Losing weight.... who's joining me?

Well I've done it- I managed to weigh myself! I was having a pants evening anyway last night so I figured it couldn't get much worse (more of that in a moment) BUT- trala- I am actually 2lb down on my pre-Xmas weight despite having eaten all manner of naughty things like cheese, chocolates, crisps etc over Xmas. Don't know how much I had put on but after two weeks of my new eating plan it's better than before Xmas, hooray!

So- while my optimism lasts I thought I'd get a ticker & went for the pie one (the pies I can't eat!). You might as well pretend that all this is fun I guess!

Anyway, last night my OH was away and I thought I'd sit down and teach myself to knit as someone has lent me that "Stitch and Bitch" book and I've seen lots of knitting patterns for fruits, tins of beans and pizza slices etc that I'd like to make for Elliott as play food but before I settled myself down I had to answer the call of nature. Now I know I shan't meet any of you in the flesh and we're always frank on here so I hope it's not tmi to tell you that my new diet of porridge, rice, tofu/lentils and veggies for lunch and rice cakes and miso for dinner with lots of fruit throughout the day is doing fabulous things for my insides. Not so for our plumbing! I managed to block the loo with my oh so healthy poo. Oh the shame! So after attempting to bail it out with a yogurt pot into our nappy bucket and unblock it with a plunger (I really didn't want to have to call a man out) I had to call our emergency insurance cover and get a plumber. Lovely lady there thought it was hilarious and told me to open a bottle of wine to blot out the horror. My beloved oh told me that if we weren't cover by emergency cover I should pee in the garden until today- pah! Anyway, one plumber and a plunger on a stick later and all is well- phew! Except for a bucket full of poo & water in my garden which I will now have to do something with.

So- the dangers of dieting eh ladies!
(I told the plumber it could have been one of the liners from Elliott's resuseables- if in doubt blame it on the baby!)

How are you all doing this week?
p.s. about miso types- I don't know which is the better, dried or paste but I found the paste to be cheaper and more tomatoey in flavour- particularly Genmai kind (I think it's made from different things). I like the packet ones with tofu bits in but loath the ones with seaweed bits floating in it. I live 2 mins from a deli which sells the paste though and I know I've seen it in Fresh and Wild too although that place is so expensive.
p.p.s still haven't managed to do any proper exercise
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Sorry to laugh at your shane Rosebay but that's hilarious, I am blushing for you :oops: :oops: :oops: :rotfl:
Hi how are your diets going? Mine is good but I can't tell if I have lost anything. One of the women at baby group asked if I'd lost weight though so maybe :cheer:

I have made some great soups this last week winter vegetable (parsnips, carrot, celeraic etc), tomato and sweet potato and today spicy tomato and mixed beans. They are all free food so I can have a cup whenever I feel peckish and great because Leorah is not napping well so I have no time to cook.

Hope you are all doing well :D
Melanie did you weigh yourself at the same time as last week? This is why I don't have scales I would be on them all the time and I know your weight can fluctuate during the day. Well done for losing 3lbs though, that's brill :)

I know it hasn't been shown yet but there's a programme about dieting in BBC 2's The Truth About Food series coming up and if you go on their website you can already see clips from it and read the tips sheet.


One tip is to have soup because when the water is mixed in with the food your stomach deals with it together whereas if you drink some water before eating it processes it quicker. So Skatty- good call on the soups! My problem with soups is resisting dipping bread in it though although last week I tried dunking a rice cake but it wasn't the same!

Are you all doing more exercise to help the weight loss along? I can't face the thought of it alhough I know it will feel good when I do.

Thanks for that link Rosebay, very interesting :)

As for exercise I have good intentions but it doesn't always happen. For example Leorah has been teething and I haven't been able to put her down, actually I guess that's a bit of exercise :lol:

I have been basically good with my diet but today I bought a box of dark chocs with mint filling and have eaten half of them :oops:

On a good note I last measured myself on the 13th December and since then I have lost an inch off my hips and a half inch off the top of each thigh :cheer: My waistline hasn't budged and I still want to lose 4"s off it. I need to do pilates everyday! Martin starts a new job next week and will be home in the evenings so I will get into the habit :)

I hope the rest of you girls are on track :hug:
Yay! I've lost another 2lbs this week! This week my challenge is to do at least one of the exercise tapes though as otherwise I'll start sticking I think as that's usually how it goes.

How are you all doing?

Yay well done Rosebay :cheer:

Unfortunately with Leorah's teething and virus I haven't had any time to think about myself but have been eating loads of healthy stuff and have continued making soups ( I did polish of the mint creams at the weekend though :oops: )

My DH starts his new job on Thursday so will be home every evening and at weekends so I am definitely going to exercise regularly, I feel so much better when I do. Its also a great stress reliever and having something for myself makes me a happier mummy for Leorah ( not that I am unhappy!)

Do you think the others ahve deserted us Rosebay? :lol:
I think they might have done- maybe I put everyone off with my toilet story! :oops:

I know what you mean about doing things for yourself because it helps you be a happier mum for baby- that's so true. It took me a while to realise that fact, it's very easy to fall into the martyr role isn't it? My OH is away two nights a week at the moment and after 2 weeks of teething I was in a foul mood over the weekend but I spent Monday night (when my OH was away) being nice to myself, I had a candlelit bath, did some knitting, had a glass of white wine and most importantly an early night. Mel slept though fine without needing painkillers or a hug and we had a lovely day yesterday down the park and seeing his grannie and it's mostly because I was in a better mood having been nice to myself. It's win win isn't it?

How was Leorah last night? This teething business is a bit of a nightmare isn't it?

Hi, I am so jealous about the bath, they just don't have them over here :( Saying that Leorah hates bathtime and its really stressful so we are on the lookout for a bath tub that will fit our bathroom so hopefully she will bath with me (It means I get my bathtub too!) Sounds like you had a lovely evening. My DH had his last shift at work yesterday so from now on he is home very evening so I can get some me time :cheer:

Leorah is better thanks but that may be because I have been giving her regular doses of calpol. She's still clingy and dribbling but the mood swings have stayed away today :lol:

I have eaten crap today! I had a slice of cake and a tuna mayo sandwich for lunch and one for dinner. I had better eat some fruit before bed!
How's it going girls? I lost 3 1/2 lb this week so really happy :cheer: !!

Your soups sound great Skatty deff gonna try making some,anyone else got any good soup ideas :D xx

woo, well done Nikki, that's really cool! :clap:

I'm down another 2lbs which I can't quite believe as I had half a bottle of wine and some nachos on Saturday night and so thought I'd blown it!

I'm a bit fed up of rice and beans but it does seem to fill me up, I mean I'm not hungry at any time so that has to be good. I ate a lot of alfafa sproutd last week too as I heard something on the radio that said that they were the most amazing source of protein and minerals and stuff. Tasteless but ok I'd say! Anyone know any good recipes of what to do with them?

well done rosebay,nearly there now :cheer: ,what on earth is alfafa sprout is it nice and where do you get it :D
Oops- it's spelt alfalfa :oops: I got muddled with all the a's and f's and forgot the l's!

I got some in the health food shop fresh like you'd buy bean sprouts I guess, they are a bit bland- look like cress but taste watery not hot if you know what I mean? You can grow your own but I had a bad experience as a student trying to grow beansprouts and swore never to do it again (I left them too long in a sunny window then ate them anyway as I was too broke to fling them and ended up with food poisoning!) Here is some info:-


the woman on the radio (think it was on woman's hour) was going on about it being living food and very good for you...?

28lb so far :cheer:

I'll be happy with another 21lb but I havent started exercising yet, usually falls off when I do :)
arrgh on stupid rosemary conley diet, just 1200 calories a day for 2 weeks. only on day 2 and my work colleagues are munching on cakes.


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