Losing weight.... who's joining me?

Well done all of you, you are doing so well......I had a yummy stir fry for lunch & a sweet baked potato with peppers & cottage cheese & loads of salad for dinner..........YUMMY!! I did slip up & eat a little TINY bit of choccy though :fib:

Ok, so it was half a bar!!

Daggers, thanks for your congrats....you go girl.....don't lose the weight just to put it back on!! I am the biggest i've ever been...but still a pretty healthy weight. JOIN ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

Keep up the good work!!
Em quick question were you BFing when you got preggers? I am presently BFing and not sure how 'easy' it is to concieve while BFing - god I almost sound desperate!!!! I'm sure I won't be that desperate when I'm throwing up and all that.... :shock:

can I join the thread? I started a kind of eating better plan last week (try not to call them diets as it sounds like something I'd manage not to do or fail at rather than a change in eating habits if you see what I mean!). Have kind of not helped myself by being too scared to get on the scales yet but before Xmas I needed to lose a stone to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight which was not good anyway but didn't cause me any problems during that pregnancy. We want to TTC soonish so I'd like to be where I was before really.

My eating plan involves not eating any bread as that is my major weakness so instead I'm having porridge with currants and cinnamon for breakfast, rice cakes, fruit, and miso soup for lunch and some kind of concoction involving rice, beans and vegetables for dinner. I'm a veggie so it's always tricky finding diets I can follow without just eating the same thing every day. I also tend to go crazy over pasta and bread- I guess I'm a carboholic! So far I do actually feel better with a rice based diet- it does fill you up nicely. Also I find eating things slower or even with chopsticks helps! Anyone finding that they're drinking more coffee now they're dieting? I think it's because I got used to grazing in the kitchen all day so now there's nothing nice/evil to eat in the cupboards I just make coffee instead.

What always does make me lose weight is exercising though so I've got lots of keep fit videos from charity shops over the last week. Now all I have to do is actually do one of them, ahem!

Hi Rosebay and welcome aboard!! You sound like you are doing really well on your healthy eating plan! Have you looked into the Slimming World diet? It is fab for vegetarians as there are two different sorts of meals you can have red which is mainly protein and measured carbs or green which is unlimited carbs but weighed prtein. The great thing is the unlimited foods if you are going green are pasta, rice, potatoes all veg and beans and pulses. Although I'm not veggie I eat a lot of these foods. A lot of the girls on this forum have had great success with SW and you can also carry on when pregnant and BF but get a bigger healthy extra allowance (this is your bread, cereals, dairy products, olive oil etc). It sounds like you can't possibly lose weight eating all this unlimited food but they say you have to trust them that you will! I'm on day 2! If you are interested I can send you all the info as I have it on an e book (and anyone else that's interested just drop me a PM with your email address. Here is what I've eaten today:

Breakfast - kiwi, apple, melon first thing and the an hour later 2 ryvita with marmite and sliced boiled egg

lunch - veg omlette, baked beans and oven made potato wedges

I'm having trout and roasted vegetables for dinner and I am also allowed to eat as much fruit as I want plus low fat, low cal yoghurt like muller lite (except I can't eat dairy). You can also have up to 15 syns so I have had 2 after eights which is 4 syns.

Daggers, completely off the diet topic, have you found out if you are ovulating? am sure I had ovulation pains last week which I am gutted about as I wanted to be one of those women that don't have periods while BF!! You can buy some cheap tests off ebay and do one every day to see if you get a line :)
Hi Daggers, I wasn't BFing, I stopped when Katy was about 4 months due to bad advice from HV really. Regretted it & missed it ever since, but I don't feel so bad now! I know you can get PG while BFing, Saulino did, & a couple of others but I can't think of them offhand!!

Good luck....i've done rubbish today as i've been eating on the go......desperatly doing all the stuff we are paying a solicitor to do in a last ditch attempt to exchange contracts today so we can move next friday.
Okay fell of the wagon (if that's the right saying) yesterday - bought 3 choc mousses, didn't eat them all, just the one!!!) and a bag of chocie mint things...hmmmm. Yes I am a yellow livered, weak will human!!!! :doh: Besides that also made the mistake of jumping on some scales yesterday and I know how much I weigh now - with clothes and boots on...... 11.11stone ahhhhh the heaviest ever!!!! :(
Think my run this week hasn't done me any favours as ever since then I've been feeling like I'm getting a cold!!!!! Hence why I got some comfort food!!!! Excuses, excuses!
Anyway making a new start today, and so far have had a healthy breakfast of half a melon!
Rosebay, your Miso soup is it just one of those packet ones where you add water to? I've got a box so may have that as a morning snack, just not sure what type/band of miso is best?
Well good luck everyone, hope you're doing better than me! :hug:
Oh yes re getting preggers, I'm not quite that desperate that I'm going to start monitoring my cycle (ovulation) guess will just let nature take it's course for now!
I'm fed up!! After I had Leorah most of the weight just drooped off but now I feel its come to a standstill. I read that the last ½-1 stone stays on until you finish BF. I know it is terrible of me but I wanted to wean Leorah off the breast at 6 months so I could get back to normal. I just don't feel sexy with the excess weight and leaky boobs, they were always my asset and now I just feel like a cow! If Leorah doesn't grow out of the milk protein allergy then I have to BF until at least a year and I will have to wait so long to get back to normal. Sorry to moan but its getting me down today, I want to be my normal size again :(
Hi, I've logged back on as I am feeling guilty about my self indulgent post!! Sorry, I am so lucky to have a lovely, perfect baby and to have worked out what was wrong with her. Having a few extra pounds on is nothing if it means I have a healthy, happy daughter.

I hope you are all having a great weekend and are being a bit sensible but I have to admit I'd kill for one of your chocolate mousses right now Daggers :lol:
Hey Skatty I can completely sympathis with you! as I mentioned in my earlier post I just found out that I'm 11stone (with cloths and boots on!)!!!! The heaviest I've ever been :( !!! I finally mentioned it to my OH yesterday, fortunately I'm not one to dwell on these things and besides we could both do with shifting some pounds, if I could only loose a stone and a half!!! Fortunately we have reduced our junk draw, so it's a start and I hoping that I'll get rid of this cold like feeling soon so I can go running 3 times a week, I know that will definately help!
Skatty all we can do is try to keep on eating healthy (or start as is in my case!) and keep excersizing! However when you're feeling down my recommendation is let it go and get whatever tickles your fancy! :hug:
Hi Daggers! I woke up with adull period pain to day so AF is obviously on its way so that explains my mood swings! Its just that I have been told by many people that the last 7-10 pounds stay on until you stop BF and if I have to BF for a year then that's a long wait!

11 stone doesn't sound too bad, it will come off easily with the runnning. I have decided to leave the running for a month or two and concentrated on strengthening my core. The weather will also be better then. I think we have had rain and terrible winds every single day this year so far :(

I must say this slimming world diet is great! I can eat more than ever, its hard to believe you can lose weight on it :lol:

I hope your cold is better v.soon :hug:
Oh dear! I wonder when I'll get my AF back, I do get the occassional cramp (sometimes they're quite bad! :( ) but they only last a couple of seconds. I too would like to BF for about a year, I can't believe it's already been over 4months, didn't think I'd last that long!!!!
I know what you mean about holding of on the running I might do the same and just do some yoga instead. BTW have you got anything re slimming world you could send me (I'm sorry if that's a bit cheeky, just can't be arse to sign up!!!! :wink: ), had a quick look online and well hey anything worth a shot mi thinks!
Good luck hun and hope you manage to get back to your original weight soon er than later!
i have lost 6lbs in 4 days :shock: it coz hope has been ill and the fact she is going through 3 outfits a days means tons more washing and running about xx
Well done Littlelady :cheer: I hope that Hope is well soon though :hug:

Daggers I have all the info, I'll email it to you and also some recipes, i bought it all off ebay for 99p so don't wastes money joining up :wink:
Oh yeah I need your direct email so idf you PM me it I'll forward it all on :)
Bloody hell Littlelady, you be careful doing all that running around and hope your LO gets better soon :( !

Skatty you've been pm!!!
cant help it she is bringing up phlegm and stuff, little angel xxxx i think i over did it today:(
Poor Hope, I hope she's better soon :hug:

So have any of you girlies started the slimming world yet? Oh probably not because I guess you only just got the info :lol: I am so pleased that there will be a few of us following the same diet. The problem is I haven't got any scales and i am not sure if I want any in my house because I know I would be on them 10 times a day! I have to find somewhere to weigh myself each week.

Good luck everyone :)
y not make a weekly trip to boots or summat, they usualy have scales x hope your diets go well, i am just sticking to a healthy diet xx
I'm in Denmark Littlelady no Boots here (or superdrug, M&S, tesco or anywhere essential like that!) :cry:
that is crap hun sorry i dont have any more suggestions x

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