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  • Awwwk :( is it friday your due? Yeah we're ok, can't wait for him to be here now! I'm terrified mind you :lol: xxx
    Its ok hun lol, i always miss notifications on here. Awww thanks was dead chuffed with the video and pics a got like it was amazing! First peek only do it in very few places. You will love the scan...enjoy every minute! Look forward to seeing pics :) xxx
    I just realised I never replied to you.. like 6 weeks ago lol!! Sorry :(

    115 seems good, especially getting the pics and the dvd :) I watched your little video of her when you had your scan, it's amazing she's so cute!

    Yeah going with babybond, scans tomorrow :D:D It was 170, I think they are a bit dearer than other places but we just chose them cause we know where it is so we wont get lost haha and they were good last time too.. I should have had a look on the one you went with aswell though cause 115 seems great x
    Yeah they're great, I love watching the videos on youtube too :)

    I think we will try get one, 20 weeks seems too long to wait to see baby again lol.. Is it Babybond your going with?

    Awww I know I hate peopleon facebook that just like a nosey! Pisses me off haha x
    Haha I'm the same, takes me ages to realise!

    Aww it will be amazing, can't wait to see your pics of her :) I get excited for other peoples 3D scans, how sad am I?!

    Was just on your FB there, I've spent all morning deleting idiots off it and people I dont even know lol!

    Hiya Shauna :) Just seen your test thread! OMG! How are you holding out? You must be going crazy - it's a shame the photos are so blurred xx
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