March 2012 Babies?

yeah it was lovely. im fat, i know it and im not ashamed lol i had a feeling thats what it meant. baby has been a great diet for me so far lol. i got a pic but the last one was clearer and better, i'll put it up later when i can be bothered to drag out the scanner lol.
she said she couldnt be sure but yeah im pretty sure she wouldnt have said if she wasnt fairly sure its a girl, and when she was measuring the thighs me and OH couldnt see anything between the legs either, was so nice to see baby even tho it was being a lazy bones and wouldnt move, i got tipped upside down a bit to make it move lol
Woop woop...I'm all excited now! Can't mum is gonna come and see too!
Have my scan on Monday...Halloween!!! Wonder if this baba will go 'BOO' when it pops up on the!!
OOOoooOOoo... good luck with your scan nmur21!!

We've just bought a new bed, and hubby spent all evening yesterday putting it we can't close the door to our bedroom:S But I think we can move it:)

How is everyone?
I forgot all about this tread :-) Can you change mine to the 5th and team pink now pweetttyyy please :-) xxx
Hugsy done! :)

I'm good esperanza - getting kicked about and enjoying having this week off work...don't want to go back just yet but not long til Christmas holidays and then i will be finishing at the end of Jan! :)
Thanks Hun :-)

If it cheers ya up apparently its only 55 days to christmas yikes lol
Hugsy that does cheer me up! I've only been back at work 2 days and already not enjoying it one bit! Could just be my hormones but i have had enough of doing my job right when they can't do theres! Argh! When i leave for maternity i hope they realise just how much i do!
Congrats to Sleepsue on her blue bundle!

Please check the first page to see if your details are correct! :)
I'm so tired today, I have just slept 1, 5 hour (in adition to tonight's sleep) and I would love to sleep more. Will be having my partents and oh's parents for dinner this evening, so need to tidy the house:/

How is everyone feeling?

A2M: the list has gotten really long! Good job!
Oh esperanza i bet you're feeling shattered! I love my sleep and i do keep waking up in the night but haven't really lost much yet! But i'm one of these lucky people that can sleep anywhere and at once baby is here i will be sleeping when baby is sleeping! :)
Just thought I'd pop my head in and see how you all are!! I've got my 20 week scan in 2 weeks today!! So nervous but really looking forward to finding out if it's a boy or a girl!! It's all going do quickly, can't believe we are all half way through! Xx
its all wonderful isnt it, even tho im tired, i feel like death and im skint (car failed its mot) im still amazed. baby has finally started making occasional movements which is interesting lol
the movements are my favourite time of matter whats happening Baby knows how to make me happy! :)

Also loving that we're now in the count down...
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:love: the movements! It's great that our little ones Are taking the time to say hello:)
Wannabmummy i'm excited for you! I'm looking to book a 4d one around 30 weeks, 1-because waiting 20 weeks to see LO again is WAY too long and 2-I'm not happy with the scan pictures i have! They're not clear enough! :) Also want to confirm the sex! :)
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Hi everyone! How are you feeling today?

I will start to tidy the flat a bit. I have a confession to'll probably be one of the last times I tidy the flat because a girl we know who's out of work offered to tidy/clean our flat...and we figured, that since we both work sooo much, it would be a good idea, we save time and she gets "a job". Do you all see me as a "stiff upper lip" bitch now?? I'm really not that, I just can't handle the flat top everything of, hubby's allergic to dust mites:S
Thanks A2M!! I'd love a 4d scan - just can't afford it really and OH doesn't think it's a 'necessary expense!' typical man! I know I can't believe that next week will be the last time I see LO before he/she is born!!! So exciting, and scary!! We are all going to be mummas in 4 months time! Xx

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