May babies!!!! (or April, or June - everyone welcome as we were tri3 together!)

Aww treeze sounds like you had a tough morning!

Ascot was fab once we got there but it took hours to get there!! Thankfully I was in a car with some lovely ladies and we had a good old natter and catch up. I did miss Ella obviously but wasn't too worried - she was absolutely fine albeit a bit fussy about milk during the day.

Lea554 hope you had a better nights sleep - Ella is so much better than she used to be - not sure what time she was fed before I got home at 9.30pm when I put her to bed but she slept until 12.45am then was fed, went back down easily, fed again at 4.45am and then went back down until 7am when she came in for cuddles and a little fed and she's been asleep on me in bed since then!
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bit of a better day today.. even managed to put josies hair in plaited pigtails AND get Emma into a little outfit in time to take josie to nursery at 8:45 instead of her still being in her babygro like most days! I know that doesn't sound like much of an achievement but I was pleased with myself!!lol!

Got to get the results of Emmas poorly eyes from docs today.. since about 2 days old she has had really pussy eyes and they look so red and sore. bathed them with salt water for the first week or 2 but they still didn't get better so took her to docs on tuesday and they gave her antibiotic eye drops which seem to have done bugger all. So they said I might have to take her back today depending on the swab results. Had a little look online and i'm wondering if it's just her tear ducts which haven't opened yet.. oh well should find out a bit more today.

i'm going back into work at Asda for a couple of hours tomoro to help with a fun day they're doing for the local hospice.. I'm doing face-painting and balloon modelling! looking forward to getting out for a few hours and hubby can have daddy-time with his girls!!!

here's a pic of Emma in her little outfit today. Josie wore this when she was about 3 months old but it already fits Emma - in fact the trousers are already a bit short!!! Can't wait to find out her length - she seems very long compare to josie.. think it's 6 weeks they do the length.

Have a nice weekend all of you x x x


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Well, we just had our first baby massage today, and Tia was so good - didnt cry once in the whole hour, bless her. We only done her legs and feet today, but she fell asleep in my arms pratically as soon as were done, slept for the next 3 hours, woke for a feed and has gone straight back to sleep again!!
Thinking I may try this massage thing before bedtime, see if it works!

Been using the baby monitor as well, but not sure if its better not having it - we live in a flat, with the bedroom doors next to each other, and I was leaving both doors open. Got woken up by her having a really random scream blaring from the monitor, before complete silence?! Once I listened and heard she was back to sleep, I switched my handheld bit off so I could get some peace, lol - completly defeats the point of a baby monitor but never mind!
Hope everyone else is well today xxxx
Baby massage sounds really good. I may have to look for a baby massage class when Lucas is a little bit older. xx
Aww cute outfit treeze, my midwife measured alex on the first home visit then health visitor did him again on her visit. He was 60cm so very long !..

We still not sleeping very much and eating lots.. ım trying to pump but im still having to do all feeds as hubby is working from 8am till about 10pm most days.. plus he does airport transfers pick ups and drop offs from airport to resort etc and he has to take my mum to the airport at 1am then he has a group of 6 russians to take at 5am so i cant exactly ask him to do anything. He generally works 7 days and his brother works for him but his brothers had the week off so hes been even busier. Hes promised me hes either gonna have sunday off for fathers day or our anniversary monday (might try and convince him to have both as long as his brothers back) :D
well after about 10 phonecalls to the doctors the very nice lady doctor we was called back to say the swabs confirm both eyes infected and she's got blocked tear ducts.

The antibiotics they gave me on tues aren't doing anything and the doc wanted to prescribe something else but it not available to dispense at the moment.. so we've got to just stick to the drops they gave us tuesday and stop using salt water to bathe her eyes as the tissue around the eyes is all swellin gup now.. poor little girl she screams when she has to have the drops or all the gunk wiped away - hope these antbiotics start working soon. Got to go back Tuesday if no improvement.

Oh and I've got to do tear duct massage on her too!
Aww poor Emma hope her eyes get better soon!

Sounds like Tia loved the massage - might have a look to see if there is anything like that round here

Beth I hope your hubby manages to get at least one day off - how many years are you celebrating?

Not much to report today, caught up on some much needed sleep then I bought the stuff to do some hand/footprints from Ella which I have framed for fathers day for hubby, my dad and hubby's dad - quite pleased with the end result :-)
Have seen that some pf mums meet up and wondered whereabouts everyone lives - would be lovely if some of us could meet - I'm between Winchester and Southampton in Hampshire? Anyone nearby?!? Xx
Im in Cardiff - i dont think anyone else is round this way apart from purple hippy? x
Im in Turkey so no where near anyone?? anyone coming on holidays :D ??

Glad you had a good day jodie.. we've decided hes having Monday off as we need to take our eldest for an injection and get Lo che<ked so can pop down the docs on Monday. Its our first anniversary :D I noticed on his calender at work hes got wrote on the few days before to remind himself to buy flowers :D I love flowers :D ...

Ohh Lo just waking up hes just had a nice 1.5 hr nap on the sofa without having to be cuddles so ive cleaned all through downstairs :D But now its food time again lol x
Im in Turkey so no where near anyone?? anyone coming on holidays :D ??

Glad you had a good day jodie.. we've decided hes having Monday off as we need to take our eldest for an injection and get Lo che<ked so can pop down the docs on Monday. Its our first anniversary :D I noticed on his calender at work hes got wrote on the few days before to remind himself to buy flowers :D I love flowers :D ...

Ohh Lo just waking up hes just had a nice 1.5 hr nap on the sofa without having to be cuddles so ive cleaned all through downstairs :D But now its food time again lol x

Il meet up with u hun when I bring little over to altinkum to my mums place! But looks like we won't be going to June next year due to work / money but if ur around then we could do something :)
Aww fab. im always around :D have i got you on facebook yet?

its soo hot this june aswell so guessing summers gonna get really hot :S x

I don't live there now but I'm from Southampton and visit family and friends there a fair bit. I'll let you know next time i'm down and maybe we could meet up. I would love to meet some pf ladies, I feel like I know you and your babies so well I sometimes forget we have never met.

Im in Devon, so no one is near me :-( What about bristol as a meeting point, or is that a bit of a pain for people to get too? x
I'm in S****horpe which is in North Lincolnshire and I'm sure I've never seen anybody from around this area. I'm about 50 minutes from Meadowhall in Sheffield if anybody has heard of that. xx
Beth - I think we should all come on holiday to Turkey!! :oooo:

Catty - definitely let me know if you are down this way and we must meet up for coffee or something!

Lea - Bristol wouldn't be too hard to manage - maybe when our Los are a bit bigger!

Riot fox - my hubby comes from yorkshire and he calls it meadow hell!
cor i'm exhausted... went into work to do the fun day facepainting today.. did 11 til 3 and only had about 3 kids wanting their faces painting... then at about 10 to three all of a sudden EVERYONE wanted their kids faces doing! There were 7 in the queue and even though a member if staff stood at the end stopping people from joining the queue it still took til 4pm to get them all finished! oh well a few hours clocked up for when i go back in January.. Hubby got on well with the girls and i bought Josie a big bucket of candy floss home (then sat and helped her eat it lol!)...

I'm in Colchester so i don't think anyone is near me.

Did any of you get thank you cards/pressies for your midwife? I have got 3 cards and 3 x £10 debenhams vouchers for the 3 midwives who were at the birth (student who delivered Emma, the 20 year old who was sort of in charge and the midwife who did my stitches). They were all so good i wanted to get them a little something... i just can't think what to put in the cards (i know - not like me to be stuck for something to write eh?). At the time I was cursing the 3 of them for not letting me have an epidural, taking my gas and air away and moaning about the local anaesthetic not working for my stitchesso i guess it's really a "thank you for putting up with me" type message i should write lol!!! any ideas?

Just put Emma to bed in her little gro-bag for the first time. And had to dig out some of Josies old 3-6 months sleepsuits as she's too long for the 0-3 already! She's not even 3 weeks yet!
I think I had about 10 different midwives at some point during my pregnancy and labour so it would cost me a fortune! That's a lovely thought though.

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