March 2012 Babies?

hey ladies...

i am just very very bloated, tender boobies and very sensitive nipples, very tired, cramps today and a bit of a sickly feeling when i get tired or hungry.....

Im i bit concerned because all my symptoms have gone the last week, sore boobie bad cramps nausea all just gone....

Still suffering with my IBS and found out that the pills i was taking are very dangerous during pregnancy so therified iv done harm, Still waiting on the postie to bring my booking in app so I can get my early scann, praying my little bean is still there and just good luck the cramps and nausea are gone

try not to worry hon. easier said than done i know....symptoms come and go. the other day my boobies were 100% not sore....completely back to normal and i shit myself...cried....cos thats what happened to me in march...but then 2 days later, back with backup!!! so try not to worry. xxx
Thanks Samsgirl thats cheered me up loads hopefully it is normal, Me thinkgs its time i googled it :-)

Im gonna try get the phone number for the hospital tmrw and call to see if they have the paperwork from the docs yet and if they can give me my appointment, Not sure if they will as I hear they are horrible in the hosp here but worth a try and if i tell them how worried I am surely they have a duty of care to listen to me
yeah they seeing gp on tuesday. so going to ask for a reassurance scan xx
symptoms are going away a bit for me, no more heartburn :D which is great, cant tell much from my nipples as theyre both pierced which makes them sensitive anyway, i feel huge and bloated a lot of the time tho and i swear i look a few months gone but thats probably cos im fat anyway and just cant suck it in anymore lol. i hope you guys are all doing well and wish you much luck with the scans and beans x
Hi all,

Just wondering if anyone else is expecting in March 2012? This is my first baby and as i'm not telling anyne yet would like to talk to as many M2B! :)


me tooooo was reluctant to tell but now everyone know i have picked my nam,es out and everything...congrats to you :-) this is the most amazing thing i will ever do eeekkk i am excited
Hi lynette-congrats to you to! this is so exciting! Somehow didn't manage to keep it a secret too long as i had to tell my family due to my mum being very nosey and alreasy asking me (before i already knew) :) and my sister is over from america and theresbbqs, parties, theme parks-things or which i can not completely be involved in! :)

Hi all,

Just wondering if anyone else is expecting in March 2012? This is my first baby and as i'm not telling anyne yet would like to talk to as many M2B! :)


me tooooo was reluctant to tell but now everyone know i have picked my nam,es out and everything...congrats to you :-) this is the most amazing thing i will ever do eeekkk i am excited
I'm due 24th March :shock:

first month ttc :faint:

Our parents know, they knew we were trying anyway :)
hey :) im due 14th march. I am so excited. This is my first baby too :) x
hey :) im due 14th march. I am so excited. This is my first baby too :) x

hey sammi, you me and bevG are all due around the same date!!! Congrats woowoo how are you feeling so far?
nah it means u got loads of info on your babs development at each week.

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