xCarly good job your doing fantastic
i was 145 when weighed yesterday so gained 1 pound but im sure will be easy to get off! plus i am on my af soo....
Well weigh in today and i have lost 4 lb's!! i dont quite know how becuase i have been a bit naughty....has anyone else found that when they relax a bit about food they do better?
I mean i have had chocolate and 2 curries this week and pizza albeit smaller portions and thin crust etc..!!!
well done everyone who has lost weight
misslarue did you weigh this week hun? hope you got on ok
well im having a terrible week not going to SW this wednesday coming
ive had corned beef pie thursday chinese friday pizza and chocolate saturday and today im having a full cooked dinner down mother in laws and o/h and kids brought me brekkie in bed bacon sarnies on white bread plus i have half a box of maltesers in the cupboard which im going to polish off tonight then get back on it strict 2moro
got my AF this morning first 1 since coming off the pill looks like its going to be a bad one but we have decided to start ttc as soon as AF is gone we didnt see the point in waiting as it could take a while to get a BFP plus i think the pressure of trying to lose more weight so i could ttc is having a bad effect on me hopefully with the pressure off i might have a better month this month
good luck all this week xxxxxxxx
hope everyones having a lovely mothers day xxxxxxx
well done everyone who has lost weight
everyones doing so well
Rach, sounds like you have a plan hun, I think you're right, with the pressure off it will be a lot easier. Heres to TTC hun
We all have our naughty days, life is just too dull if we don't! At least you had a good mothers day. I had a full English for my mothers day brekkie and enjoy every mouth full
My new 'leader' phoned me on Friday. Class starts back this week, so I will DEF have a weigh in
I think its been about 4 weeks now. I'm a little worried as I've been a bit naughty the last week or so............not too bad, but not great
We shall see!!
hi all back on track now since monday am going to try and be really good this week not going to weigh in today know ive had a bad week and dont want to depress myself by going and letting the scales prove me right hopefully be back on track for next weeks weigh in
misslarue great news about new consultant hun im sure you will be ok xxxxxxx
saulino well done hun thats fab you must be really pleased xxxxxxxx
amz well done hun another 4 pounds off your doing amazing xxxxxxxx
carly thats an amazing weight loss hun well done xxxxxx
Hello can I join you ladies - I joined Slimming World last week and have my first weigh in today - Im dreading it, first week wasn't as wonderful as Id hoped but I am determined, so even if I lose nothing tonight I am going to persevere!
You all seem to be doing really well I am hoping it is going to rub off on me
Hello ladies do you mind if I join your thread? I really want to lose some weight but I really can't seem to stick to a diet at the moment. I think some support from you lot might be just what I need. I'm a size 14 now and want to get down to a size 12. I reckon I need to lose about 1 1/2 stone to do that.
Hello ladies do you mind if I join your thread? I really want to lose some weight but I really can't seem to stick to a diet at the moment. I think some support from you lot might be just what I need. I'm a size 14 now and want to get down to a size 12. I reckon I need to lose about 1 1/2 stone to do that.
welcome hun glad you are here to join us
We will be here for you every step of the way !!!
do you have any sort of diet or routine your going to do yet??
hi all
welcome gemma and ella good luck both xxx
misslarue how you get on hun did you go? xxx
fiona well done hun wish i had some of your will power xxx
good luck all hope you all have a fab week xxxxxxxxx
Hi everyone
I'm going to give losing weight another go - my new years resolution was to lose 4 stone this year and I haven't really started yet, I have just moved house and been worrying about that for weeks so my regime went out of the window (yeah i know excuses excuses!) but i'm not going to give up - I want to lose weight!!
Incidentally, my new home has a full length mirror which I haven't had for years - so I am suddenly seeing myself in my full glory every day which i never did before and boy have i had a shock!!!! I am so embarrassed i let myself get so big......
So my plan is to weigh myself on Sunday after work, and carry on from there, so will let you know my weight in a couple of days
I need all the strength in the world but it's so nice we are all in the same boat and can lean on each other for support/tips etc
welcome hun glad you are here to join us
We will be here for you every step of the way !!!
do you have any sort of diet or routine your going to do yet??
I was thinking about joining slimming world but if I can i'd rather do it by myself to save money. I'm usually ok once I get in to a diet but it's getting in to it that i'm finding hard. I just had peanut butter on toast which probably wasn't the best start to the day I think my problem is that my portion sizes are too big and I snack on crap in between meals.
Do you have certain weigh in days or do you all go to WW or SW and have set weigh days there? Also have you all got an exercise plan aswell as dieting? I don't really have time to go to the gym or swimming because I work 4 days a week and then when i'm not working i've got Jake to look after. I've got to admit that I find exercise quite boring anyway but I do need to do more of it.
gemma dont worry about portion sizes hun snack on lots of fruit and fill your plate with plenty of veg and the portions wont matter SW is great as it teaches you to forget about portion sizes and just to eat the right foods i was worried about the cost but when i thought about it by cutting out all the crap i usually eat im actually saving loads of money just on chocolate i was probably spending what it costs me to go to SW each week
if you can exercise it will make your weight loss quicker but as long as you follow some sort of healthy eating plan you should still lose weight maybe try something that you and jake can do together a walk to the park is always a good option if its dry and any amount of exercise is better than nothing xxxxxx
I haven't got time to read all the posts................just got back from Dans swimming lesson and now we're off to Southampton for the weekend. Went to my weigh in yesterday. I've stayed the same, although is been over 4 weeks, I am quite happy as I've been a bit naughty lately Back on track now though
Have a good weekend everyone and I'll have a proper read on Monday
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