March 2012 Babies?

LO has been quiet the last couple days and I've had quite an achy bump so think I'm having a bit of a growth spurt. Feeling good though - but wake up quite a bit at night so get tired easy!
when is everyone going on ML? I've got 35 working days left... :) it sounds so good!
73 working days left!!!
I finish on 2nd march and due 16th . I'm so jealous of everyone going off early :(

I'm so achy at the moment, I used to love lying on my back to feel lo move but now I find that too uncomfortable. I'm now sleeping with a pillow (and oh lol) to help me get comfy but bump still aches!!

Lo is also quiet at the moment but I've heard growth spurts can happen around now x x
Oh wow have AGES! I know mine doesn't sound like alot but i break up on 20thDec-4thJan then i finish on 27th Jan! :)
ooh ive only got a few weeks left. i finish on 18th of december, 2 weeks hols then mat leave as of 1st of jan. and i only do 3 and a half days a week so its not far off at all. im knackered and my tum is achey today cos of babys growth spurt im going thru. its just like when i was about 12 weeks and i got aches n stretchy pains. was so uncomfy last night with the stretching at the bottom of my bump it made it hard to sleep.
Iv been feeling a bit better the last week, not as sick :)

Hips still giving awful trouble though, LO been quite too for the past week so must be growing aswell, whiped out d angle sounds yesterday as i was getting worried but sounds ok to me

Finishing work on 17th of Feb but only 3 day weeks till 21st dec cos i needed to use up my hols then off for christmas from 21st to the 3rd of Jan so not too many working days left

14 week to due date today too so scary

Anyone done the birth plan yet?
Oh wow'll be about ready to pop!

My hips have been sore too...what i'm really missing is being able to click my really needs a good clicking but i can't twist like i used to without stretching the belly!

Aw...14 weeks! Thats so close! :) It sounds so lovely...Love the fact we're all counting down now!

I've got some Bug and been chucking up...everyone in my family has got atm i am trying not to have any accidents (is it wrong if i put a nappy on?) :)

Do you not do your Birth plan with your midwife? i haven't done it yet...but i thought we did this with our midwife. What is included in the plan?

I need to call them...i still haven't got my notes and its been 2 weeks since they said they send them out.
Oh do ya do it with MW oh thats ok then i dont need to panic yet lol, no idea what to put in it was hoping d girls on here would replay sayn yeah its done n this is whats in it LOL

Aww sorry to hear ur sick at d mo, I had a bug few weeks back was awful, oh MW warned me about the " accidents" ya can have when ya been sick a lot not happened so far though FX it doesnt start either AH your only a few days behind me so almost 14 weeks for u too
lol my birth plan consists of dont come near me with gas and air, no pain relief unless i ask and dont baby me or try to placate me. id say just leave me the hell alone if i could lol
Bev G you have just made me laugh. It's like Miranda in SATC, when she is having Brady.
If you want to be left the hell alone, then you shout it from the roof tops.

I am going to try and do hypnobirthing with a water birth, but knowing me I will give in and want drugs.
My back hurts again today, so the baby must be growing. I just can't wait to have the baby here!!!
lol my birth plan consists of dont come near me with gas and air, no pain relief unless i ask and dont baby me or try to placate me. id say just leave me the hell alone if i could lol

PMSL Love it, Think thats defo what Im gonna put in mine except P.S if I scream like mad for it give me d drugs lol
haha stronger woman than me BevG I know i want G&A but thats it! I was so ill yesterday and i was like i can't do this and then thinking how am i gonna be in Labour! oh dear!
If I wasn't having a c-section I would have every drug possible in the hospital and maybe brought in a bottle of barcardi too to numb the pain!!!! I am such a wimp. Although I have a very high pain threshold the fear would have petrified me and I would have needed sedating!!! I know its wierd but I had a c-section with my son and when the consultant said I would with this one too I cried with relief!!
im hoping to just stick to pethadine, cant take g&a it makes me sick! x
im not going near any meds that cloud my thinking or have any kind of intoxicating effect. im a control freak and if anything messes with the way i percieve the world i have panic attacks. not exactly a good thing to have in labour. i would happily have an epidural if necessary but no g&a. ive tattooed myself a good few times so i think i am ok at handling pain really. none of my tattoos or piercings hurt really and on one tattoo my friend blunted the needle on my ankle bone and i just got thru it anyway lol. i may laugh a lot to release tension or cry but id rather that than drugs
Wow....I'm impressed ladies! My birth plan is to plan as little as possible before it all starts, and just see how things work out. My hospital has two sections, one for "natural birth" (without drugs) and one section if you want drugs. Will choose the "natural one", and if it gets really bad, they send me over to the other.

And I have to apologize up front if any of you girls where to give birth and write a birth story - I will not read ANY birth stories before going into labour. I prefer to know as little as possible and just jump into it when it starts:)
I love reading the labour stories! :) I have seen 4 births but my sister is so good in labour so i have alot to live up to! Otherwise she will never let me live it down! haha Its nice having a bit of competition of who can handle it the best...might get me through it a bit easier! :)
A2M: sounds impressing! I will start pregnancy yoga because sister in law says it's good for your breathing:)

How is everyone feeling? I'm so tired, but only have a couple of days leftat work and than I will have my Christmas holiday:)
im tired and my back is killing me. long story short my OH is a total scrooge and i had to take down my half put up xmas decs before he would come in the house as he says i cant put them up til next weekend and i hurt my back taking things down in a mood lol
I can sympathise there with you bev! I started moving bedroom furniture round last week and next day i was in agony! It must be a tri 2 thing as i did same with my other 2 pregnancies lol xx

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