***March 2020 mummies!***

3 more weeks for me :( unless madam makes an early appearance! midwife today and they’re sending me for another growth scan, according to graph growth has slowed, but I think it’s more to do with a different person measuring and that she has moved down.
she didn’t say engaged, but did say her head is well down in my pelvis.
Glucose in wee too so I have to go back next week for another urine test. I said probably to do with my glass of orange juice in the morning....didn’t mention all the chocolate I scoffed last night :rotfl:.
New midwife seems nice, and very thorough.
Finished work yesterday, just felt like I was going on holiday for a couple of weeks, not that I’m having nearly a year off, got lots planned for the 3 weeks, let’s hope I can do it all before baby arrives, started with tingling in my fingers last week, hands and feet are swollen, I know a few others have mentioned this, anything I can do to help. (Midwife didn’t seem concerned)
Finished work yesterday, just felt like I was going on holiday for a couple of weeks, not that I’m having nearly a year off, got lots planned for the 3 weeks, let’s hope I can do it all before baby arrives, started with tingling in my fingers last week, hands and feet are swollen, I know a few others have mentioned this, anything I can do to help. (Midwife didn’t seem concerned)
You can get yourself a brace for carpal tunnel syndrome, it helps with the tingling but what worked for me is to cut some of the sugar intake. You don't swell up as much as evacuate water better.x
Finished work yesterday, just felt like I was going on holiday for a couple of weeks, not that I’m having nearly a year off, got lots planned for the 3 weeks, let’s hope I can do it all before baby arrives, started with tingling in my fingers last week, hands and feet are swollen, I know a few others have mentioned this, anything I can do to help. (Midwife didn’t seem concerned)

Hi @Clairexx89
Ive got carpel tunnel as well. Its very annoying isnt it? My fingers are very tingly or just feel numb all the time. Midwife didnt seem too concerned about mine either just said try and sleep with hands upright on pillow. If the swelling gets too much i take my rings off.
Hopefully it should go once our babies are here xx
Hi all.

Hows everyone doing? Had my 36 week midwife appointment today!
Cant believe it'll be 36 weeks tomorrow.

Midwife didnt say much to be honest. Ive got another growth scan on Thursday also might have to go on insulin injections as tablets dont seem to be working for GD. But midwife did say i will more than likely be induced at 38 weeks.
So counting down the days now.
Still not on mat leave..going to wait until ive had my appointment on Thursday and then decide when im leaving.
So jealous of all you ladies starting mat leave xx
Ooh so 15 days and you might have a baby @Nattles33? That's exciting!!!

Sorry to hear so many of you have carpal tunnel. That sounds frustrating.

10 days until due date... no signs of anything and bracing myself to go 2 weeks over (AGAIN!)

I reckon more than half of you ladies will have babies before me :rotfl: I'm finding maternity leave hard this time with a toddler. Work is my resting place haha. But it is nice to spend some time with him before #2 arrives! Trying to get the house in a nicer state too, so lots of cleaning going on. Cant cope coming home to a messy house with a baby!
Yes @Summerwine 15 days time!! Crazy to think!!

actually looking forward to finding out what’s going on when I have my appointment on Thursday and looking forward to be able to start Mat leave :rotfl::rotfl:

I so hope you don’t go 2 weeks over. Let’s hope he arrives bang on time :pray:
I can’t imagine mat leave is very peaceful with a toddler to look after as well. But at least you get to spend sometime with him before your new baby arrives xx
Just looked at my blood glucose readings. Out of 22 days 15 of them have been high readings in the morning didnt realise it was that many. Evening readings are fine. Im starting to panic now!
I'm 37 +6 tmrw and have an appt with the consultant tmrw morn to make a plan going forward. The docs don't like ivf babies going over 40 weeks in my health board. I think they will offer me a sweep in next few days if cervix is low enough.

Husband didn't realise I wanted him at this appt... Makes me mad! So I've got lots of questions about strep B and induction etc and worried about taking it all in etc.

15 days to go till due date according to ivf dates or if i do by scan dates like natural pregnancies I'd be due 1st March which is like 10 days to go! I haven't felt any twinges, cramps etc just a lot of braxton hicks past few days?
I habe posted this in my diary so sorru for double post but....

So this morning hasn't went as I had planned.

I went to my Consultant appt and my swelling has concerned them along with my BP suddenly being hypertensive (170/100) It's usually 110/65 approx.

The consultant did a sweep as she's s concerned about signs of Pre - Eclampsia and wanted to get things going now. The sweep was pretty sore but she said she could touch the babys head and my cervix was 1cm dilated and' favourable'. She thinks I should go into labour pretty easily even if i need Induced with a pessary.

Induction booked for 3rd March if nothing happens before then as worried about my high BP. They have sent my PCR bloods away and I am still sitting in maternity assessment unit as they want to monitor me longer. Baby went on the monitor and he is fine so least that's one thing.

They did a urine sample and tbere is protein in my urine now

I need to start fragmin injections daily because of the fluid gain has tipped my bmi I was a size 10 before all this (feeling so huge and fat and self conscious)

My nana has been in hospital since 20th Dec and my mum phoned me as I was arriving at hospital to tell me she was dying and they were on their way to be by her bed side.... Felt so frustrating as I couldn't go.

Im just st sitting waiting to see what the plan is now
Update - my bloods confirmed I have Pre Eclampsia so I am being induced on Saturday.

I have to go back at 11am tmrw for checks and possibly be kept in or let out to be checked again Friday.

I knew my swelling was bad but midwofe shrugged it off so many times
Oh @Alexis2017. It never rains, it pours.
Are they keeping you in until Saturday or will you get a chance to go and see your Nana now?

I'm glad they've picked up your preeclampsia. That's a positive. And you got to do your bump shoot too so that's good, and now you get to meet your baby on saturday (I'm being hopeful itll be quick!!!) *Hugs* sounds like a shitty day.
Oh @Alexis2017. It never rains, it pours.
Are they keeping you in until Saturday or will you get a chance to go and see your Nana now?

I'm glad they've picked up your preeclampsia. That's a positive. And you got to do your bump shoot too so that's good, and now you get to meet your baby on saturday (I'm being hopeful itll be quick!!!) *Hugs* sounds like a shitty day.

They wanted me to stay in but i told them im a nurse and libe 10 mins away and woukd come back if i felt worse or anything changed. So to go back 11am tmrw and take it from there.

They said not safe for me to travel 50 miles to see my nana and ive to stay and rest at home till Saturday (back tmrw 11am for another bp check)
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Enjoy the night in your own bed. I'm so sorry it's not going to be possible for you to visit your Nana yet. I hope she can hold on, but I'm sure your family will more than understand, this situation is totally out of your hands.
Eeek!! We’re going to have the first March baby this weekend! Exciting! Hope it all goes well @Alexis2017 and glad consultants are looking after you.
and @Nattles33 too! Only a couple of weeks to go! I’d get yourself off on mat leave ASAP, it is nice to have a bit of time to rest before bubs gets here.
@Summerwine, I feel you. At least my ds is a bit older and doesn’t need quite as much running around after, plus he’s at school...half term this week though and even with mum here to help I’m knackered !!

I’ve had a couple of sessions on the monitor this week and a growth scan this afternoon, last bump measurement had dropped off the curve, I suspect it is more to do with it being a different midwife/ baby dropping, but I’m half hoping it means they won’t let me go over.
Oh bless you @Niknaknoo. I'm glad you've got some help from your mum!

Just had my 38(+6) week appt! All looking good, home birth no longer on the table but they are willing to offer me MLU or main hospital labour ward. Going for a look around the MLU later today to try and make my mind up!

Next appt isn't until 5th march now - 40+6 so fingers crossed I wont get to attend it! They wont offer a sweep here until you're a full week overdue, and I'm not keen on the idea of going through 3 of those in 5 days again so midwife has advised I can decline after the first, which is reassuring! Now come on baby....
I have jst lost what must be my mucus plug... Yuk! No cramp, twinges or contractions yet but at least something is happening post sweep (if that pain is like a contraction god help me hah) Just heading up to hospital for my check up today. Got my bags with me just incase!
I am being induced today as my BP still high and bloods worse and protein +++ in urine so they just want baby out.

Waiting on a bed in ward

Eekkkkkk I am so terrified
I am being induced today as my BP still high and bloods worse and protein +++ in urine so they just want baby out.

Waiting on a bed in ward

Eekkkkkk I am so terrified

Wishing you all the luck today! You’ll be in my thoughts. Hope everything goes smoothly for you. Looks like you are having a February baby instead.

Keep us updated - lots of love! ❤️

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