May babies!!!! (or April, or June - everyone welcome as we were tri3 together!)

PP - You're not too far away then PP!! Finally somebody that lives near me!! Was it Amanda that lived in Sheffield?

Treeze - Emma looks so content in the bath. Lucas is starting to like them now. He loves cuddles afterwards!!

Pinky mum - Pleased you have caught up on your sleep!!

Pınky hope you had a nice day of sleep :D
Catty my lil one must poo about 10 times a day.. hes like a poo machine! he went half a day without going and was in pain with his belly.. when he finally went it was a monster poop ! lol

I gave my two boys a bath together the other day they loved it :D Lo lies down in the water and i just support his head.. he loves it quite deep so hes completely covered in water...

I understand all the girls with the lonelyness.. my hubby works from 8am till at least 8pm every day although the last week its often been 10-12pm as his brothers had a week off. So we dont see a lot of him. We managed to get him to have sunday off for fathers day which was fab and he finished at 7 last night and we all went out for a meal for our anniversary :D Thankfully Im quite used to him working long hours as it was the same last summer... he normally finishes for 5 in the winter. He bought me a gorgeous gold bracelet for our anniversary and i got him a card lol...:D

Ohh well Lo is asleep across my belly gonna go and try to put him down although he usually wakes up when i do but need to vac and mop and do my eldest some brekkie... xx
Beth I would hate it if my OH worked those hours. You do so well!! xx
Ahh he does it for us though riotfox so i dont mind too much... He opened his own business last year so its been hard work but hes doing well now thankfully just long hours... Its not too bad in the winter and at least we can normally get out and about in the summer although its too bloody hot atm. Ive got his mum and one of his sisters coming here for a couple weeks end of this week then my sister and husband are over for a week in july so i generally manage to keep us amused. Plus our house is rather big so theres always plenty cleaning to be done :roll: and of course washing the washing and ironing of 5 males lol
At least you do get out and about then and have visitors to keep you occupied. I bet it's nice having sunny weather apart from when it is too hot. xx
Aww Treeze i love your bath pics! Ifan loves his baths now too :-) He loves having his big mop of hair washed!

My stitches havent hurt at all today! And i took some fibre stuff to clear me out so after a painful toilet trip with piles (sorry tmi!) im feeling so much better. Being constipated was getting painful!

We met up with Purple hippy today and went to a breastfeeding group. It was good to get out - we walked for over an hour which would have burned some calories and it was great to get some adult conversation!! x
knock knock can i come in please i know i wasnt a may mummy but i feel like i belong here
aw glad your feeling a bit better down below cherelle.. it's a flippin nightmare what with piles, stitches, the bleeding etc!!! my piles have eventually gone over the last couple of days... they were just the worst!!! My bleeding has virtually stopped now too!

There's just so much going on down there after you've had a baby hey?!

My bathrom shelf has seen more medicines over the last 3 weeks than the local pharmacy!!! what with moist toilet wipes, ointments, painkillers, maternity pads and pantyliners and suppositories.. at least i've been able to ditch the gaviscon now though!!!

i'm still amazed that 3 weeks down the line and virtually everything is back to normal and healed already... and our little babies are soooooo worth it!!!
Aww, treeze, I love your pics of little Emma - especially the first one, where she is covering her modesty with a pink sponge!! Bless her cottons, that is soooo cute! xx
aah thanks lea554 - yes the pink sponge was just the right size really! I put quite a few pics on facebook so i'm always careful about which ones of the kids i put on there and make sure they're all covered up!! she loved it in the big bath x x x
:wall2: need a rant :-(

Ella has always been bf but from as soon as we came home from hospital she's had one bottle of expressed milk a day - she's always been a but fussy - won't always take much has to be right temp etc but yesterday and today she has screamed :-( seems like she's getting really bad wind with the bottle and she's getting in a right state! Ended up feeding myself to calm her down tonight - feel si frustrated! Really need to keep going with a bottle so that I can go out and leave her occasionally but she was so upset and hubby is getting v stressed giving it to her!!

Any ideas? We are on tommee tippee size 2 teats - is it worth trying another bottle or teat? I've heard about dr Brown bottles (think that's right?) - are they any good for wind? xx
i think the medela bottles are the best for breast fed babies they are more expensive but are meant to be excellent they have to suck the same as they do on the breast, the tommee tippee might be flowing too quick for her so she might gulp and take air at the same time tbh i think TT bottles are rubbish ive just changed Rhians to avent but she is FF

Rhian now weighs 6lb 9oz she gained 7.5oz :) she also passed her hearing test today and i got discharged from the midwives :) i left her for the 1st time too only half hour though as i went to a meeting at my dd school to find out what happens on the transition day for high school
Jake was weighed today and now weighs 10lbs 8ozs! He's never lost any weight since birth.
We're off to register his birth tomorrow, then my nan is coming to stay with my dad for a couple of days so Jake will meet his great granny!
Jodied i use the Dr Brown bottles and would deffo recommend for wind!! Also id use a size 1 teat x

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