May babies!!!! (or April, or June - everyone welcome as we were tri3 together!)

Aww thats a lovely idea treeze but would cost me a fortune too.. i had 1 in the morning, 2 different for most the day then i had 1 different as the night staff came on and 2 students with her.. so i couldnt afford it lol...

Jodie thats a fab idea! How about a pf holiday to turkey?? haha .... its defo gorgeous weather :D

Alex still not sleeping well and eating lots.. ive been expressing about 3-4oz a day to give him for his last feed as i seem to be drained by then but he refused to take his bottle last night little rascal!

We went out for breakfast this morning by a big lake near us.. it was gorgeous the whole table was covered with things to eat and it only cost us abbout 11 pound :D... Hubbys now having a sleep on the sofa as I convinced him to have today off :D But hes got another airport transfer tonight grrr...
I can't believe Emma is in 3-6mth stuff! Ella is only just starting on her 0-3mth stuff and still wears some nb things!!!
Beth your breakfast sounds lovely!
I cooked lasagna for my daddy (and my mum, bro and hubby) :-)
i can't believe it either Jodie!! some of the dresses and tops etc are ok - it's more her lenth - her toes were jjust getting squashed in the 0-3 babygros!! I just spotted your cruise pics on your facebook page and thought "i recognise that ship?"... we went on the Oriana in 2006 for my 30th birthday.. it was fantastic but we ran up a small fortune on that little card they give you to pay for stuff!! We loved having pimms in Tiffany's Bar before dinner with the piano playing, and the posh nights were brilliant - loved getting all dressed up! Where abouts did you go? We went round the Norweigan Fjords...

well Emma is 3 weeks old today and I finally feel like I'm getting back to normal now! Have made Emmas Baby Announcement cards on the computer, written the midwives thank you cards, sent off the application for child benefit so just the child trust fund to go now i think?!! just need to get back to my swimming and find a slimming club and I'm sorted!!!
Hey girls

Hows everyone?

Me and Ifan are quite lonely today - his daddy has gone back to work! :-( Im also still suffering with my stitches and have horrible constipation pains but i can go its too painful! Im hoping the health visitor will give me some advice tomorrow because i cant get through to the doctors x
Treeze - we went on the oriana on our honeymoon :) it was a med cruise but included Venice and Dubrovnik which were fantastic. We had an amazing time and met a fabulous couple who we've become really good friends with. I love the dressing up and having cocktails before dinner! Ella was conceived during the cruise :dance:

Cherelle - sorry to hear you are feeling lonely Hun big :hug: it takes a few days to get into a routine when its just you and babba. My days are generally, feed then express whilst Ella is on my bed kicking, then I do my wii fit either with her in the rocking chair or in bed if she's ready for a nap, shower and then get a few house jobs done - washing out, dishwasher on etc before she is due for her next feed. Then I try to go out somewhere - today we are meeting some ladies from my NCT group for lunch, then more jobs when we get home e.g. Ironing and cooking tea, plus obviously a few occasions of sneaking on the iPad and onto pf during quiet moments. I would go mad if I didn't go somewhere every day even if it's just a walk to the shops it's good to get out and Ella seems happier too xx
I don't think I'm going to get out most of the week. Sitting waiting on courier company coming to collect my travel system as it's faulty so need to wait on a replacement which they won't send until they have received the faulty one... Great!
I'm quite lonely too, especially cos I'm stuck in the house. And Louie is extremely grumpy these days as he's either colicky or has lots of trapped wind that won't shift. Hoping infacol will start taking effect soon.
I wanted to get my midwife a card as she was brilliant and I felt she totally understood the pain I was in and whenever I needed a top up on epidural she was so quick to sort it. Very supportive. I only know that her name is Claire so when I'm at the hospital next week for Louie's appointment I'm going to see if someone could take the card to her in labour suite. She missed Louie being born by half an hour and said she would come see me when her shift started the following night but she must have been busy with labours.
I desperately want my stitches to mend soon, I'm so sick of being uncomfortable. If I have another baby and they say they want me in theatre to do mid cavity forceps again I'm refusing and saying I want a section lol. X
Finally updated first post - sorry cherelle I was rubbish!! Isn't it funny that it was all the girls who came early in April and the boys were stubborn and waited until June! x
really? Awww Ifan is good as gold now hes on the outside lol! I think hes just so placid he couldnt be bothered to come out on time!

I deffo need to try and get out more now OH has gone back to work. I cant wait until hes old enough to go swimming. Im going to go to some groups i think - theres a few breastfeeding ones near me. Wish i had friends with babies round here! Its frustrating that 3 of my oldest friends has newborns but they live back in Nottingham where im from :-( x
Sorry to butt into the May Mummies thread, but I've been reading how Emma and Cherelle are feeling and I'm in the same boat.
OH works from home but is out a lot of the time so on Friday, Saturday and Sunday I was on my own and I felt really lonely.
I made sure I had something to do everyday to get us both out of the house, but still felt lonely.
My HV tells me there are plenty of groups I can join when I feel ready.
OH is having to stay away for a couple of nights next week which I am dreading. Little Jake is a good boy at night and normally sleeps 3-4 hours between feeds so I do get some sleep but am just dreading being in the house by myself with the baby overnight. How ridiculous is that? Single parents manage fine so there's no reason why I shouldn't!
That's not ridiculous Roo! It sounds silly but I get really lonely doing night feeds cos I feel like I'm the only person in the world awake lol silly I know. Xx
Sorry to hear that you ladies are feeling down. My OH goes back to work tomorrow so I don't know how I will find it. I think it will be a lot easier for us when we start going to groups and getting out and about with other mums.

When would it be best to start joining groups? I don't want to take him when he is too young but it would be nice to socialise with other mums. Pity we all don't live in the same area as we would have been able to meet up. xx
I'm quite lucky that OH gets up and does the second night feed allowing me to sleep but I know what you mean Emma it can feel as though you're the only one awake!

I know I'm complaining about feeling lonely, but I'm also getting annoyed with visitors!! Everyday someone wants to come and see Jake which wouldn't be a problem but they always want to come whilst he's sleeping. There's no point visiting when he's asleep as I won't let people pick him up incase they disturb his sleep. If he's awake I'm handing him over to them but when he's asleep it's a different story. I've started to tell people not to bother coming round cos he's asleep.
I'm in S****horpe which is in North Lincolnshire and I'm sure I've never seen anybody from around this area. I'm about 50 minutes from Meadowhall in Sheffield if anybody has heard of that. xx

I'm about 1 minutes away from Sheffield and I think about 45 mins from S****horpe. I'm sure there was someone else on here from Sheffield but I can't remember who:shock:

Can anyone give me any tips on how to cope with tiredness? It's really hitting me at the moment and I've got my hubby doing one of the feeds so I'm actually getting a good 5/6 hours. Not sure how I can improve this but I am up from 4/5am so by the time it gets to 12pm I'm knackered!!

Riotfox, start getting to the groups now. Even though he's only young it will start you off getting to know people.

Roo, that's not ridiculous and I felt the same when DH had to leave us to go on courses. I think I went to bed just after the kids went so I wasn't downstairs on my own.

Cherelle, have you had a look on mumsnet to see if there are any local meetups near you? Or a surestart that do activities? Big hugs to you.

Emma, I got my midwife a card, flowers and a bottle of wine. She saw me all way through pregnancy and I went into labour when she came on shift and did afterwards with me and Sam too. She said that she had never received any gifts before and was overwhelmed. Bless.

Treeze, do they still do the Child Trust Fund? I thought the government had pulled it. They've done away with the baby element on tax credits :mad:

Jodie, sounds like you had a good day at Ascot.

Sorry I've not replied to everyone, I've only gone back so far with the posts.

I had Sam weighed last week and he was 11lb 8oz!! I was shocked and asked the HV to double check! I know he was a big baby at birth but honestly didn't think he had put that much weight on. I think he's got baby eczema at the minute, we've got a Dr's appointment tomorrow so hopefully we'll get some cream to put on it.

Hopefully try and catch up with you all later. :wave:
I know how everyone feels with the loneliness. We go to breatfeeding group on Tuesdays and I look forward to it all week.

PP - Owen weighs about that now. he hasn't been officially weighed for a few weeks but we take him on the scales with us and he seems to be about 11 1/2 pounds. He has grown out of all of his newborn and 1 month clothes and some of his 0-3 months are a bit tight but that's mainly because we have switched to reusable nappies and they are so much bulkier.

How often do people's bf babies poo? Owen was going multiple times per day but has suddenly started only going every couple of days. This is apparently normal but horrific when he does actually poo. I had to hold him in the toilet and flush it last time as it was the only way to get all the poo off him. His legs, feet, back and bum were covered in it and it kept coming out into the toilet. Does anyone have any tips for how to deal with mega poos?
Hello all..

Well, I have written out my midwives cards and rung the ward. One of the midwives who was at the birth is on duty Wednesday at 9pm and they said I can go and see her to give her the cards and vouchers. Have to record the Apprentice lol!!

Just given Emma a bath and thought I’d try her in the big bath and she LOVED it… Josie hopped in with her at the end too and she thought it was brilliant having a bath with her little sis! Only did a shallow one to begin with and used the Jellybaby support which is brilliant – so much easier with her laying down so I had both hands free to wash her and do her hair properly!!

Cherelle & Emma – aw I do feel for you with the stitches… mine were really sore but I’m pleased to say that today for the first time I was able to wipe with normal loo roll again and it didn’t hurt at all – finally – so hopefully you won’t have too much longer to wait.. I can’t believe how quickly your body can heal (although it feels like ages when you’re in pain) – at one point my stitches/tear was gaping open and looked awful but now it’s virtually all back to normal and it’s 3 weeks today since I had Emma. I deffo found that laying on the bed with a fan blowing at my bits was a relief and helped it to heal.

Cherelle – I’ve got pains when I need a poo too.. I did used to get poo cramps before I was pregnant but these are quite fierce sometimes.. soon as I go they go away though. What do you reckon it is?

Pinkpanther – ooh I think you’re right! Just checked on the direct gov website and it’s only for babies born up to 2nd Jan this year! Oh well.. I’ll still open one as I’ve got some money from family to open one with..little Emma will have some catching up to do for her account to match Josies! (my 4 year old)… I just missed out on that health in pregnancy grant by a few weeks too!!!!

Jodie – ahw lovely that Ella was conceived on your honeymoon. Everyone thinks Josie was conceived when we went on the cruise but it was actually about 2 weeks after we got back! We made friends with the couple who shared our table for the evening meal.. they were about our age and live in Wales. I’m SURE they look at the passenger list and match up the younger couples for dining… was it all OAP’s on your cruise?!

Roo3 – visitors are driving me nuts too! I nearly lost the plot yesterday trying to get me, my 4 year old and Emma up, washed and dressed AND tidy the house while hubby went zooming round asda to get yet MORE shopping to feed everyone lunch!!! Thankfully that’s it now… I was nearly in tears tidying up saying “no more EFFIN visitors after today!”

Sorry for the long waffling post!!! Here’s some pics…


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Catty I bottle feed but know what you mean about the horrific poo. Louie only goes about once a day now, sometimes twice but OMG this morning was terrible. His nappy was full and it was green, not sure if that's normal but took me forever to sort him xx
Sorry girls haven't had much time to get on and read. Emily has been away the whole day and I've been catching up with sleep and enjoying me time. Will be on soon promise!


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