May babies!!!! (or April, or June - everyone welcome as we were tri3 together!)

Catty youre not a bad mother at all!! Its hard to remember feeds in the night, ive started writing them in a book so i know exactly when he was last fed and how much he had but when youre sleep deprived its easy to make mistakes!

I feel annoyed at myself that ive been constantly holding/cuddling/playing with Ifan all day every day - even when hes asleep and its making him clingy.
When OH looks after him he has a cuddle or a play and then put him down for a while for tummy time or on his swing or play mat and he seems happy enough and my OH can just keep an eye on him while hes doing other things. I need to let go so i can get some housework and stuff done! x
You are not a bad mother Catty. I usually leave Lucas on his playmat while I put the washing out and little things like that. As long as you know that they are happy.

Roo definitely try Sure start centres like Catty suggested. Thats what I keep trying. Lucas has started doing little smiles as well.

Cherelle I'm sure you will eventually get there. He is only small and cute at this age.

Well I took Lucas to the baby clinic today and he was 9lb 2oz. He was 6lb 13oz at birth which was just over 4 weeks ago so he has definitely packed it on lol!! Also took him into school which was nice although he was fast asleep for most of the time so only 2 people got a cuddle. A parent nearly tried to hold him at the end of the day but I stood my ground and said I would rather not her hold him. Why do random people think they can hold your baby??

Hey ladies

Beth - I'm glad you are able to take advantage of your mil helping out (there has to be some advantages in having her there lol!) - poor alex having a bad dream :eh:

Roo - that's fab that jakes started smiling! It's so lovely when they do :) I hope you manage to find a baby group to go to

Riot fox - that's a great weight gain for Lucas!

Catty - dont think Ella listened about the sleep! She basically took nothing at her 11pm dream feed last night :wall2: so I was up at 12.15am!! To be fair after that she only woke up once at 4.15am so not too bad but think we might do a proper bottle at 11pm tonight rather than trying to do it in her sleep. You are definitely not a terrible mother! It's great that Owen is so content

Cherelle - I think it's fine to give little Ifan lots of cuddles as he's still only young! Soon enough he will want to be kicking about on his mat rather than being held so make the most of mummy cuddles

Cantstop - I'm glad baby massage was good! Ella was fine after her jabs thank you - she has just been really sleepy all day which I guess is her way of dealing with it

Stretch marks arrgh! I was really chuffed as I thought I'd avoided them but when I had given birth they were red and angry on my tummy :-( I think they are fading a bit - purple now rather than red - anyone think bio oil is worth the money as I might buy some if so?! Been using cocoa butter for now.

Not much to report here, had a frustrating afternoon waiting in for bt - had slot 12pm to 2pm but actually arrived at 5pm and didn't leave until 6.30pm and didn't achieve anything at all so he's coming back tomorrow morning!! :wall2::wall2: on the plus side I have such a lovely well behaved little girl that she hardly grumbled at all despite being stuck inside all day!

Apart from that I can't stop thinking about having another baby :oooo:
Jodie, I can't stop thinking about having another one either but if I even mention it to OH or anyone else they will take the pee as I said there was no way I was having another one after my horrendous labour but I just want to be pregnant again!!!!
Roo I was debating the ins and outs of when we should ttc the other day with hubby and think he just wanted me to shut up in the end!! I've started a thread in wtt as that's what I feel like I'm doing!! Still loving being a mummy to Ella though and don't want another just yet! I'm also surprised how I'm thinking that I would like more than two children. We've always said two and practically there are lots of reasons to stop at two but I'm not sure i only want one more pregnancy, baby etc. Guess it will depend - if we have a little boy next time I think I might be content to stop! But maybe not!! X
I've always wanted a little girl so I think we'll probably end up trying for one more but not for another year at least. I want Jake to be a little older first. Although I don't know what would happen if we had another boy as I don't think we'd want more than 2! I honestly can't believe that I am typing this when Jake is only a month old!! :shock:
It's crazy isn't it :shock:

I always imagined having one of each and I would have been so upset of I hadnt had a girl so I feel v lucky that I got my girly but I knownhubby would love a little boy so if it's a girl next time then maybe try for a little man on the third?!?
Knowing my luck I'd have boys every time and end up with about 8 kids!
Don't have the energy to read and reply to most posts.

Catty, don't feel guilty, id get nothing done in the house ever I'f I played, held Emily all the time. I take her in her bouncy chair round the house with me while I'm doing stuff, sometimes I Sing and chat to her, sometime I just leave her to amuse herself. She isn't really playing or grabbing things yet. Should she be?
I bought the really expensive gingerbread mamas and papas play mat - she doesn't really like it. She just loves her bouncy chair and it cost 15 quid lol.

I'm starting to struggle though, have already mentioned this on fb. Emily goes to sleep between 8.30/9 but most of the time I can't sleep till just after 11. Now she's started hack ing get one feed at 4am. Once I feed her I'm awake, well I'm not really awake, I'm tired but I can't settle. Some nights I'll settle just after half 6 and then Emily is awake again at half 7. Sorry for repeating myself. I was on long term sleeping tablets for 8 years till I was 12 weeks pregnant very rarely had a full nights sleep through pregnancy and so I have no idea if my body can be woken and then naturally get back to sleep. Gp is calling me later in the week.
Anyway, I want a few hours break and that's not going to happen.
Pinky- sorry to hear you're having a bad time. Can your Mum take Emily for a few hours so you can have a break and get some sleep?

I've just been out for lunch with a friend todayl. Left Jake with his Daddy so I could have a proper catch up.

Jake just fell asleep on OH so we decided to put him in his crib to sleep for the first time during the day. He's completely sparked out so I can try and get some jobs done this afternoon.

Jake's also started holding his head up for longer periods of time. He doesn't look newborn anymore. My little boy is growing up!! :(
Thanks roo, that's good news he's sleeping in his crib during the day :) how old is he now? I'm on my phone so cant see tickers.

Put Emily in her own room last night, went down just after 9 and woke for a feed at 5. But I've been awake since 4am!!!! My gp has given me some print outs on how to tackle sleep problems - that's great but it's finding the time to read it. If Emily is sleeping, I'm having to choose between napping, cleaning, paperwork, laundry. Having some me time. and my concentration is awful!!!'

She's had a feed and is back in her basket in her room. She's making all her little noises. Not sure if I'll get back to sleep. Oh but mum and step dad are taking her all day Saturday :)

Today I have the dentist at 11.30, they said it's just a check up so hopefully we can get a plan to get all my teeth sorted. Then I'm meeting 2 mums from netmums. We're hoping to go to the park and then to the cafe in the park but it's raining just now so we may have to re think out plans.

Hope everyone and LO's are doing well
X x x x
Roo pleased Jake is progressing well. Lucas is so nosey. He will push his head right back to have a good look around.

I hope you manage to sort your sleep out soon Helen. At least you can rest tomorrow. Hope you have fun meeting up with the mums. It's always good to socialise.

I've moved Lucas into his 0-3 clothes as the newborn clothes had become too short for his body. However in 0-3 clothes the arms and legs are too long!! He makes it look cute though :)

I've been having some problems sleeping between feeds at night too Helen. I was hoping it was just a one off but it happened again last night. Jake normally wakes up at between 2.30am and 3.30am for his first feed at night, I do this feed normally. Once I've put him back to sleep I can't get back to sleep myself. I laid awake til about 5am this morning, then he woke up again at 6am for food (OH normally does that feed). I just can' seem to turn my mind off then.

I'm taking Jake to my Dads today as he's off on holiday for 2 weeks tomorrow. Dad has offered to watch Jake whilst I have a nap so will be taking him up on that offer.

It's good you've got Saturday to yourself Pinky and that you're getting together with other mums.

Jake is super nosey too Riotfox. When he's awake he's constantly looking around! I can't believe the change in him in under 5 weeks.
Aww pinky I hope you get some sleep soon.. i didnt sleep last night either.. i had a nap of about an hour yesterday afternoon and got into bed at 1am last night and finally dropped off after 4.. my bodys just not used to getting sleep in the day so i wont be doing that again.
My lil Alex seems to be sleeping soo much lately.. most of the day and quite well at night.. normally about 2 feeds a night.. 1st one only 10 minutes then 2nd about half an hour. I think its the heat thats making him sleep in the day but i dont mşnd aslong as he sleeps at night too... He was 8 weeks yesterday and I took him to get weighed and hes 13lb 8 oz :D im was really happy as i didnt manage to feed my first past 6 weeks so every extra week is fab :D and to be putting on all that weight just thanks to me makes me proud :D.. i do wish he would take a bottle of expressed milk so i wouldnt have to take him out with me every time. I had to go to the market today for the weekly veggies etc and its over 40degreescelcius out there .. the poor lil man was sweating so much.. if he would take a bottle i could just leave him wih my mil for the 1-2 hours that im gone. Any tips for getting him to take a bottle anyone? He wont take a dummy either.
Ahh well İve ramble enough .. hes got his jabs next week so hopefully theyll go fine :S And ohh i keep saying the 2 boys is enough but im starting to want another already! Ive always wanted 3 and im thinking if we have another quickly i can do the baby stage all in one instead of waiting 3 years again.. but then again if i have another i willl have to have baby in Turkey and thats what is putting me off more than anything !
Hello everyone....

God, doesnt time fly, I never seem to have the time to keep up on here anymore, but I do keep up to date via the fb group though.
Tia is now 11lbs,7oz, so still ickle for 3 months old. But she is very contented. She will sit with anyone for hours as long as she is kept entertained, and given diff things to look at!
She is sleeping rather well too - but this may be short-lived! Last nigth was from 10:30pm to 06:30am - although I dont think im switching off when i do sleep, as im waking up exhausted, if thats possible!

Think we have teeth coming through as well - front side of gum is bulging, and she is drooling loads, constantly has her hand in her gob, and keeps clutching at muslin cloths and trying to put them in her mouth. Just ordered an amber teething necklace, so shall see how that goes!

God, dont talk about saggy bellies, lol! I did get away with no stretchmarks - but I do still have that dark line, wonder when that goes.....

Beth, you are doing a fab job with Alex!! Not sure about how to get him to take bottles. That must be exhausting for you.

Lea, I can't wait until Lucas sleeps through the night!! I hope her teething doesn't upset her too much.

It was raining today and I decided to still go for a walk. It was quite nice actually walking in the rain in a weird way.

Well i got his weight completely wrong.. they told it me in kilos and i converted it wrong oops he is actuaşşy 13lb 14oz :D Hes feeding so well :D Just need to convince him a bottle of expressed milk would be nice once in a while..
We've had quite a boring weekend. On Friday I took Jake to see my Dad as Dad was off on holiday on Saturday and wanted to see Jake before he went.
Yesterday, Jake and I went for a walk in the village which Jake slept throughout the entire trip and today Jake and I have been to a friends house for a couple of hours this afternoon.

OH has been out all weekend and is away tonight and won't be back till late tomorrow night so it's just Jake and I. To be honest, I'm starting to get a little lonely. My best friend hasn't been to see Jake for weeks and hardly gets in touch any more, every time we talk it's because I've made the first move recently. I know she's busy so hopefully it's just that. OH is out so much at the moment I am by myself most of the time and when he is home we are both so tired we just snap at each other which is making us both miserable.

My boss called me last week and offered me 2 days work (spread over the week) for £200. I can't afford to turn the money down so Jake and I are going into work tomorrow to pick up the project. I just hope Jake naps for long enough periods during the days so I can get the work done although OH will be able to have him on Tuesday and Thursday and OH's mum can have him for a few hours on Wednesday if needs be.

Jake has been sleeping well recently and even slept from 9.30pm until 3.45am on Friday night, he didn't sleep as long last night but still slept for 4 1/2 hours. I've just put him down awake so hopefully he'll get himself off to sleep soon.
Hey all. Haven't been able to get online much lately - over the past several days Lily has been a right misery. She cries constantly unless held, and even then we have to keep sticking her dummy in and changing position etc. The other day she slept rubbish and yesterday she had no sleep at all during the day and same again today. She seems to need to poo but when mentioned to HV they say oh breastfed babies can go up to a week, it's normal etc, but she gets really uncomfy if she doesn't have one every day. The only rest I get is when she's on the boob, and I'm marking my last batch of exam papers too which is brutal in the amount I have to do each day, so could really do with her having day naps!

Hope everyone else is getting on well!

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