May babies!!!! (or April, or June - everyone welcome as we were tri3 together!)

Hey everyone
Lots of new posts so sorry can't reply to everyone!
On the really warm nights Ella was in a short sleeve and short leg bodysuit only and was fine, the last fe nights shes been in a vest and a 1 tog sleeping bag.
Sleeping is still hit and miss. Most nights I'm up twice but she can go longer so I'm hoping she will settle into that more often soon!
I can't believe she is over three months old now! Time has flown by.
Nice weather here today and we went to the zoo - I'm worn out after all that walking!
Jodie x
Jake was good as gold on our walk through the village and to the supermarket yesterday so we went out to the local shop this afternoon. He slept the whole time both times so has been completely oblivious about our little trips out.

Am off to Take That in an hour or so, and OH is in charge of Jake by himself for the first time. Am wondering how long he'll last before he ends up at his Mum's!
Cherelle - wow! That's a massive jump in a week, bless him! Lily put on 12oz in one week and we thought that was massive :lol:

Lily is 10lb 2.5oz today, and we're going to our first Baby Massage tomorrow morning. Fingers crossed she likes it and doesn't cry her eyes out!
Enjoy your baby massage Can't Stop.

Hope Take That was good Roo.

Hope you had fun at the zoo Jodie.

We are going to Wiggle and Play this afternoon. It is our first time we have been to a group so I hope it goes well.

Take That were brilliant last night. I sound like I should be working on an adult phone line my voice is that hoarse from all my screaming and singing last night!!

Jake wasn't very well behaved for his Daddy yesterday. Aparently he screamed from when I left at 4pm till about 10.30pm when he finally wore himself out enough to sleep. He had previously been sleeping for about 5 hours before waking for a feed, but last night only went 3 and a half.

I really enjoyed having some time away with my girly friends but really missed Jake so am looking forward to having lots of cuddles today to make up for it!

Have been to the hairdressers this morning, and will taking it easy for the rest of the day.

It's lovely and warm here today so might go for a walk with Jake a bit later on.
Riot fox hope you both enjoyed wriggle and play

Roo sounds like you had a great time at take that! Enjoy your walk

Cantstop how was the baby massage?

The zoo was lovely - had a leisurely walk round and then a picnic lunch in the shade of a big tree with Ella and the other little baby happily kicking on the blanket.

Ella has had her second lot of jabs this morning, but she seems fine so fingers crossed she will just be sleepy like last time. Also got her weighed and she's 11lbs 2oz now and the hv said she should really only be waking once in the night now for food. Hope Ella was listening because last night it was three times! 1.10am, 3.50am and 5.15am! Fingers crossed she's just going through a bit of a growth spurt and will settle into a better night time routine soon!

Off out to a bumps and babies class in a minute - just deciding whether to risk walking as it's looking a bit dark out :oooo:
Does anyone else miss being pregnant? I keep seeing pregnant women and feel jealous!! I've got no intention of ever getting pregnant again as I don't think I could ever go through labour again, but I really miss feeling Jake move around inside me.
Don't get me wrong, I'm so happy Jake is here and I am loving being a mummy and giving cuddles and kisses and just staring at him, but I really really miss my bump! Am I a complete weirdo???
I haven't seen any pregnant women since giving birth. I kind of miss feeling movement and kicking in my belly.

Jodie the class was okay but all the babies were at least 8 months old so all the parents were busy roaming around after them while I just sat there so I couldn't really talk to the other mums. Think I will try find another class with younger babies. Think I might ring up a few children's centres tomorrow and ask them which groups have young babies going to them.

Riot fox that's a shame definitely keep hunting for a better group as they can be a great place to meet new mums and set up a lovely friendship group

Roo I actually don't miss the movement as much as I thought I would but preferred my bump to my flabby belly!!
When I was at the clinic for louie the other day I need to walk by the doors for labour suite and I kinda felt a bit like 'aww I remember that day I was in there' as if I bloody enjoyed it haha which I didn't I'm scarred for life :rofl:
When I'm there I always see pregnant people and think I miss it, then I remember how much I hated being pregnant. The only thing I miss is getting a decent sleep lol xx
I definetly don't miss being pregnant. I love being able to turn over in bed without it being a 12 step manoeuvre!

I have had the best day ever. Owen slept from 8pm till until 9am with 1 feed at 4.30am! We then went to breastfeeding group this morning and ended up going for a picnic in the park opposite my house with some of the ladies. It was soooo nice and Owen loved being outside, he just stared at a tree transfixed for most of the time. I even successfully dealt with one of his mega poops outdoors without the aid of running water and rubbish bins and using reusable nappies - I now feel like a supermummy.

Jodied - I hope Ella paid attention to when she is supposed to sleep

Riotfox - Definetly find another group. The first one I went to was all older babies and I felt like such a lemon just sat there. There is something nice about having the smallest baby though - everyone coos over your baby and remenices about when thiers was so tiny.
There is so much I didn't like about being pregnant but I really really miss it!! I'm so jealous whenever I see anyone else pregnant!
I think I remember pregnancy with rose tinted glasses, looking back it was dead easy and lovely but at the time, especially the first half, I didn't enjoy it much. I really enjoyed the last 10 weeks of it though, that's when I felt the most movement and wasn't too uncomfy, slept well and didn't go massive. I don't think I'd enjoy it as much next time with a baby to look after as well as the pregnancy.

Baby massage was good - there were 8 babies there and all between 8 and 10 weeks, and I would say at any one time there was a max of 3 babies actually being massaged, and the others were either crying and being comforted, being fed, or being changed :lol:. It was really good though - next week we have the class at 10am but Lily's getting her first jabs at 9.30am so depending on how they go, we may or may not go. I would like to though as we did legs and feet today, and it's tums and backs next time including colic massage, which would be really useful. Was Ella fine after her jabs then Jodie?

Glad you enjoyed Take That Roo! I saw them last year but had to miss out this year - we could hear them from our house though as I just live down the road from the stadium they played at.
Catty your day yesterday sounds nice. Im waiting for the weather to pick up so me and OH can go for a little picnic with Ifan, he loves the outdoors too.

I absolutely do not miss being pregnant!! Eurgh, being 2 weeks overdue was such a nightmare - when i want another baby in a couple of years or so i think the pregnancy will put me off rather than the birth! 5 hours of agony i can cope with but the thought of another 9 and a half months of pregnancy makes me cringe!

What is everyone elses belly looking like now? I hate the fact that i seem to have so much extra skin there now and my belly button has gone really dark where my skin has stretched so much. Plus my stretchmarks are still a purpley colour on the bottom of my stomach which i hate - i thought they would have faded a bit by now! I wonder if i will ever wear any of my lovely bikinis again? :-( xx
I hate my jelly belly, I feel so fat it's getting to me. I'm going to a wedding on Monday so need to go out today to buy a dress and accessories, I've been putting it off for ages cos everything just looks crap and hate buying a bigger size. I lost 2lbs last week so I suppose I'm going in the right direction. My stretch marks are hideous too :(
Cherelle I'm with you, pregnancy puts me off having another, I do look back and forget how bad it was but deep down I remember how much I hated it. At the beginning it was the sickness but as soon as that went I just got new problems to get me down. As for the birth, I'm gonna need counselling to get over that look xx
Aww cherelle Im sure theyll fade soon enough and youll be back in your lovely bikinis by next summmer at the latest ! Thankfully I never wear bikinis anyway so I havent got that problem. The stretchmarks on my belly never really went purple so they havent had to fade much thankfully :D.... My belly button looks like asunken cave though and ive still got a dark line going down my belly...

I still havent h<d alex weighed and really want to find out what he is... hes now wearing mostly 3-6 month clothes as the 0-3 are getting quite tight... he had a bad dream the night before last which was awful.. really scared cry :( but he slept better last night, woke up at 2 and 5. I seem to be getting more milk coming in atm... hes finally cut down feeding abit so we not feeding constantly but my boobs constantly feel full.. i had to wake him up this morning to feed him as they were so engorged.. not painful just uncomfortable. I suppose Im just happy theres plenty there as with my first i never felt like there was enough.. :D

went out yesterday as my sister and her husband arrived the night before then went over to the pool for half hour :D hopefully try and sneak over for an hour again today :D one good thing about having an interfering mil staying with us is she is good at keeping baby entertained if i wanna sneak off for an hour :D
My belly is still strange to look at. It is slowly getting there I think. My stretch marks didn't really go purple. I managed to put my belly button bar back in which adds a bit of sparkle to my belly lol!! I'm used to having a flat belly. I've always put weight on my hips rather than my belly. I'm sure we will be in bikinis in no time!!

Lucas gets weighed today so I will let you know what he weighs. After that I am popping into school to show Lucas off to everybody including my old class.

Pleased Alex is feeding less now Beth. The baby massage sounded good Can't Stop.


Catty sounds like you had a very good day. I want to go on a picnic now. If its nice at the weekend I want to go on one. xx
I honestly can't believe how much I miss being pregnant, especially as I didn't have the easiest 9 months what with bleeding at the start, then excess fluid and high blood pressure at the end but I really miss it!!

In other news, Jake has started smiling now and it's lovely and amazing! OH didn't believe me when I said he was smiling but this morning he saw it for himself.

Having a boring day today as I need to get the ironing done, so OH is taking Jake off my hands for a couple of hours this afternoon so I can get that done.

I really want to start going to baby groups but I don't know how I find out what groups are on when. My HV told me that I'd have stuff to do everyday if I wanted to but rushed through when and where the groups are, plus I was knackered and had baby blues when she was telling me so I wasn't really paying any attention to her. I don't think she's coming round again now so I'll have to take Jake to the baby clinic and the next one isn't for a few weeks.
All this talk of stretchmarks and saggy bellies has made me depressed now. I had some really faint ones on my hips but since the birth they have been getting darker. I also though I didn't have any on my tummy but once the bump was gone I realised I had loads that I couldn't see. OH swears he couldn't see them but I think he was lying to me!

Is it really bad to leave a LO playing by himself. My cousin is coming to visit today from Canada so I have been busy baking cookies and sausage rolls and have basically left Owen on his playmat/bouncy chair by himself all day. He has mostly been happy enough and I have gone to him when he has cried but I feel so guilty. Especiallly because last night Owen woke up a few times between 3am and 4.30am and I kept dreaming I had just fed him so was just sticking his dummy in his mouth and going back to sleep! I eventually realised what I was doing at 4.30am and got up to feed him but I felt soooo bad. Presumable if he was really hungry/distressed by it he would have cried? He was mostly just awake and grizzling a bit.

Am I a terrible mother?

Roo - My local library gave me information on baby groups. I don't know if that is normal or just my library. Also do you have a local sure strart centre because they will usually have loads of groups.

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