Losing weight.... who's joining me?

Well done! You are well within your rights to brag, that's fantastic :D
can sum1 tell me what kinds of food have what points, weightwatchers plz thankies xxxx
Hi someone has made this e-book on ebay. They are not officially weight watchers but have written up this themselves as it is illegal for them to sell the actual weight watchers diet on ebay. It has everything you need to know for the diet and all the points are listed. Not bad for £2.50!!

http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/COMPLETE-WEIGHT-W ... dZViewItem
Hi my name is Daggers and I'm a chocoholic, it's now been 3 days since I've had any form of chocolate!!!! :cheer:
Yes, yes the New Year is here, I've been coming on to this thread a few times now having only read the posting but finally I've decided to join you all in weight shifting!!! Have no idea how much I weigh - hate scales and have therefore never owned any!! So my guess is I'm probably anywhere around 10.5 - 11 stone-ish! Hopefully less! My main aim is to cut the junk food, my OH and I are so bad when it comes to eating chocolate and biscuits, etc. but as I mentioned above I've been clean for 3 days now and god knows it hasn't been easy. I'm allowing myself to have a chocolate Weight Watchers mouse on Friday - it's sitting in the fridge now just beckoning me - but I must resist!!!
I did do an hours walk almost daily last year with Otis but now the weather has become so pants (or is that just a lame excuse?!), still I try and do some yoga every other day - still not had a chance to go running as yet. Anyway enough waffle, I hope we can all shift some of our weight so we can be yummy mommies for the summer!!!!
I was gonna start a weight loss diary to try & motivate myself, but then I came across this thread!!

I have officially started the Rosemary Conley Gi Jeans diet today......I say offically as I have been eating some of her meals for the last few days, but only got round to weighing myself today!!

I reckon I need to loose between 2 and 3 stone.....I'm currently a 14 on top & a 16 on the bottom & i'd LOVE to be able to fit into my size 12 pre-preggers wardrobe!!

Also, as we're hoping to concieve again this year i'd like to be a bit fitter & healthier.

As hubby works shifts& the weathers been crap, its a great excuse not to do any regular exercise, so I have ordered a couple of workout dvds to do at home SO NO EXCUSES NOW (or when they are delivered anyway!!)

I'm weighing in today at 85kg/13.4 stone........

Wish me luck!!
Hi Em,

We had another weight loss thread going recently but I think we all went AWOL around Xmas :lol:

I am also trying to do something about my out of shape body! Foolishly I underestimated how unfit I am now and have hardly been able to sit down all week after going running and also working out with my fitness machine! I have decided I am going to do my pilates dvd everyday again as this really does strengthen your core muscles and my tum is awful!

I have no scales so haven't weighed myself for ages. Last time I did I was 65kg and I want to be 58kg but would be happy with 60 for now.

I was eating really healthy as I was on an elimination diet but when I found out I could eat wheat I went mad eating bread and pasta and boy they make me feel bloated so I may cut these out again. I can't eat dairy or soy so no chocolate for me but I have to stay away from the crisps!!

Good luck and check in often :hug:
I know.....I posted on the thread Katt, but the chocolate got me!!!! I'd like to be about 68kg, I think that about what I was before having Katy so i've a long way to go. We can support each other.......so far I haven't broken, but I am pretty hungry!!
I am eating after eights now :oops: Its one of the few dairy free chocs I like! I had a healthy dinner of chicken and roatsted veg though and I am exercising in the morning!
Morning ladies, glad to hear that y'all are being so motivated! Since my last post on here I haven't done that much and ain't been to good on the food front - I must be more regimented and stop be so weak willed!!!! But there is good news as well, I have FINALLY got my act together and went for a run this morning :shock: , I managed 20mins before giving in and did the last 10mins warming down (not to bad mi thinks), will see how I feel tomorrow - may have to resort back to my yoga vid otherwise! Will try and eat health for the remainder of the week as I've got laods of fruit and veg to get through - or else I'll never hear the end of it, OH will just nag at me for buying all this stuff and letting go to waste :roll: (party pooper!).
I would love to loose about 1 and a half stone or whatever it is that will get me back to around 9 /9.5 stone.
Good luck girlies and keep up the the fittness, remeber every 30mins makes a difference even if it is waking up and down the stairs twice as much as you would normally! And step away from the chocolates - says me! :hug:
Daggers I am so glad you are on board as Em will not be able to diet anymore, congrats again by the way :wink:

Daggers how can you run for 20 mins and I can only run for 2 now???? I just have no strength in my core (not surprising as they have been cut!) I was shocked at how unfit I am :( How much did you used to run? I only did 30 mins every other day but would be really happy to do 20 mins 3x a week at the mo'. I am going to do my pilates every day as that does strengthen the core quickly.

I can not look like this in the summer!!!!!!!
Thanks Katt!! :)

I'm gonna be keeping an eye on you girls, so don't think you can slack just coz i'm aloud to pig out again!! :lol:

Seriously though, we found out when we got back from doing loads of healthy shopping, so i'm gonna make a real effort to eat well, & eat low-fat food this pregnancy. I was good last time at the beginning, but then I just started eating chocolate all the time!!

Good luck both of you xx
I would love to join you girls :cheer: ,i am currently doing weightwatchers and have lost 6lbs in 2 weeks :cheer: ,hope we can all support each other through this, i get weighed every wednesday so will post what i have done then :D ,so how are you ladies getting on i am being strong at the mo but really want some choc :( ,i have been snacking on caramel snack a jacks and they are half pric e in sainsburys at the mo :D xx

weighing in today at 13st 6lb
Good for you Em, I wish you healthy craving vibes :lol:

Nikki congratulations :cheer: That weight loss is fantastic! I haven't really started anything properly yet but I really have too. I have all the slimming world info so i should do that but it is so hard following a structured diet as I can't eat dairy or soy. I would like to do a low carb diet for a few weeks to kick start but worry about my milk supply.

I can only eat dark choc which just isn't the same as milk choc so I haven't got that problem. Have you tried drinking options or highlites? I used to buy low fat chocolate mousse when I was in the UK, I think you can get the tesco/sainsbury own ones for less than 100 cals a pot. There are no good treats like that here in DK :(

Good luck to all and lets get shedding some pounds :lol:
Im starting these mother and baby exercise classes next week. They help you burn fat and tone up while you play with your baby :D Im gonna start belly dancing classes in the same place too - i figure exercise might as well be fun!
sounds great melanie,ooh and chocolate mousse skatty sounds yum good idea :D xx
Em what fab news - obviously this has some how surpassed me! Congrats hun I'm was what envious as I'd love to get preggers again soon, but I guess it might be better if I get a bit back in shape first :shock: !
Nikki awesome! Can't believe that you've lost 6lbs, WW's is great I started going about 2 months or so before I got pregnant it was really good.
Skatty prior to getting pregnant I used to run on and off quite a bit - doing 10k's etc, however I did start to get into a regime of running to work 2 - 3 times a week (about 7miles), I really loved it, well most days! So it was really good to hit the pavement again today. Not sure if I'll make it tomorrow cause it's suppose to be really windy, so may have to do yoga instead. Ideally it would be great if I could do some form of 30mins work out everyday, but I know that will never happen!!!! I'm sure having a c section will have had a major impact on your core muscles so take it easy hun!
Re mouses WW's do a really yummy low cal mouse, and rice pudding!!! :D
Definately agree we need to support each other in this weight loss malarky :D . Melanie let us know how you get on rebelly dancing (I'd be far to embrassed to do that right now, think I've got a bit to much of a jelly belly, certainly don't need to dance to make it jiggle :rotfl: ).
I used to go to belly dancing when I lived in Israel, so much fun and there were women of all ages and sizes so you never felt self conscious :)

Daggers I really want to build up to doing a 10k, maybe I should aim for 10 mins for now :rotfl: That's great that you ran to work, it must have been great feeling all smug while other people were trying to wake up by drinking coffee :lol:

The morning I went out for my run it was raining and reallly windy, I wouldn't recommend it :lol: I will start the beginners programme now, I'll see how the weather is tomorrow :)

I AM STARTING MY DIET TOMORROW!!!! There it is now in black and white!!
It is tomorrow now!! I have had a fruit salad for my breakfast so a good start! (I'm starving and plan to eat more than that for breakfast in future but need to go healthy shopping!) I have decided to do the slimming world diet because you can eat lots so doesn't effect your milk supply. I have decided I will eat carbs at lunchtime so I have time to burn them off and eat protein at night as that is good for helping your body rejuvenate and repair (from all that exercise I'm dreaming about doing :rotfl: )while you sleep!

I am about to make my lunch of brown pasta with spicy tomato and veg sauce and I will go walking and do my pilates this afternoon. Its too rainy and windy for me to face running!!

Come on ladies we have to do this now or come summer we will be sooo depressed and have noone to blame but ourselves. Oops did I sound a bit school teacherish then :lol:
wow you have got your teachers cap on! Well done Mrs, so far I've had 2 pieces of toast with honey and a cup of tea (feeling a bit pants this morning so needed a hot drink!). Will probably have and raw veg for lunch (with some homous to dip veg in). May do a green tai chicken curry for dinner...hmmmmmmm :lol:
Oh yes will try do some yoga in a bit - god knows my back needs it!

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