doctor didnt need to see me, luckily i just got my mw app in the post today, 16th os august so i'll be like 10 weeks and maybe get a scan soon after that or even get to hear the hb.
yeah i was miffed that the doc didnt wanna check me over purely cos i wanted them to tell me i was preg, now i gotta wait weeks for this booking in app then 2 weeks for a scan, hope everything is ok at that. tbf its bloody scary waiting this out when you see so many ppl having mc's and stuff.
hey lynette, sorry i just realised that i havent replied back yet, i've been feeling ok, had a few pains in stomach and had early scan today which shows that everything looks ok so far so fingers scan is 10th of aug. looking foward to that. How is everyone else feeling? xx
Hello all
Can I please join the club! Got another BFP today & getting stronger each day. So excited!!
Due date is 27th March but my son was over 2 weeks late so going to tell the outside world I'm due early April!
I got a BFP quite early and have had immense tiredness past few days, as well as feeling sick (which I didn't have with son). Even woke in night last night & thought I might throw up. But all sooooooo worth it
Congrats to all you other mummies to be xxxxx
feel sick! That is my update! I just want a scan so i know all this is worth it! It just isn't real until i can see something happening! ATM i don't have anything--i want a bump or a picture to prove it!
i dont feel sick or anything in general. could almost pass it off as not feeling pg if it werent for the tiredness and sore boobs. theyre not too sore tho, just tender. i kinda miss having crampy feelings and heartburn cos at least i felt obviously preg lol.
I feel so sick at the moment. Not so tired, I have 2 jobs and it's not killing me yet. We have booked to have a private first scan next weekend so I will be 8 weeks and 4 days. Just want to make sure little muffin is there!!
i just found out on tuesday (19/7/11) that im pregnant with my first and think im due on 24th march. i did a CB digi test which told me i was 3+weeks but my last af was 18/6/11 - is this even possible????
we have told close family but dying to tell every1 else.
great to meet soo many ppl due around the same time xxx
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