***March 2020 mummies!***

Hi everyone. Sorry to hijack your thread, just came on to search for Alexis to see how the pregnancy was going and found this. You're so so close now, I remember this stage very very well. Exciting, petrifying, lol.

Just a quickie... Don't panic over reduced movements now, your little ones have much less room to move around in the now so it will hurt more, but happen less... Unless they're like my little girl who beat the crap out of me until my previous c section scar started to rupture...because of her movements, lol.

Keep your loved ones close in the last week's, you'll need them and both mine came early, despite being little so you really never know.

Anyway, hope you're all doing well and Alexis, seeing you here makes me so god damn happy xxx

Aww lovely to hear from you, I can't believe your a Mummy of 2 sweet babies now! I just want him to be here now.... Seems so close yet so far. I hope your keeping well hunni x x
I am feeling bit worried that I've had zero leakage from my boobs and seen few of my ivf friends have this.. Can this mean I won't make much milk? Planning on BF so makes me anxious :-?
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@Alexis2017 i'll be interested to see replies on this.
My breasts feel the same. Slightly increased but nothing massively noticeable. X
I am feeling bit worried that I've had zero leakage from my boobs and seen few of my ivf friends have this.. Can this mean I won't make much milk? Planning on BF so makes me anxious :-?

Sorry thread hopping. Means absolutely nothing. I had zero leakage while pregnant, boobs barely grew and I'm not big chested anyway, breastfed for over a year and had buckets of milk! LO is 14 months now and we've only just stopped. The most important thing is putting the time in to establish your supply in the early days and knowing where to get support.
31+6 today.

I had my 32 week growth scan this morning.
Everything is fine and little missus is on track.
Weighing approx 3lb 14oz.
Will have a chat with consultant about results but they were having an audit today so back next week x
@Alexis2017 dont worry at all! I breastfed my son, and never really leaked much before he arrived. Occasionally in a hot shower I could squeeze a wee bit out but it has no bearing on how much milk you will make.
I’m hoping to breastfeed again, i haven’t tried anything yet, and no leakage but I’m not concerned.
Def find a local group to go to if you can, it really helps to surround yourself with people that can support you.
Glad all well @Nattles33 !
@Alexis2017 & @Nattles33, leaking at this stage isn't usual or expected! With my first I could hand express a little from around 38 weeks. I'm already able to this time (will be 35 weeks friday) but definitely not recommended before 37!

Like @Niknaknoo suggested, if you can find a local breastfeeding support group prior to birth, go along! They are so welcoming to pregnant women and can help with any questions you might have in advance. Also worth asking your midwife if theres a Feeding Support Team in your area. My health board has one and their visits were invaluable with my first. I'd definitely have given up without them.
I think there is the BF network... BFN... (Unfortunate Initials)who have drop in sessions and my HV said she Could get me support too... And few. Other local. Groups so will definitely take those up...

A few of my friends have told me it is painful and they will tell me. Its not if your doing it right but apparently its a load of crap and it is sore especially at start and when cluster feeding? Why is somethibg so natural painful and difficult.. It worries me as I really want to do it but I'm not up for a lot of stress and pain when I want to just enjoy my new baby
I found it painful for the first 8 weeks or so. Literally every person I had support from - midwife, HV, BF groups and feeding team all said the same 'no, it definitely shouldn't hurt'. I turned to google, and real women confirmed that the first few months does hurt. But I can honestly say that once you get past those initial weeks its like you and baby suddenly finish learning together and it all clicks into place (helps that your nipples have toughened up by this point too :rotfl:)

I will say that around 6 weeks I was ready to give up (baby blues probably played a part here!) but my husband told me to give it another week 'just to see' and I'm glad I did, because the worst of it was over and the convenience of not having to sterilise bottles or prepare in advance was such a winner for me. My changing bag was half the size of FF mums as I didnt need to take any of it!

You'll know what's right for you and baby when the time comes. BF isn't for everyone, and happy mummy = happy baby is definitely more important than how you feed.
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It does hurt... to begin with but it doesn’t last forever. Zach had a tongue tie as well which didn’t help but literally from the first feed after I got it snipped it started improving.
There are positives and negatives, but for me the positives outweighed the negs massively. Saved a fortune on formula and bottles, could feed him anywhere anytime, and no sterilising! Negs, he didn’t take a bottle till I went back to work so I was on duty every night...and that’s about it!

BUT as @Summerwine said, it’s not for everyone. I have plenty of friends that have struggled or simply didn’t want to. In my opinion, FED IS BEST.
this goes to everyone, don’t let anyone judge you for your decision breast/bottle. Do what you feel comfortable with.
I’ll get off my soapbox now...
I agree completely with summerwine we had a very difficult 8 weeks and I was ready to call it quits at around 6 weeks. Again it suddenly fell into place and suddenly the positives outweighed the negatives. I think the biggest problem is that first time pregnant women are constantly told how great it is for their baby and how it shouldn't hurt etc etc and it's made out to be this easy and natural thing when actually it's a new skill that both of you need to learn and it's actually bloody difficult. None of my breastfeeding friends found it easy and those that formula fed did so after struggling to breastfeed rather than choosing to formula feed from the start of you see what I mean. I am always very honest about how difficult it was as I would have appreciated that honestly when I was pregnant. Also how your labour goes has a big impact on how easy it is to get feeding going too.

If you really want to do it, my best advice at this stage is to hear honest experiences from real women and get your hubby involved too. I'd say breastfeeding is about the long term benefits and to begin with formula feeding will definitely seem the easier option and in some ways it probably is. However I say this with absolutely no disrespect to formula feeding as it certainly isn't without its challenges and frankly life with a newborn is bloody hard work regardless of how you choose to feed them!! Also my experience was that despite all the encouragement to breastfeed while pregnant, postnatal support was nothing short of shocking. Obviously I would have believed I'd not have needed any if the antenatal course was to be believed. So at this stage I would assume that you'll need support until you don't if that makes sense. Better to be prepared and not need it.

However if despite all that you find it's not for you, that's fine. Fed is best. Happy mum is best. Do what's right for you and your family. That goes for everything not just feeding decisions. Think I need a ladder to get off my soapbox now....
Thanks for all the honest feedback ladies. I am a pretty determined person so I think that will go in my favour not to quit and keep trying!

I ended up in maternity assessment today as the wee guy wasn't moving at all for like 2 or 3 hours and I got so scared so they took me in and monitored me for 45nins and he eventually started moving... Feewwww. What a day

Thanks for all the honest feedback ladies. I am a pretty determined person so I think that will go in my favour not to quit and keep trying!

I ended up in maternity assessment today as the wee guy wasn't moving at all for like 2 or 3 hours and I got so scared so they took me in and monitored me for 45nins and he eventually started moving... Feewwww. What a day

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Glad everything is okay @Alexis2017 the MAU is the best place to be if you have any worries. Its always best to get checked out.

Ive ender up their twice both times baby has been active just makes you panic so much when you can't feel them.

Not long to go until youll have your little boy in your arms xx
Glad all is well @Alexis2017

I am 34+6 today, and had my 34 week midwife appt this morning. My iron levels are back within the 'normal' range but I've had a trace of glucose in my urine for the last 2 appts which is causing concern and I'm now measuring well below the lines on my growth chart, so I've been referred for a scan next week for 'static growth'. Hopefully it's just a small bump as movements are still normal!
Hi everyone!! Wow, it's been a while since I've been on here.... I really should check in more often, it's heartwarming to hear about other pregnancies and know everything I am going through other ladies are also surviving :D
31 weeks pregnant now! And everything seems to be going great. Had a bit of a scare with gestational diabetes but it was a false alarm. Hey, I didn't see anyone else mention testing for gestational diabetes, is it not done in Europe?

Lots of tingling in my arms and hands and they are super sore, especially at night.
And I am super nervous about movement even though she is indeed moving :)
Also had the worst heartburn!! But that has been a bit better the last few days.
@Robec nice to hear from you and glad everything is going well :) 32 weeks over here!
A few of us ladies had the GD test but passed thankfully.
I am getttijg lots of tingling in my fingers and hands been told from Midwife it’s pregnancy carpal tunnel so you may have the same. It can get very painful especially at night as you say.

I’m finding it very uncomfortable sleeping that’s why I’m awake now :rotfl: at 3:52am. Constantly up for the toilet too.

I panic about movements but she’s being a right wriggler recently so all is good.

Glad to hear you’re doing well keep in touch and speak to your MW about the tingling in your hands xx
Hey @Robec good to hear from you! I had the diabetes test but it’s all clear.
had my 31 week midwife appointment this afternoon and she’s booked me a growth scan for Monday as I’m measuring way over the 90th centile still. Hoping for some reassurance that she’s not going to be a monster! Also looking forward to seeing her again.

I went to bed super early last night. I’m back to exhausted again, and up several times for a wee. The joys of pregnancy eh?!

bought the first nappies today! For hospital bag and some for home.

finally got a date from the builders to do our last bits of work then we can sort nursery out. By next weekend we should be able to get in and start decorating! :cheer:
Ooh that's an exciting week next week then @Niknaknoo! Have you got much to do in the nursery?

Haha I'm such a loser, I already have my nappies arranged in pretty baskets. I obviously have too much free time!

I see we have the opposite problem regarding growth scans. I am counting the days until mine now.
The main job is getting the ceiling skimmed. We can’t really do anything till that’s done! But it needs everything done, we’ve been in 2 years this summer and the house had had practically nothing done for about 20 years so the whole thing has been a pretty big job, worth it though. They’re doing our en suite too which is great. It’s currently got a tiny cubicle shower and I barely fit at the moment! So looking forward to having a nice walk in and some space.

when is your next scan @Summerwine ?
Ooh having the ensuite finished sounds fabulous too. You've got a lot going on.

Sounds like the nursery could be a big project!

Next friday. I feel really anxious about it, which is unlike me!

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