TTCers 'Losing Weight Thread'

I have now messed up my iPod after trying (unsuccesfully) to put the Paul Mckenna CD onto it!! :wall:
Gets into bed, we had a chat about me going back to work and how i'm feeling etc, G yawns so i say i'll put my ipod on and he can go to sleep....

The Paul Mckenna thing isn't on there...

So him being an angel, nips downstairs to update my ipod (cos i'd forgotten to click that button - dumbass!) 20 mins later i called down, he says "your ipod library is empty"

So now i'm sat here, after transferring my whole ipod library back into the itunes library and now waiting for my ipod to update with the 748 songs that need to go back on it!! :wall: :evil:

On the plus side - the Paul Mckenna file is in the "to be transferred" bit so i will get to listen to it tonight!!!! :rotfl: :cheer:

Typical - there goes my early night!! :roll:
Good morning.

Well i'm a bit fed up now but it serves me right for having a boozy weekend and eating too much.

AF came so i was a bit down but at least thats my 2nd 4 week 2 day cycle.

Anyway i weighed 12 stone 13 this morning! :shock:

It can only get better (I hope).

Must get back to work now. I'll catch up with you all later.
Sorry AF arrived gracie :hug:

I've weighed in at 11st 2lbs today :oops: put a little bit on, I blame the 2ww, I'm bored so I eat :shakehead:

Morning everyone!

Hayley ... I'm presuming you still can't edit your posts? I've updated the first page with the weights of Gracie, Charm and myself, hope you get it sorted soon!

New week everybody - come on, let's shed loads of pounds between us by next Monday! :cheer:
Puter is still being weird... Will try and edit it later with my weight, see if it works... if not am trying to talk G into letting me get a new laptop!! :rotfl:
(any excuse!!)

Am off to my dieticians appt now!! :cheer:
Wooooo Hoooooo!!
I got a new computer!!! :cheer: :cheer:
And it let me edit!!
Am back to full service!!!

Weights please girlies!!!

Am really made up with it - and we got it cheap cos it was the display model!!! :cheer:

*Bargain Hunter in the making* :rotfl:
Hi hayley

not sure if i'm allowed to put other peoples web addresses on here but if you want money saving ideas or bargins then try Its run by a guy who did a series on ITV.

Sorry if thats not allowed. :doh:
My mum always recommends Martins money saving expert!
But thanks hun

13 stone 6lbs this morning! - I've lost 1lb :)

Although I'm pretty sure this evening I've put it all back on...I had a curry...and I was in a hurry so I ate it quickly! Paul McKenna wouldn't be proud of me :oops:
naughty naughty!!

You gonna be not weighing yourself for 2 weeks too now Xena?

that's right...I hope I don't cheat and sneak a peek. I'm so bad at keeping off the scales.
i'm bad at keeping off the scales too...
but i did notice a bit in the CD about not getting on the scales... so that might tell the subconsious not to! :pray: :think: :pray:

Gonna fall asleep with it on repeat again tonight! my ipod battery lasted the whole of last night, so had it on constantly through the night, woke up feeling very motivated!
Hey Girlies!!!
Anyone else doing the Paul McKenna thingy notice that by the time you've got halfway through your food its cold!!!
Keeps making me laugh!!!
Its hard to not jump on the scales though!!!!

I'm doing terribly with the Paul McKenna thing I must confess - last night I ate until I was over-full, and I keep forgetting to eat slowly :oops:
I don't mean to, I just keep forgetting, and by the time I remember I've eaten it all!
ha ha!!
I've done that a few times!!!
Haven't listened to the hypnosis thingy for a couple of days, cos my ipod died and i stayed at a friends last night and forgot to take it with me!!

But graham just made me cheese on toast (mmmmmmmmmmmmm) and i ate it so slow the cheese may as well have been in the fridge!! :rotfl:

I admit that i'm definately enjoying food more since... taking time is making a difference!!


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