Losing weight.... who's joining me?


Welcome hun :) Its never too late good luck to you !!
3 months till your getting married! you must be getting excited
Yeah i am getting excited...time is going so quick!!

Still got a few things to sort out but in the main everything is sorted woo hoo funny really because nothing was starting to be done proporly till after xmas and i thought that i better get a wriggle on!
clairescunny55 said:
:wave: hi amz good luck for the wedding and loosing weight :cheer: :hug:

Thanks hun, going to start really hard at it tomorrow doing a little more exercise, i am loosing weight but too slow!! haha
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
well done Claire!! good going hun :cheer: :cheer:

hey amzhunny, welcome and good luck :wave:
Nothing like a wedding for an incentive to lose some weight :D
My mums getting married in June, shes been going to SW with me since April, but hasn't really put her heart into it........................shes going for it now though as she hasn't got long left! :rotfl:

good luck everyone this week :cheer:
kim look forward to you joining us soon :hug:
well done claire thats fab :clap: :clap: :clap:
hi :wave: amz and welcome
kimbo you still not had that lo :shock: not long left now hun :hug: xxxxxxxxx
Thanks for all your welcomes...!

When do you all weigh? Weekend? I weighed sunday so will continue wth this, just bought some new scales the ones that measure body fat and water aswell as weight - didnt like what i saw but hey ho..!

Another q - what/how much is everyone eating? I mean i am having porridge for breaky then for dinner a ham sandwich on brown bread of corse then for tea something healthy like chicken stir fry or soup or chicken and veg i dont eat carbs in evening and always eat between 5 and 6. Snacking on apples/oranges and yogurt....

Any evening meal suggestions? I only eat chicken !! lol
hi all :wave:
amz i am at a slimming world club and i weigh on wednesday mornings
i eat unlimited potatoes pasta rice fruit and veg no meat a measured portion of cheese milk bread and cereal and a small treat daily :D

very quiet on here this week hows everyone doing?????

i weighed this morning and lost another 1 and a half pounds thats 11 pounds in 4 weeks :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: only 3 more pounds for my 1st stone xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Well done Rach that fabulous....come on that stone!!!

Well my week isnt going so well i had such good intentions...OH has op yest so have been up and down to leeds last two days and he came out today and i couldnt be bothered to cook so we had chinese! woops.

Plus not exercised since sunday which isnt good - although i do feel the difference which is good and motivated me to start again tomorrow.

Did try on some size 12 trousers today though which i bought when i was getting bigger during pregnancy and woo hoo i am so close to doing them up...so i am pleased....and my size 10 jeans the button is getting closer to the hole just got lots of overhang....eeek..lol

Well done Rach!! your doing so well.

amzhunny - i know hwat you mean i didnt exercise all weekend until yesterday and boy did i notice the difference how i felt!
wow well done rach, thats really good :dance: Im aching this week, never done so much excersing! And i've started going on the crosstrainer more, it is starting to get easier...slowly!! :lol: keep up the good work ladies x
Hey Girls :wave:

Everyones doing so well, go on! :cheer:
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Rach well done hun, you are doing amazing. 11 pounds in 4 weeks! Thats good going hun :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

I haven't been today. OH had the day off so we could do some family stuff but them Dan got a temperature/cold yesterday so we all ended up staying at home, d'oh.

I've been good all week.....................apart from I did go to the pub on wednesday to watch the England game. I was a bit naughty :oops:
Been working hard on my crosstrainer so hopefully I have made up for it!

Hows everyone else doing?

Good luck this week :cheer:
Hi Girls,

Can I join you all. I have decided that it is time this weight came off... have always been overweight and always been an emotional eater so I have lots to learn.
Started SW 4 weeks ago, so far lost 16 lb which I am pleased about but have so much to go that it is quite daunting !!!
Need all the encouragement I can get......... Everyone is doing so well on here ......... well done girls !!
Hey Fiona :wave:

16lbs in 4 weeks that is so good hun :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Don't look at the whole picture as its so much harder..................look at the fact that you are well on your way and 16lbs in great going! :cheer:
What day is your weigh in?

How are you finding SW? I love it! Can't believe how much you can eat.............thinking we should do a recipe thread soon though as I'm getting stuck for new ideas :think:

Hi, Yes I love SW too - there is so much choice...
a recipe thread would be fab...... I have bought quite a few of the old magazines and have found some good recipes in there.
I love reading the success stories too....... gives me some hope
weight in day is wed pm

how are you doing on it ?
:wave: hey all

welcome fiona well done for losing 16 pound your doing fab :clap:
i love sw its so easy :cheer: i weigh in on a weds morning
yeah recipe thread sounds great i could do with some inspiration
good luck all for this week xxxxxxxxxxx
hey and welcome fiona.....whart a fab start....well done.

ok ladies alot of u do SW and it appears to be working will take a look on there web site

....i weigh in tomorrow at home have been a bit naughty this week so dreading it!!!
Well done everyone, keep up the good work.

Hi Fiona and well done on such a great weight loss.

I weighed in yesterday and I've put 1lb on :wall: . I expected it though after all those pancakes I ate lol. And it's star week too.
Star week?!

At the end of the day you have only gained a 1lb hun you can soon shift that this week hun

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