever she takes!

Elish - I think its lovely that the name you chose has a meaning and reason for being chosen

Cherelle - don't feel guilty you have to do what's right for you and Ifan and it sounds like he will do fab on formula

Anyways off to do my exercise now - running on the wii fit beckons...
Thanks for the comments girls. I'm feeling a lot more brighter today. Got myself organised for the day and that puts me in a good frame of mind for the day if I'm organised. OH is helping me with night feeds through the week now too so this is helping, I didn't let him before cos I thought I should be doing it on my own as he is at work but it's clearly a bit too much for me.

Cherelle don't feel guilty about going to formula, you gave bf a go and that's the main thing. Well done for trying! X
cherelle.. i'm sure the sweating must be to do with our crazy hormones getting back to normal or something!!! I've had to start going to bed with my hair tied up or else my neck just gets so hot...

I just walked to nursery and back (about 2miles in total) as the start of my being fit and healthy and it is SOOOOOO HOT out there today!!! plus i am really struggling for clothes to wear that fit... can't wait to be able to wear shorts and cool skimpy tops again. Just tucking into my special K for brekkie and going to drink loads of water today too!!!

I'm surprised I wasn't hung-over today!! Went to the pub to watch my bro play in his band yesterday and had rather too much to drink knowing it was my last "unhealthy" day!!! Luckily my sis was there to supervise the girls and hubby picked us all up about 9. he said he knew i'd had too much to drink as i kept repeating the same story over and over again!

i meant to say aswell.. it always makes me laugh when i click the button at the end of these messages that says "post quick reply" - my replies are never quick!! i could waffle on for days!!!
well last night was our first night without OH and Jake was a little star! He slept from 9.30pm til 2.30am then fed for 10 mins and was asleep again until 5.40am! lets hope he does the same tonight.

hope everyone has a lovely day today.

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