Losing weight.... who's joining me?

well done ladies you're doing great, wish i could say the same.. :cry:
I feel like im going nowhere. My weight has stayed the same this week, been to the gym 3 times and only had one bad meal (chinese fri night)

The first week i lost 6lb, then 1lb now nothing, whats the point? :cry:

Some encouraging words needed please, on the verge of giving up. :cry:
Dont give up hun, your body is probably just finding an equilibrium with your exercise an diet....once that has been reached you will loose again.

Plus i for about a month only lost inches and not actual weight, which did put me down yeah and i didnt think i was getting anywhere but i stuck to it and now i am loosing at least 2 lbs a week .. god now i have said that i will gain or something. haha

Stick to it hun....you can do it.... we are all here to support you

xxx :hug:
Hiya ladies, can i join in?
i have started today back on the slimming world but i am doing it myself.....is that a disaster waiting to happen??
i have done good though today, stuck with it and i am stopping eating at 7pm (i am going to try and drop this time to about 6)
my fave days are green days, it would be great to know what everyone eats through the day on green (thats if your on the sw) i get stuck sometimes what to snack on and i think thats why i gave up last time, i am determined to make some changes though as i wanna be comfortable in my size 12's for the summer, and the idea of a recipe thred is a great idea, we should think about a snack one too.x
hi and welcome rach there is a few of us doing slimming world i do mainly green days as i find them more filling and im not really a meat person
i usually eat
brekkie = muller light and banana
lunch = pasta n sauce or savoury rice
mid afternoon = apple and 2 plums
tea = either make something out of the sw magazines or jacket potatoes with beans or a huge mushroom and cheese omlette
supper = fruit and yogurt if im hungry

usually have 2 wholemeal bread with my tea as 1 b choice and then take a SW hifi bar to bed as my other b choice

well done everyone whos lost weight this week xxxxxx
Hi Girls, sounds like everyone is doing really well.

Forgot to fill in last weeks weight loss - 1 lb ...
this week has been busy though and ended up working late for 2 nights and eating pizza with everyone else at work ... weigh in again tomorrow night so don't hold out much hope... have been good the rest of the time though so you never know
Hey Rach x welcome...I am sure you will be fine doing it yourself, i did stop eating at 6 but ambers last feed etc has become between 5-6 now so mine has been upped to 7 it works for me as i am knakered when she has gone to bed and end up in bed chillin out!

Good luck with your goal you will get there.

Argh just realised two Rach's

On SW - can you give me some examples of your evening meals, i am more or less eating the same as you Rach but have a sarnie for lunch.

Well done Fiona on your loss, and dont worry about a couple of naughty treats i have had a few little toffees today whoopps!
only 1 pound for me this time which considering ive not been good for a fortnight im really pleased so 12 pound in total :D
cmon girls ive started a sw recipes thread someone needs to get on there and add some more xxxxxx
Well done Rach, i have ofound that i have lost more weight having relacxed about food and have a few treats too...well done on your total weight loss also.

weighed into tonight - another 2.5 lbs off - really pleased with that...

makes 19.5 lbs in 7 weeks ......... :)

will post some recipies on the SW thread in a minute or 2
well done fiona thats a fab weight loss hun :clap: xxx
misslarue how did you get on yesterday hun??? xxx
well girls me and o/h have decided to ttc again 1 last time so need to hurry up and get some more weight off we are sort of thinking of ttc from the end of march when christopher will be 1 and i would love to have lost 2 stone by the time i get my bfp got my bfp on the last 2 pregnancies within 2 months of ttc so if same happens again i wont have much time so need to get on with it now lol xxxxxxxx
:wave: welcome xrachx :wave:

:cheer: well done everyone, you are all doing great :cheer:

Congrats on TTC Rach :cheer: How exciting!! :cheer:
Another great incentive hun :hug: :hug:

I haven't been again this week. We still have no new leader. Apparently our new one is starting next week. I Couldn't go to the other meet as my mums been signed off with back problems and couldn't drive. So next week I should have a weigh in, if not I'm just going to go by my own scales.

I will def put some recipes in the new thread Rach :D ..........looking forward to using everyone elses as I'm getting a bit bored with the same old stuff. My friends just left after coming up yesterday, then I'm off to Sussex to visit OH's dad tomorrow (missing the carling cup final (spurs fan), but thats another story :twisted: ) But I will def write some out on Monday :D

Have a great week and good luck all :hug:
Hey all,

Lost 1lb this week a bit disappointed to be honest because i did a mid-week sneaky peek and i was well on my way to 3 lb's this week so maybe that made me a bit more relaxed...so i am going to ditch the mid-week peek this week and see if i have a good week.

Good luck all for this week.

TTC - woo hoo good luck i cant wait to try again but not until this time next year i dont think OH wants to in May after wedding - hmm!!
Just want to pas out some good luck .. I know it can be hard at times!

here a woman that has lost 6.5 stone the last 2 years!!

so good luck to all!! :hug:
Hi Girls,

How is everyone doing this week........ I went to class tonight to get weighed instead of tomorrow night as I am working......... lost another 2lb - so really pleased. That is 1 stone 7.5 lbs in 8 weeks........

Great work girls!! your all doing so well :D Welcome xrachx :) good luck to you were here to support you!!
Ive been bad last night i had a chocolate bar and chips my lovely OH came home with it and well i ate it :shhh: but it was the best ever i usually dont care for them either but theni woke up this morning and got my af so that explains it all !! i havent had it since having Kadyn .
But enough about that , i havent weighed myseld havent been to my dads but am going to weigh Kadyn tom so will weigh myself too at the health centre.

good luck to everyone this week!!
:wave: hi all well done everyone whos lost
well i went today and got myself totally fed up thought id had a great week went in to weigh and only half a pound off was so knobbed off felt like crying and came home thought whats the point ate a bacon sausage and egg baguette and 3 welsh cakes and a twirl then felt totally sick and guilty and know i will regret this next wednesday :oops: :evil: :oops: :(
so much for losing some weight before ttc at this rate it will be 2 years b4 we can ttc because i cant do it :cry:
thats it moan over will be back 2moro when in better frame of mind xxxxxxxxx
Maya, what an inspiration to us all
6.5 stone the last 2 years is amazing :cheer:

Fiona you are doing so well. Huge congrats :cheer:

saulino, good luck tomorrow hun :cheer:

Rach, don't feel bad, you have done sooooooooooooooooooo great. Write today off and get back on tomorrow! (I had a sneaky chinese yesterday :shhh: :oops: :shhh: ) You know you can do it hun, you lost loads of weight before. Tomorrow will be a good day. Don't waste time feeling bad, whats done is done, all you can do is get back on plan and move forward. Thats what I told myself last night anyhow!!! :wink:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

:hug: Rach you can do it hun !! your doing so great :)
I cheated again yesterday had white chocolate yum! and a few chips again :oops: so im nervous weighing myself today going soon to do it!
I Lost 9lbs Last Month & 11lbs This Month :cheer: Just a Few More To Go.. Yay!! :D

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