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  • I'm great thanks :) Feeling a bit more chirpy, certainly. They opened up the assisted section on the forum so there is a couple of girls in there now chatting away about our woes. How is.... satsuma?
    Hey Hun, just read your thread, I hope your ok! I've just sent your Doppler off so should be with you soon! x x
    Omg Loulou - that's a terrible coincidence :( Sorry your holiday is cut short and your daughters birthday will be a sad day xx
    I wish i was going somewhere nice lol Weather has turned good too :) Yeah i suppose it does kind of distract you from yourself for a while when someone horrible happens to someone you know :( I'm doing alright thanks, just getting on with the babymaking but all the BFPs are getting to me a little. I want a BFP too! lol xx
    I know, nevermind - reality had to hit i guess ;) A car show? Buying/selling cars or like racing and stuff? COrnwall sounds like a lot of fun :) Hell of a drive! What is she seeing in Cornwall?
    I got my BFN today :( No AF yet but i think 87% accuracy can't be ignored haha :) Oh well. I could do with a holiday! :) Where are you off to this time?
    Hey loulou, sorry about the witch getting you. I hope you're not taking it too badly. At least you get two weeks of chill time and a bottle of wine to get through ;)
    OMG LOULOU! I am mortified! My husband is pissing himself at how red i am lol It was a really sweet thought though, so thanks xx
    I was going off your sig etc :) Re the doctor, i think just wait until you can test again and see if you get your positive. I keep forgetting you had your coil out not long back, so who knows what effect it might be having.
    Well, you not really due on yet anyway - not for another 3ish days. Yeh, just playing the waiting game :)
    Well, i've never "spotted" ever. I'm either on or i'm not, so i reckon it's more hopeful than my symptoms which amount to PERIOD cramps, PERIOD boobs, PERIOD clear skin, PERIOD cm :( My money is still on you if either of us haha :)
    Hiya :) How you feeling today? It's getting close isn't it - finally! Nearing the end of our first 2ww. I'm grasping at straws now, i have cramps and no egcm so i'm hunting for people that had the same but still got their BFP... We live in hope :)
    Implantation is 6-12DPO, aren't you 12 DPO today? It's still too early for me but i'm really sure it's not my month, most of my pregnancy symptoms have all but gone and i'm left with the usual period stuff :( If i get pregnant i won't tell you until you catch haha ;)
    Oh come on Lou - you don't know... you really don't know. People have bleeds all throughout pregnancy and it's a sign of implantation. And even if it is your period, it's your first go and you just got your coil out - at least you've learned so much about how sympoms can play tricks and maybe change things around when ttc. Not catching on your first try doesn't mean anything sweetie xx
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