May babies!!!! (or April, or June - everyone welcome as we were tri3 together!)

Well Jake and I went to visit one of my friends yesterday afternoon and she had just been cuddling him and given him his bottle when she lifted him up and he pooed all over her. It was dripping out the side of his nappy!! Luckily she's a nurse so is used to stuff like that but I was so embarrased!!!

Jake slept a lot yesterday day, probably because we'd been out in the car a lot yesterday.

I put him to bed at about 9.45pm and he woke at 12.45, had a little feed and then went back to sleep but the grunting and straining came back last night so he kept waking himself up. He woke again at 3am and it was a real trial to get milk into him. I eventually put him down awake and he dropped off but there was more grunting and straining. He woke again at 5.30, had 5ozs and slept again until 8.45.

It wouldn't have been so bad but OH was back, absolutely knackered and had to get up again at 5.30 this morning to drive to Doncaster so he really needed a good nights sleep but Jake had other ideas.

We haven't got many plans for today. Dad is on his way over to watch Jake whilst I nip out to get some supplies for the animals, then we are going up to my Dad's for tea tonight as OH won't be back til late.

Taking Jake into work tomorrow for cuddles with the girls. I'm off to Take That with a couple of girls from work on Monday and one of them has threatened to give my ticket away if she doesn't get cuddles before we go!
Well, I think we are finally getting there with some sort of sleep pattern. Tia is awake untill at least 9/10pm, so her bedtime starts then! She has her last feed then, is put down around 11pm, and then has been sleeping right through till 6/7am! Result!

Think she has been a bit grumpy becuase of the heat - I hate putting her in the car when its hot, or moving her around too much, but else she moans even more!

Had a works thing last night for a friend - and already had my supervisor on the phone, so will need to actually think about going back to work for some training courses and the like - I have become so de-skilled its going to take me months to actually catch up anyway!

Hope everyone is having a nice day x
ahw roo i'm jealous of you going to see Take That!! We were offered standing tickets last year when they first went on sale but i thought it was a bit too close to my due date... wish i'd taken them now!!! i luuuurve Take That :love:have fun!
Am so excited to see Take That. I nearly didn't go as it was so close to my due date but got talked into and now am really looking forward to having an evening off and enjoying a night out with the girls! I've been to every tour since they reformed and went to the last one before Robbie left years ago so I can't wait to see them altogther again!!

Jake is really grumpy today and can't seem to get comfortable so I think he's got wind but can't get rid of it. I've just taken him out in the car for 30 mins to try to get him to drop off which worked for a while but now he's awake, straining and grunting again. He's not consiptated as he's been to the loo this morning and if anything it's a little loose so will keep my eye on him and will ring the HV if he's no different tomorrow.
Treeze alex has one on his eye.. midwife said it was what used to be known as a stork bite aswell.. she said it will fade over time and the most it will last is 2 years.. i know quite a few babys with them so havent worried too much. We were out till midnight last night and although alex slept fab while we were out he had quite a disturbed night because of it.. and has barely slept today so hopefully go back to our sort of routine tonight and he'Ll settle again.

He finally having a sleep with his nan rocking the moses basket.. ive told her not to do it a million times cos he expects me to constantly rock it at night now but she wont listen grrr... but seen as he hasnt slept today im letting her off this time. ive been sat out on the balcony for half hour but im burning so had to come back in .. i burn so easy so im just trying to get half hour out there everyday to get a break and a bit of sun :D
Jodie it sounds like Ella is improving with her sleep.

Roo, I hope you have a good time seeing Take That!! I hope he settles soon for you.

Treeze, pleased you have got into an exercise routine. Sounds like Emma is doing very well with her weight!!

Lea, I'm pleased you have got a sleep pattern sorted at night!

Beth, I hope Alex is more settled tonight!!

Right I am off to go feed Lucas and then sort tea out.

Wow, Owen only woke up for 1 feed at 2am after going to bed at 8. He just had his breakfast at 6.30am so I'm sat here typing this feeling like i've had a luxury sleep. Long may it last.
Wow Catty thats fab :D Bet you feel fab this morning !

We had a not so good night.. bloody MİL has got lil one used to being rocked in his moses basket constantly in the day when hes sleeping.. even though i tell her to stop as soon as hes asleep... but noo cant bloody listen to me.. so now as soon as i stop rocking him in the night he keeps waking up.. so normally he wakes up between 1-2 for a feed and is up for a max of 15 mins it taking me an hour to get him down again grrr.. dont you just love mils :S

ahh well shes got him for 15 mins now so i can have a look on here and a nice shower before we go out for a bit today :D
Wow Catty thats fab :D Bet you feel fab this morning !

We had a not so good night.. bloody MİL has got lil one used to being rocked in his moses basket constantly in the day when hes sleeping.. even though i tell her to stop as soon as hes asleep... but noo cant bloody listen to me.. so now as soon as i stop rocking him in the night he keeps waking up.. so normally he wakes up between 1-2 for a feed and is up for a max of 15 mins it taking me an hour to get him down again grrr.. dont you just love mils :S

ahh well shes got him for 15 mins now so i can have a look on here and a nice shower before we go out for a bit today :D

Oh and alex is 7 weeks old today :D :dance: hes defo growing too quick.. i keep saying i dont want anymore but if he doesnt slow down im gonna have to have another lol :D ....its so nice to see both my boys play together already though.. his big brother loves him and says he is his best friend ... we'll see if he still loves him when he gets old enough to nick his toys !
Can't believe it has been 7 weeks since you had Alex!! You will have to pin the MIL down so she doesn't rock Alex lol!!

Catty, I bet you feel wide awake today after that sleep!! I hope it lasts for you!!

I am hoping the sun keeps on shining as it looks gorgeous out there today and just the right temp.

I gave Louie his last feed at about 10.30 last night and he didn't wake for his next feed until about 4am and then just before 8am. That's the best he has done, although he takes a while to get himself to sleep as I'm trying to avoid him falling asleep in my arms. I've just gotten him back to sleep in his swing so. Can go have my brekkie cos he wouldn't let me put him down before lol xx
We had a better night last night. Jake went to bed at 9.45pm and didnt wake until 2.15am, then woke again at 5.30am. He now lets me put him down awake and will get himself off to sleep. Although he seems to forget how to get off to sleep in his crib at 5.30 in the morning and can only sleep in our bed then!
Treeze - thanks! I can't believe how big Emma is now! Yes Ella has stork bites on her forehead between her eyebrows, above her left eye and under her nose, I asked the doc about them at our six week check and she said that as their skin gets thicker you won't be able to see them unless they are really crying as that brings the blood vessels to the surface. V common and nothing to worry about and she said the other common place is on the back of their necks

Roo - :rofl: at Jake pooing on your friend - glad she took it ok! Great that you had a better night - enjoy visiting work today

Lea - what a result! Sleeping through :yay: I'm not too jealous :poke: How much does Tia weigh now? I read somewhere that they are capable of sleeping from 11pm to 6am when they reach 11lbs. Ella was 10lbs 6oz last week so we are nearly there and obviously she will miraculously start sleeping through at that point :clock:

Beth - sounds like your mil is a pain but you seem to be very patient with her! Hope you make her deal with alex at night when he won't sleep!! Or at least make the most of her helping in the day to get some time for yourself

Riot fox - thanks! Hows things with you?

Catty - isn't it amazing when you get just a bit more sleep! Ella only needed feeding once again last night and I've felt so much better yesterday and today - helped by the sun :)

Emma - well done on the sleep and feeding improving!
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Also Beth you got me thinking (again) about having another baby! How does everyone feel about it? Do you want more? Do you know when?

Our plan is to try and have a second about two years after having Ella so will probably start ttc when she's a year old. However I keep thinking I want another baby!!! But I don't really not yet because I want to enjoy Ella, lose all my baby weight first and have my body back for a while but when I watch things like one born every minute USA it makes me want one sooner! Crazy thoughts :eh:
Im good thanks Jodie. I'm getting into a sort of routine now. I wake up same time as OH (6am) so I can get a bath and get changed and then by the time I've done that he is usually awake and ready for his feed. He likes to be awake after that for a 5 minute play and then decides he is hungry soon after that lol!! He seems to cluster feed in the mornings. We always go for a nice walk in the afternoons. Hoping to go to some baby classes next week and socialise and meet other mums.

I always think about when I am going to have baby number 2 lol! I think I wanted Lucas to around 2-3 years old when we have the next one. I think that will be a nice age gap and Lucas will be able to walk confidently by then.

Pleased Louie and Jake slept well last night!!

i keep forgetting about this thread :(

hope all you ladies and LOs are doing great :)

Rhian is doing good and she is such a good baby she only wakes once in the night for a feed :)
Jodied are you crazy lol ... i cant imagine going through pregnancy all over again!! Maybe in a few years time! xx
cherelle LOL at the above post!! :rofl:

i'm the same jodie - i really want another one but on the other hand i CLEARLY remember saying to my hubby "I never want to go through this EVER AGAIN" immediately after the birth. When i popped to see my midwife with her thank you card I said to her if someone could guarantee me more pain relief next time i'd be up for another one now!!! (although that would be my 3rd!) She said if i went for a home birth i could get gas and air AND meptid so i guess that's worth bearing in mind.

I'm off to join that weight loss thread now! thanks for that! Also i think you might be right about that 11lb thing.. Since Emma's got a bit bigger she most nights having a feed before i take her to bed about 10pm and the just waking once at 4pm.. i almost think if i gave her a feed at 11ish she might make it to 5am or 6? I've put her back on the dentinox colic drops today as the last few days she's been doing her "go stiff as an ironing board and scream for several hours a day" routine! Can't believe she is younger than Ella by quite a few weeks and weighs more than her.. i want her to be newborn again - it's gone so quick!!!

She has been good today though - only woke at 10:30, 2:30pm, 7pm for bath and bottle and been asleep since.. hope i'm not in for a bad night after saying how good she is!!!!

just watched OBEM usa and off to bed soon - night all x x x
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Hi everyone!

As well as looking after Lily I'm marking exam papers with every free minute so I'm crap at getting on here and keeping up, then when I do I feel totally out of the loop and there's too much to read and reply to so forgive my ignorance! I was feeling all stressy about not having the time for anything, and it was making me bad tempered with her and meant I never took any time to just chill with her, but have got myself all sorted now and have been really enjoying cuddles and snoozes over the past few weeks. All the babies seem to be doing brilliantly, and it's amazing the differences already.

Lily is now feeding every three hours ish, though she has went four hours a couple of days recently when DH has been out and about with her. Whenever I take her out she wants feeding instantly as soon as we get anywhere though, have to take an expressed bottle to every appointment as she's guaranteed to start crying when we get there.

We're not in a proper night time routine though, because DH works shifts and some nights he can be up all night, so keep her up with him so he can do a feed to give me more sleep, and I don't go to bed until 2ish so she's up with me till late anyway most nights, but the last few nights she's just been sleeping and eating from around 9pm until 7-8am so hopefully that's her night time routine - I'll be very happy with that if it continues! It also varies where she sleeps on a night - maybe in her basket, or in the bed if she's too noisy in the basket, which is quite often. I didn't think I would ever co-sleep as was worried about squashing her or something, but actually it's amazing how aware you are and I don't move at all when she's next to me, but DH can't fall asleep next to her as he is like a sedated elephant.

She's now just over 7 weeks and was 9lb 11.5oz on Monday when she got weighed - last week she put on 9.5oz and the week before 12oz, so seems like she's ballooning! Not sure if that's normal or particularly fast, it seems it but it probably isn't.

Jodie - I also want another really soon - I can't imagine being pregnant while having her to look after, and having to do this again with another small child to look after, but I reckon people manage and it just seems much handier to have two close together in terms of them playing together and starting school around the same time, which will be very handy in terms of childcare etc. That said though, still haven't brought myself to dtd with hubby after having her yet so it might be a while lol.

Dentinox - I was going to give her some the other day but squirted a bit in her mouth and she firmly held the back of her throat shut and wouldn't swallow it and the dose is MASSIVE! n it's so thick - any tips on getting it down?

And pooing!! My MIL changes nappies on her knee as she's an ex-childminder and a 'pro'. I'm sure she doesn't try to make me feel bad but when I was pregnant it seemed like she was always reminding me how good she was at looking after kids. Anyway, she changed Lily's nappy the other day when she'd done a shit bomb (I DID warn her and offer to do it!) and it went all over her skirt, top, bra and she told me when she got home it was on her legs and boobs too :lol:. That day Lily also puked on the cat and down DH's back haha.

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