***March 2020 mummies!***

@Niknaknoo I've got raspery leaf tea in as well and blew up my yoga ball to bounce on.

My actual scan dates are 1st March but ivf dates 5th husband keeps saying he will arrive on 29th for leap year!

I pulled a muscle in my chest last night so when you think you can't get any more uncomfortable... You can trust me!
3 days left at work... One of them being a half day as I've midwife appt and its 26 miles from my work.

@Nattles33 wow so soon... I'm due in 4 weeks tmrw and will be Induced if not arrived by 5th as don't like ivf babies going past due date.

@Summerwine thays good your growth scan went well. I've got my last growth scan on 11th, I know he's head down but not sure if he's back to back or not forgot to ask! I think my est delivery weight is around 6.5lb but I really don't trust the weights they say when I read how mmay ppl had them wrong?

My midwife is so uninterested, got to discuss birth plan with her on Thur and she never has anything useful to say or even makes small chat. She's so unfriendly! Got to ask her about my strep B test I sent private as if its positive I will need antibiotics... I was hoping I'd get results today or tmrw as sent it Fri and it said 3 working days... Maybe Friday.
I’ve been bouncing on my ball for a week or so now and I have to say I do think she’s dropped!!
Fx you get your results before your appointment. When I got my result the midwife had to tell the gp who prescribed the antibiotics. I also have a lovely yellow warning sticker on the front of my notes.

3 more days that’s exciting! Have you got much left to organise or are you pretty much ready?
I’ll be meeting my new midwife next week, they’re moving the teams around :sad: I really liked the one Ive had so far this time, the care has been so much better than when I had ds. Now I’m not going to have time to build a relationship and sweet talk her into getting me an early sweep! :rotfl: Had started to lay the foundations of being worried about going so far over again!
My midwife is also useless @Alexis2017. Hope your pulled muscle is feeling better?

That made me giggle @Niknaknoo! Hopefully you'll have a really modern one now who will happily give you an early one!

I had my 36 week appt this morning and my usual midwife was off. The replacement was really judgemental and I didnt like her at all!! She told me off about pretty much everything... should still be taking my iron tablets (despite discussions with midwife prior to stopping), need to overhaul my (apparently terrible!) diet, and really should be doing more exercise (although oddly she didnt offer to look after my 1 year old to facilitate this....). Gah. I've only just gone over the 1stone weight gain and I'm 37 weeks tomorrow so I'm obviously not doing that badly. I had a trace of glucose in my urine again so shes booked me in to have bloods Monday at the hospital and told me to stop drinking orange juice in the mornings - previous midwife told me to do this to help iron absorption.

After all that, I was quite p*ssed off, so I've come away with no appt now until 38+6, no decision on hospital, no discussion of birth plan and no idea what I'm supposed to do if I go into labour in the meantime. Bah!

But 37 weeks tomorrow, yay!
First time mom! Coming up on 33 weeks, is anyone else completely over being pregnant or is that horrible to say? Blessed to have made it this far with minimal complications but I’m soo ready for my babes arrival! :preg:
Well it sounds like weve both had pretty pants appointments today @Summerwine. Your stand in midwife sounds horrible and useless.

I had a growth scan and consultant appointment today.

Baby is weighing 5lb 3oz which is right where she needs to be on the line but tummy is still a little bugger
Eventhough im on metformin blood sugar levels in the morning (after sleeping) are still too high. So i asked the consultant was now hos response up the dosage from Saturday is still high readings. Talking to me as if i should know what to do!
And if that doesnt work its insulin injections.
Didnt really discuss anything else. Total waste of time to be honest!
Aa we left husband seen him jumping up and down at desk as it was his last appointment. Clearly he couldnt be bothered.
Scan was awful...was in all of 5 mins if that.
Worst appointment yet!
Got a consultant appointment and scan booked for 36 weeks...will then probably talk about when I'll be induced x
Hey all.

It's been quite a while since i have posted!

But I am 33+3 weeks today. Time is absolutely flying by. I have finished work now for maternity leave. I work in a children's home which was extremely difficult being pregnant. Which is why i chose to take maternity leave earlier than what i wanted. I am off work now until Jan 2021. I have had a few hospital visits due to reduced movements but all is good. Baby is bigger than expected at the moment. At 30 weeks i had a growth scan due to high BMI and baby was weighing 3lbs 14oz. I have my next growth scan on Monday. I had a midwife appointment on Tuesday and baby is way above what he should be so i am expecting him to be at least 6lbs on my next scan. They also found that i have Group B Strep which means having antibiotics during labour. I have attended all of my antenatal classes which were very interesting. I am so hoping to be able to breastfeed. These past few weeks have been extremely tough. I have had quite bad cramping down below, thinking it could be braxton hicks. Back ache is getting worse too. I want these last 7 weeks to go quick as it's getting harder!

Babys nursery is pretty much finished, just a few more finishing touches and it's complete. Everytime i walk into his room i feel so overwhelmed, i can't believe i am having a baby! Can't wait for his arrival. He is going to be so loved (he already is!). Extremely excited to know what he's going to look like and for us to become a family.
Saw my useless midwife on Thur and she stickered my notes with GBS positive ones I got from the charity and put a red alert on my notes on the computer system and I also phoned and told my consultant I was GBS positive so I've to go in early labour for antibiotics.

Last day at work today.. Got 1 weeks annual leave next week then maternity leave starts.... Woohoo

@Rachael528 I'm fed up too.. 36 wks plus 1 today... Roll on baby's arrival
Welcome @Rachael528 ! I think we’re all ready for babies to come out now! Another couple of weeks and I’ll be starting to try all the tricks!

good to hear from you @Sunrise212 , glad all going well. I’m gbs + too, there are a few of us now. Bit of a pain but hey ho, better to be safe!

ds childminder phoned me yesterday to say one of the kids has hand foot and mouth. A quick google says it’s usually fine but can be an issue in late pregnancy in case it passes through placenta to baby :???:
As long as ds doesn’t pick it up it should be fine but there’ll probably be an outbreak at school now . Will just have to be extra careful with hygiene for a while.

Nursery nearly painted, just needs one more coat. Carpet went down yesterday so nearly time to start putting things in! Getting wardrobe delivered the half term week so once we have that I’ll feel much more prepared.

very jealous of those finished already, I’ve got another 4 weeks till I finish! Got some annual leave in there too though so actually only working 2.5 weeks.

@Alexis2017 its a good thing you did the private test. Glad it’s been picked up. X
Ahh @Nattles33 I'm sorry you had a shitty appt too. So disappointing this late on!

Hey @Sunrise212. Nice to hear from you. Sounds like things are (mostly!) going swimmingly.

Exciting progress on the nursery @Niknaknoo!

I'm also very jealous of those who've finished. I do finish Friday though so its finally looming. Will be 38 weeks exactly. I have a list as long as my arm of things I want to do before baby arrives too - hope I'm not being too ambitious! Started packing up leftovers and putting them in the freezer this week so we will have a bit of a stash for the first few weeks after baby arrives.

I've been to the hospital this morning for my diabetes test and she told me to expect the results in 7-10 days and then if its positive I'll be issued another appt for a further test. I wanted to laugh - what an actual waste of time and NHS resources. In 10 days time I will be 39 weeks pregnant. If it were positive, by the time they manage their additional test baby will likely have arrived. Honestly. Where is the common sense here?
Im so jealous of all you ladies going on mat leave.

I cant wait to start mine. Still not sure when im starting mine.
I had planned on leaving 6th March but with having GD I might be induced at 38 weeks which would be 4th March.
Need to wait until next weeks appointment (36 weeks) and see what they say at hospital.

My lovely best friends and husband organised me a surprise baby shower yesterday. It was beautiful. Our little girl is so loved and spoilt already.

We've nearly finished the nursery too just got a few more bits to sort then it'll all be ready.

Cant wait for all our babies to arrive. I cant believe we're so close! <3
Ahh glad to hear it! I've still been getting my nails done - I'm sure I saw someone on here mention about not having them done for labour but my midwife hasn't said anything?

That's so lovely of your friends @Nattles33. I'm glad you're being spoilt!

I've just been playing with our pram and ordered some adaptors to use the car seat on it, and a rain cover for the car seat as that seems to have vanished since our last! Need to get it installed in the car then later this week. Finally feeling like it is real and imminent.

I'm pretty sure several of you ladies will have babies before me despite me being due this month! C'mon baby!
Oh how lovely @Nattles33, it’s good to be spoilt.
I’m still so disorganised, haven’t even fully packed a hospital bag yet!
@Summerwine i can’t imagine having your nails done is an issue? If you were having planned surgery it’s probably different though.

Feeling very sorry for myself, full of the cold and keeping ds off the childminder as some of the young ones have hand foot and mouth and I’d like to avoid it spreading to our house! At least he’s at school and I haven’t had to take the whole week off.

getting so many comments on the size of my bump now! When I say I’ve still got 6 weeks to go the general reaction is ‘really?’ I’m hoping she does come a little early, so over being pregnant!
Started getting a bit of milk now too! If I squeeze my nipple a little bit comes out...my boobs are ready for her even if we aren’t quite!! :rotfl:
Aww 6 weeks is plenty of time to pack @Niknaknoo. It does feel nice to have it done though - don't forget to pack a bag for your DS too! I hadn't even thought about that until a grandparent asked me.

Haha i can get a little colostrum out too, but it takes a bit of effort! Glad it's there ready though. Hope you are feeling better soon... :hug:
Aww 6 weeks is plenty of time to pack @Niknaknoo. It does feel nice to have it done though - don't forget to pack a bag for your DS too! I hadn't even thought about that until a grandparent asked me.

Haha i can get a little colostrum out too, but it takes a bit of effort! Glad it's there ready though. Hope you are feeling better soon... :hug:
OMG! Yes I need to have a bag ready for ds too! Another thing on the to do list ! my mum is over next week to help me with the half term holiday. So I’m hoping to get lots done then.
36 +5 weeks growth scan

They said be has taken a growth spurt and est his current weight at 7lb. I've been told so often these scans aren't accurate so just need to wait and see.

I've e not tried to hand express any milk as not had any leakage!

That's a lovely pic @Alexis2017!

It's my last day of work today and I'm so ready. 38 weeks today too. I've been ready to finish since 32 haha.
Woohoo! Yay! It's so nice to be finished isn't it? I've got to do my revalidation for nursing this summer so was trying to finish it ASAP so when I need to rock up in August with it it's all done.... Such a waste if time

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