May babies!!!! (or April, or June - everyone welcome as we were tri3 together!)

(think the doctor brown ones only come with either premmie or size 1 teat)
Jodie ive been expressing to give alex just one bottle a day and for the first few days he gulped it down no problem but the last 3 days just wont take it at all.. he screams until i offer him his bood then hes perfectly happy again... i need him on the bottle as i have dentist etc next week. Its really hard to get bottles here and i paid 10pound for 1 bottle.. so i cant keep going out and buying different ones to try.. i might look at ordering some medala online and get my sister to bring them over. With the wind maybe try giving her a little gripe water when she has her bottled feed?
Welcome Midnight and Roo!! Hope we are all well today. I was going to try and get some extra sleep but it seems Lucas has other ideas and he is wide awake!! xx
Woo i feel like a domestic goddess today! The place is spic and span, been out shopping and cooked a big dinner, baby is happy and just waiting for OH to get home from work :-)

I gave Ifan his first formula feed yesterday, im gonna start doing one formula feed at night but still express so i can save the milk for babysitters! Need to start thinking about getting out again with friends or as a couple now and again! x
Blimey Cherelle, I can't believe you've managed to do all that!! My house is a complete state but just don't seem to get time to do anything! OH is taking the baby to his parents on Friday afternoon so I'll get some cleaning done then.

Today we have registered Jake and got his birth certificates, and I've introduced him to his Great Granny as she's visiting from Yorkshire for a couple of days.

Tomorrow, me and OH's mum are taking him for a walk in the afternoon and to visit the village library then tomorrow night my aunt who lives in Bermuda is coming to my Dad's so OH and I are taking him to Dad's for a BBQ and to meet his great aunty and see his great granny again.
Welcome all you newbies x

I've had a crappy day today. I took the car to the garage as it was making a funny noise and it is
f%*&$d! I couldn't even take it home. Basically I spent £400 getting an MOT and full service and when they flushed the engine through it washed a load of scuzzy build up into the engine and will cost more to fix it than it's worth (£1k!).

So now I need to find about £5k for a new car. We're supposed to be going home to introduce Owen to his great grandparents, Uncle and great Aunt and Uncle this weekend and now I'm going to have to fork out for a hire car just to get there. I think I'm cursed, the hoover and my bedside lamp also conked out this week!

Sorry for the rant

Owen's doing pretty well. He's been a bit poorly with a fever and he's been pretty sicky but seems happy in himself. I'm worrying I don't have enough milk though as sometimes he sucks away on my boob and gets very frustrated and there does not seem to be any milk in his mouth. Is this possible and how do I fix it?
ooh sorry to hear bout the car catty...our ABS sensor broke last week and nissan want over £350 for a new one... our car is prob only worth about £600!

jodie.. don't know much about bottles but i saw in asda tonight the have the tommee tippee anti-colic/good for bf bottles for about £8 for 2 instead of £12...

I've just been up to the labour ward to give my card/vouchers to the lovely midwives (not what i called them whilst in labour mind!)...

Well when i got up there my own community midwife was on duty tonight too so that was nice to see her too and I had just been to drop off her card at her office on the way.

The midwife in charge of the Juno Suite where I gave birth was there and she was also the one who did my stitches...she was over the moon that i had popped back up with a card.. they were asking all about Emma and how I was etc.. she said the younger 2 girls who actually delivered Emma would be very pleased with their vouchers/cards.

They kept asking when I'm having the next one...

"er when you can guarantee me an epidural and slower birth maybe!!!".. i said

they replied "oh MAN UP Theresa! you've done it once you can do it again...and anyway don't forget we love a good home-birth!" home birth? no way! lol!

ahw it was nice to go back up there and they seemed genuinely pleased to see me.. makes me want to do it all over again!!!!
Catty the more you let him suck even if no milk is coming will encourage your body to make more... so even if he isnt getting any now your boobs will start making more.. ive been pumping once in a morning and now i wake up every morning to sooo much milk so cant miss a day pumping now or i have to much milk ! so maybe try pumping aswell to encourage more milk x
Thanks Beth. I have been trying to let him suckle more all day and I have also been expressing between feeds so hopefully after a few days I will have more milk. He was weighed today and is 10lb 12oz and following the 75th percentile where he has been since birth so he is obviously getting enough. It's typical, a couple of weeks ago I had so much milk I was waking up soaked in it and I hated it. Now I wish it was that way again!
Hi girls

Thanks very much for all the suggestions! I've not decided what to try yet - hubby is late tonight so haven't given a bottle yet today - might try a dream feed at 10.30ish and see how that goes.

Catty I was going to suggest pumping too. When my milk almost stopped at the beginning I was advised to express everything left after each feed to encourage more milk.

Feeling a bit down at the moment as hubby is very stressed with work and we aren't spending much time together :-(
Catty- I had to laugh about your post with the poo! Honestly in all my years of being a mum I have never seen poo like it!! It must be a man thing that's all I can say, he's literally exploded at me and had me covered not a nice sight I can tell you. That's absolutely crap about your car:x:mad: They say things come in 3's so hopefully that's it for you now. Although it's turned out to be an expensive time for you:shock:

Treeze- Your photos are gorgeous! What cute girlies you have. It's a shame about the CTF but I suppose it's all about cutbacks now isn't it:roll: Where did you get the Jellybaby from? It looks really good!

Pinky- Glad you managed some sleep, it does wonders for coping.

Riotfox- I think you're right it is Amanda that lives in Sheffield. We should all get together and have some fun!

Beth- Sounds like you've got plenty to keep you going, hats off to you for coping so well! I'm moaning at hubby if he's 5 minutes late home from work!

Cherelle- Glad the fibre stuff worked for you:) constipation isn't fun at all and can be quite distressing.

Hello to Midnight and Roo:wave::wave:

Jodie- Dr Brown bottles are expensive but they were good when I used them on Amy. I've never used Tommee Tippee at all, I've used Avent and Boots own make and Avent is my favourite. I'm sorry to hear you're feeling down, is there any chance you can get anyone to have Ella for a couple of hours and just you and hubby spend some time together?

Midnight- Your little girl will be like a little doll compared to my chunky little man:lol: I would love to have a cuddle with a little one, all mine have been mahoosive at birth so it's already like having a 3 month old!

Roo- Sam has never lost any weight either he just keeps putting on and on!

It's been an easier day for me today, Sam has actually gone 3 hours + for his feeds whereas yesterday it was 2 hours. I was pulling my hair out. No sooner had he finished one bottle he was starting another! He has eczema as well, poor wee thing keeps clawing at his face:( The HV is supposed to be weighing him again tomorrow, he was 11lb 8oz last Thursday so it will be interesting to see what he's gained in a week. All his newborn stuff doesn't fit him anymore, I'm gutted and very reluctant to throw it away though. They grow so fast.

I'm going to turn in for the night now, absolutely shattered and I need to catch up on some sleep seeing that I went out drinking last night. My first proper night out since last August, it was a very good night but missed my little man.

Night all:nap::nap:
hi pinkpanther... my jellybaby was from mothercar..£7.. boots do them too-or just search online for "foam baby bath support".. it's brill cos you have both hands free to wash them with.. Emma had another bath today and really liked it again and didn't cry as much getting out seems to wear her out as she sleeps for longer after her bath... might start it every night as a little bedtime routine!
PP - That sounds like a good idea to me!!

Treeze - Lucas seems a lot calmer and settled after having a bath.

Hope everyone else is okay today!! I have my brother and his girlfriend visiting today and I intend on making the most out of this sunny weather.

PP -I'm going to make all Owen's newborn clothes into a patchwork quilt. i actually can't wait for him to grow out of it all so I can get started
Thats such a lovely idea Catty.

We had a bad night last night with Jake. To be honest it was a bad day and night! He spent most of yesterday screaming even though he was fed, changed and burped.

OH's mum and I took him for a walk in his buggy in the afternoon and he normally drops right off to sleep but he was wide awake for the whole walk pretty much. We went to the village library and he screamed in there so OH's mum took him outside where I could still hear him screaming!

When we got home I finally managed to get him to sleep when some door to door salesman rang the doorbell. I could have killed him when Jake started screaming again.

Last night we went to my Dads for a BBQ as my nan and aunt were visiting. Of course, Jake fell fast asleep as soon as he was put in the car and stayed asleep for the entire evening apart from when he wanted feeding.

We got him home, gave him his bath, fed him and put him to bed where he slept for 3 hours. Then woke up and stayed awake for hours. Finally managed to get him to go back to sleep but by that point it was getting light and OH and I were wide awake. Managed another couple of hours sleep then he woke up again for more milk. Ended up putting him in bed with us after his feed where he let us get another couple of hours sleep.

I was getting so frustrated trying to get him back to sleep last night as he'd been a little terror for me all day and I was shattered although reading back through what happened last night it doesn't seem too bad!

OH is out early tomorrow until late tomorrow night, then is away on sunday and monday nights and has meetings which will have him away early and back late on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. So I am pretty much on my own for the next week. I am dreading it. I hope Jake is kind to me!
Aww Roo I hope baby behaves you for you.. Im generally always on my own but have the mother in law down atm and its amazing what differenc an extra pair of hands make. Lil ones even ben sleeping a bit better at night for the last 2 nights too :D... Its over 40 degrees here and we really are housebound as its just too hot to take him out... I think this is gonna be a rather long summer!
PP -I'm going to make all Owen's newborn clothes into a patchwork quilt. i actually can't wait for him to grow out of it all so I can get started

What a fab idea Catty. I honestly would have never thought of that. I'm not that good with sewing so would probably make a right mess of it.

Treeze, thanks for the info I think I'm going to get S one as it looks so comfy!

Roo, poor you and Jake :-( is it trapped wind making him like that? Sam has been the same today and it's not fun. I've had to write today off because he just won't be put down and I can't get anything done.

Beth, can't believe how warm it is over there. It's freezing over here and I've just put the heating on!!
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I don't know what it is PP, maybe it is trapped wind. We are giving him infacol before every feed and give him lots of breaks during feeds plus try our best to burp him but he doesn't always burp during or after a feed.
Anyone got any tips on how to burp him more effectively?

Have you thought of getting a sling PP? I'm seriously thinking about it so I can get jobs done during the day. Hopefully Jake'll stay calm if he's in a swing and I'll feel better if I'm able to get a load of washing done once in a while!

OH has taken Jake over to his parents this afternoon so I've cleaned the house and changed the beds so I feel as though I've has much more productive a day today!

PP- hope Sam lets you put him down soon! Secretly I feel a lot better now knowing it's not just Jake that is like that every so often!
Roo I hope you get some sleep. Lucas used to be be awake for a few hours in between feeds at night and it was so tiring. The past couple of nights he has settled really well after his bottle which is bliss. He hasn't been perfect but it has been so much better. I hope I haven't just jinxed it.

PP - My body must be a heater as I'm warm. I went for a walk and had to take my cardi off.

Beth - I hope it cools down a little so that you aren't housebound.

Catty - That sounds like a really good idea to me. Pity I'm not that creative or that great at sewing!!

Roo it's definitely not just Jake lol. As for burping the positions are sitting him straight whilst on my knees with my hand under his chin, I've laid him on his belly over my legs and rubbed his back bit the best one that works for me is up against my chest with his arms hanging over my shoulder. It takes him ages to get it up though but during the night I've been giving him infacol just to help.

I don't think I'd be able to wear a sling. I suffered with SPD when pregnant and I'm seeing a chiropractor who tells me no heavy lifting, I can't even carry his car seat with him in it I have to take him out or put it on the base and push it. I've tried him with a swing but he hates it, I honestly can't remember the girls ever being this bad with trapped wind. Fingers crossed they grow out of it soon.

Riotfox, your body is probably perfectly normal it's me I'm mesh hehe.

Well I have an unexpected night off! Mum saw how much I've struggled today physically with Sam (I went to chiro this morning and now in pain) and she offered to have him for the night! So I am now sitting with an amaretto and lemonade (purely for medicinal purposes you see) and a magazine. I do feel a bit on edge though because I know sam's not well and I feel like I should be settling him.

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