Losing weight.... who's joining me?


Welcome Fiona youve done awesome so far!! :D
I had quite a few drinks ( 14 ) last night for Bernies 30th :? and i feel so bloated today and tomorrow we have a family reunion to go to so i know there will be tons of junk i must be strong!!!

Be strong Saulino! You can do it hun....

I had a glass of wine last night with my curry wooops...!! I had a smaller portion though....

well ladies i have just weighed myself before getting stuck into a bowl of porridge and i have lost 2 lb;s! Which i am pleased about because i have only exercised 2 times this week and cheated a bit....so i am determined to try so hard this week no cheating and see what i loose this week.

Good luck all for this week xxx

Thanks hun !!
Good job, imagine how much you can lose if you dont cheat :D
wel i have lost 1lb this week, better than nothing, but since my 'best friend' called me fat last night :cry: (im a size 14) i guess i'll have to try harder. keep uo the good work ev1, and try to resist saulino, you can do it hun xx :hug:
clairescunny55 said:
wel i have lost 1lb this week, better than nothing, but since my 'best friend' called me fat last night :cry: (im a size 14) i guess i'll have to try harder. keep uo the good work ev1, and try to resist saulino, you can do it hun xx :hug:

I am size 14 too hun thats not exactly what you want to hear from your best mate! My niece over heard me asking my mum about my weight and now she keeps saying you fat you fat to me!! cheeky monkey.

Claire hun, well done for your 1lb loss, loosing weight takes its time something i have had to accept i wish i had a magic wand for everyone. :hug:
amzhunny said:
clairescunny55 said:
wel i have lost 1lb this week, better than nothing, but since my 'best friend' called me fat last night :cry: (im a size 14) i guess i'll have to try harder. keep uo the good work ev1, and try to resist saulino, you can do it hun xx :hug:

I am size 14 too hun thats not exactly what you want to hear from your best mate! My niece over heard me asking my mum about my weight and now she keeps saying you fat you fat to me!! cheeky monkey.

Claire hun, well done for your 1lb loss, loosing weight takes its time something i have had to accept i wish i had a magic wand for everyone. :hug:

thanks hun :hug: if u wanna read the full story its posted in adults area :cry:
:clap: :clap: :clap: well done everyone we are all doing fab :cheer:

amz hun star week is what they say in slimming world if your on a period :( they put a star next to that weeks weight they can then see a pattern if once a month you dont tend to lose weight or gain a bit a lot of people gain weight while on a period if im having a real bad 1 ive been known to put on 5-6 pound but as my period gets lighter so do i lol

well ive got to weigh in the morning at sw and i know ive been naughty and dont know if im going to get away with it this week :oops:
3 stuffing balls on my sunday dinner and proper gravy made with the meat juices followed by a few chocs mother in law had left over from xmas add that to the chinese i had on friday and il be lucky if ive not put weight on this week never mind lost weight :rotfl:

good luck everyone this week xxxxxxxx
I always weigh more on my star week, honest! Not making excuses!

Good luck Rach tomorrow..............I reckon it will be fine hun :D :D :D :hug: :hug: :hug:

clairscunny55 - dont listen to your so called best friend :hug: why would a friend say such a think . Be strong your doing great :D
Great job everyone!!! star weeks a good idea!!
I am down to 144 pounds just weighed myself tonight :D

:wave: :wave: :wave:
hi all well christopher had a small bump this morning and screamed house down and while seeing to him i missed my bus so ended up not going to sw :( dont think it would have been good news anyway so im not exactly gutted lol :rotfl:
will try and be extra good this week :pray:
hope everyones having a good week xxxxxxxxx
aww poor Christopher :( at least you have a good excuse our babies come first :D hope hes okay
hes fine thanks hun hes just recently learned to crawl and he keeps falling on his face and making his nose bleed :( they are getting fewer as he gets better at keeping his balance thank goodness xxxxxxx
Thanks Rach for clarifying star week....god i will deffo put on during that week alls i want is chocolate!!!!!!

How did u get on at weigh in hun?

Proper gravy....mmmmm i always have proper gravy cant have anything different lol and a chinese bah you have to have some treats...i am having one tomorrow woo hooo.

been good all week ladies had about 3 jammie dodgers couldnt help myself but apart from that alls good. But not exercised much again....Oh been in hosp so thats me excuse!! Have walked Amber alot though becase weather has been so nice...that counts i suppose lol

Hope your all being good :)

how did you get on Saulino at that party thingy?

Didnt do so well hun :oops: ate a piece of cake ( very tiny piece though) and the last pieve from Bernies birthday cake but on Monday i weighed at my dads and i still lost 4 pounds from when i last weighed :)
I am 144 i wasnt even that weight when i met Bernie but my goal is to drop pant size im still bigger in pant size and alot of lose skin i need to shrink a bit :? the hardest part!

rach, Kadyn always does that :? ouch , do you have hardwood as well or carpet??
*saulino* said:

Didnt do so well hun :oops: ate a piece of cake ( very tiny piece though) and the last pieve from Bernies birthday cake but on Monday i weighed at my dads and i still lost 4 pounds from when i last weighed :)

Sounds to me you did brilliantly, well done on the 4 pounds thats great....!!

Roll on Sunday for my weigh in
Hey :wave: :wave:
Hows everyone doing this week?

Rach hows christopher? Hope he's all good now bless him :hug:
Not such a bad thing that you didn't go then if you thought it might not be good news!! Good luck this week hun, not long for your stone :cheer: :cheer:
Well done saulino for your 4lbs hun :cheer: :cheer:
Claire well done on your 1lb hun :cheer: as for your 'best friend' :x
amz good luck on Sunday :hug:
skairdy and Fiona, hope you both are doing well? :hug:

Well I went today and the place was locked again :evil:
Our leader left to take over a new group recently so we have had other leaders running it each week until we get our new leader. Not sure when thats going to be.............hopefully in the next few weeks. The women that was covering had car trouble again, d'oh. Thinking of going to a different group next week, all depends if my mums not working. So no weigh in for me again this week.
According to my scales I've lost 3lbs (in the last 2 weeks) but they are always different to the ones at SW, so I don;t really want to count them.

Anyhoo, good luck everyone this week :cheer: :cheer:
:wave: hi all and well done to those that have lost this week :clap: :clap: :clap:

saulino we have carpet in our main living area thank goodness so the bumps are not too bad as hes not fast enough yet to make it out to the hallway or kitchen :D

christopher is fine now thanks misslarue was only a small bump but im a worrier lol ive been getting nothing done in the day as ive been too scared to leave him alone in living room as soon as i turn my back he seems to hurt himself but i bought a travel cot for the living room from asda on thursday bargain at 25 pound (couldnt afford a play pen) so using this as one instead but at least now if i want to go shower or wash the dishes or run the hoover round i can pop him in there with some toys and he cant hurt himself he just sits there playing till i come back :D its been a godsend

well back to what the thread is about lol :oops:
o/h worked a night shift on valentines night so we celebrated last night i had chinese food wine chocs then my poor cat came in limping and the baby started crying and it all went wrong lol so our romantic evening stopped straight after food and i didnt get to work any of it off if you know what i mean lol :wink: am going to have to be 100% the rest of the week to scrape through at SW this week lol :oops:

anybody else do anything nice for valentines??? xxxxxxxx

Well I'm back on trck after my little blip last week.
Lost 2lbs this week, so 5lbs so far :cheer:

Well done ladies, keep up the good work :hug:

Having troublw with my internet connection that why I've not been on much.
Happy Sunday all....

Hope all is well.

SKairdy - well done on your 2lbs thats fab and makes up for last week...! I bet you are pleased. nearly 1/2 stone you go girl

Rach -glad christopher is ok, buying a travel cot as a play den is a good idea i just dont know whether amber would like something like that but i will deffo give it a try when i need to as it sounds like it does the trick! My valentines was a disaster really.....OH was in hosp till 12pm that day he got rushed in on the Tuesday so lukcy he was allowed out on the thurs really been a hectic time! But he was here which was the main thing, we both so tired from being awake all night the previous night that i was asleep by 8!! We had a takeaway on the fri though and i managec to stay awake till 8.30!! ha....

laure - how annoying about your SW club...hopefully they will get sorted soon fior you. but if going by your scales you have done brilliantly...3lb is alot to loose.

As for me, weighed myself this morning and lost 1.4kg which i trust is 3lb....but thinking about it i can't be 100% sure of my weight last sunday my memory is shocking...so it could be 2lbs lost but i know i have definately lost 1kg which is 2...i blame my wierd scales!!! anyway i have lost some...!! so 1/4 of a stone in 2 weeks wahay....3 months till wedding and i have 1stone 3lbs to loose come on!!

good luck all for the coming week...i did cheat a few times and ate a irregular times due to circumstances so back on track this week me thinks.


I looked in the mirror last night and for first time actually started feeling a little better about my appearance....believe me a massive step for me!

Helped i was wearing matching underwear hahaha!! Having a baby has made me not care as i dont have the time to find matching stuff in me draw lol :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

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