***March 2020 mummies!***

I bet you’re glad you are finally on maternity leave @Nattles33 so exciting that you’ll be able to have your little girl in your arms this week. So happy for you. Hope your induction goes smoothly! Will look forward to updates!

I am indeed in Newcastle. Well I’m in Prudhoe! Due 24th March. With the way it’s going i’ll be induced. I was in hospital again yesterday and today for monitoring. BP is back down which is good and baby seems good on the monitor. Back tomorrow for another scan to see how he is.

Hopefully not too much longer @Summerwine i’m feeling exactly the same now, looking forward to not being pregnant and becoming a Mam. I’m feeling a little overwhelmed at the moment and knowing he will be here within the next month is so scary but exciting at the same time.

Looking forward to hearing about the birth of everyone’s babies now!
Hi sorry it's been a rough ride..

I ended up, being induced on Thursday due to pre eclampsia high BP which was mentally high... Had the baby on Saturday 16.53. I did it all by myself on gas and air but I had a really bad post partum haemorrhage and lost nearly 2 litres of blood from my uterus. I ended up in HDU and my hb dropped to 59.I had to have 2 blood transfusions and only just got home today.

I will leave out all the other nitty gritty and put it in my journal

Here is Felix Wood born 22/02/20
weight 7lb 1oz (still undecided on middle name if we want one or not)

IMG_20200225_153621_952.jpg IMG_20200224_180715_884.jpg View attachment IMG_20200223_192549_834.jpg IMG_20200225_165714_641.jpg
@Alexis2017 - Felix is absolutely gorgeous and I really love his name <3
Well done Mummy, sounds like you really did have a rough ride but remember you are amazing and you did it!!!
I hope you are feeling better and you are enjoying all the cuddles with Felix. Will be watching out for full update on your journal xxx
He is beautiful @Alexis2017.

Let everyone take care of you now, while you take care of him. Take some well deserved time to be a family <3
He looks just perfect alexis! sorry to hear you’ve had a rough time but glad you’re home now. Feet up, close the doors and enjoy that precious bundle. X
Thanks everyone! I am shitting it tonight. Worried about feeding and him not latching or me doing sruff wrong.... Expressed a bottle for now and going to tey get 2 or 3 hrs sleep in a row... Imagine that.

Any newborn BF tips very welcome!!
Hope your first night at home went well, re breastfeeding tips, just go with it, he only has a tiny stomach yet so don’t worry that you aren’t making enough, as long as he does plenty of wees he’s getting enough. Nipple cream after every feed (a lanolin one best). Also, rub a bit of breast milk on nipple if sore/cracked. It’s a good healer too!
It probably will hurt, but only temporarily, it gets easier.
Met diabetes nurse this morning, first readings are perfectly within normal range, so fx it’s not diabetes and all is well.
Made appointment for next growth scan and consultant appointment for 10th March, but hubby reckons she’ll be here by then! Can only hope!
Ooh fingers crossed @Niknaknoo. Glad the diabetes appt went well.

Breastfeeding tips.... ignore anyone who says it 'shouldn't hurt' - it does for the first few weeks but not forever. Lanolin is miracle cream and fresh air does the world of good too. It's tough until your milk supply is established but then it gets a lot easier super fast. I found haribo kept me going in the earlier days.
@Alexis2017 how did your first night go? not got any tips on BF but try not to worry I’m sure you will be doing fine,

@Niknaknoo glad the Diabetes went ok, not long till the 10th now,

I’ve had some period like pains, yesterday and the day before, and the runs yesterday (sorry TMI) could this be a sign? Been eating pineapple not sure if that helps?
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Congratulations @Alexis2017 Felix is absolutely gorgeous! So sorry you had a rough ride but glad you are both well.

Glad everything was ok at your appt @Niknaknoo

I had another growth scan today due to reduced movements. Baby is ok however they are concerned with the growth now slowing down. First growth scan he was measuring big, second he averaged out and now this time he’s below average. With the reduced movements they were concerned. Saw a doctor after the scan and they reassured me they are not too concerned at the moment but I have another growth scan on 9th March and if he has slowed down again there will be talks about being induced. So stressed out about it all. I am very cautious of his movements and if I feel he’s not moved much I’ll be in contact with the maternity unit again.

Roll on when baby is here!!
@Alexis2017 hes gorgeous!!!! Congratuations!! Sorry your experience wasnt the best. Hope youre recovering well.

I am due in hospital at 4.30pm today. Eeeek!! Its all suddenly got real.
Trying not to think about labour but kinda starting to freak out :rotfl: shes gotta come out some way though!
@Alexis2017 hes gorgeous!!!! Congratuations!! Sorry your experience wasnt the best. Hope youre recovering well.

I am due in hospital at 4.30pm today. Eeeek!! Its all suddenly got real.
Trying not to think about labour but kinda starting to freak out :rotfl: shes gotta come out some way though!
Good luck @Nattles33 !!! You might get the 29th feb baby!! I think someone has to!! X
Congratulations @Alexis2017 Felix is absolutely gorgeous! So sorry you had a rough ride but glad you are both well.

Glad everything was ok at your appt @Niknaknoo

I had another growth scan today due to reduced movements. Baby is ok however they are concerned with the growth now slowing down. First growth scan he was measuring big, second he averaged out and now this time he’s below average. With the reduced movements they were concerned. Saw a doctor after the scan and they reassured me they are not too concerned at the moment but I have another growth scan on 9th March and if he has slowed down again there will be talks about being induced. So stressed out about it all. I am very cautious of his movements and if I feel he’s not moved much I’ll be in contact with the maternity unit again.

Roll on when baby is here!!

Ah @Sunrise212 ive started to get so freaked out about movements.

Our little lady has slowed down growing abit. I think thats part of the reason shes coming out today along with GD.

Your little one will be here very soon xxx
Good luck @Nattles33 so excited for you! You’ll be absolutely fine and like you say, she has to come out one way or another haha! I’m scared for labour too but trying to keep myself calm.

I’m so cautious of my baby’s movements now. They will more than likely induce me if growth has slowed down again at my next scan. It’s all a bit scary.

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