Losing weight.... who's joining me?

i joined slimming world last week, even though i lost all my pregnancy weight in the 1st week :shock:

lost 2lb for my 1st week, got another 19lbs to go to my target 8)
I want to lose weight and im finidn it hard sticking to a diet, especially when ian is hi=ome, iv just weighed myself and i am 10stone 7 :oops: :oops: :oops: i want to be 9 stone, does anyone know the slimming world plan? lol as i am a huge cheap skate and dont want to pay for the plan lol.
sorry i know that you eat from either a red or green plan. also you have to choose one item from catagory A and then another 2 from cat B. Sorry did this plan years ago.

have you thought about just joining, paying the joining fee, getting the books and then going from there. or howabout looking for the books on ebay.

i'm joining you girls!!

i have put on weight since having luke despite excercising 200% more than i used too. :shock: we have a tread mill and been jogging /brisk walking at least 4 times a week for several weeks and i put on weight!! i know my diets not fantastic but its not bad. i'm getting married next april and want to lose at least 2 stone. i weigh 13 6 :cry: i was 11 3 pre pregnancy.

i'm willing us all on, my will power is crap.
Good luck with the diets.

I've lost 8 lbs in about 5 weeks (I put 2 back on over Easter :oops: ), i wish it was more but they say losing a couple of pounds a week is the right amount to lose. I really want to get on the scales and to the the number 9 something instead of 10 something :roll:

Its so hard not to snack on yummy food, so i've stopped buying it now! :wall:
Can I join you ladies please?

I was 13st 2lb in June 2006 (pre conception) and on 7th April I weighed 14st 7lbs.......after Libby was born (8th April) I was down to 13st :cheer: , and am now 12st 8lbs...............BUT!!!..........I really should be 11st for my height, so I still have a way to go........fingers crossed the breast feeding will help.

So...........can I please join?

(Nicki - I am the same as you - if its in the cupboard I have to eat it so I don't even venture down the crisps/chocolate/ biscuits aisles when i do a food shop as I have no willpower not to put it in the trolley and bring it all home :rotfl: )

My mom bought a box of egg custards when she visited on Monday, and it has taken all my willpower to only eat 2 :oops: I am dying to eat the other 2 :wall: :wall:

Rusks - muscle weighs more than fat, so if you are exercising and putting on weight slowly, this could be why? :hug: :hug:
i wanna lose weight im 11stone and i was 9 and a half pre pregnancy! but i havent lost any yet since having him and i dont no why :(
I'm sure it'll come off soon hun. Your bodies still adjusting to giving birth so sorting itself out first.

Well, I haven't lost anymore weight :wall: its so hard, I have been picking a bit more than I was amainly because i'm feeling down & DH has been at work so here on my own, so constantly battling with myself not to eat.
Wish I could just have it all sucked out :lol:
I want to loose weight!!!

I am 10st 30lbs, was 8st 30lbs pre preg and went upto 12 st at the end of the pregnancy.

How can I safely loose weight while breastfeeding? is using a step machine and other equipment going to jepodise my breastfeeding relationship with Olivia ?

I really would like to start getting rid of some of this, just makes me feel so unattractive :(

I walk everyday but it doesnt seem to do anything.
il be joining you all this week girls im joining slimming world on thursday 2 pregnancies 1 after the other and not watching what ive been eating and since september 2005 ive put on 4 stone :shock: :shock: :shock:
so its gonna be a long diet :( xxxxxxx
well ive done the deed and joined slimming world last night :cheer:
heres to a good 1st week i hope :pray:
need to lose 4 stone 5 and a half pounds :oops: :oops: :oops:

is anyone else still dieting or am i on my own????? :(
oh rach you not on your own i should be dieting but my will power is poor.

Me and OH had a photo taken last weekend and i also feel so unattreactive and huge!! i want to lose 2 stone. i don't want to be a chunky bride next april!!
think i shall join you ladies as im only 5ft 2in and now i weigh 12ston 8lbs i think shall weigh myself agaion tomorrow
rach said:
well ive done the deed and joined slimming world last night :cheer:
heres to a good 1st week i hope :pray:
need to lose 4 stone 5 and a half pounds :oops: :oops: :oops:

is anyone else still dieting or am i on my own????? :(

Rach, I joined slimming world 3 weeks ago! How are you finding it? I can't believe how much you can eat. I've just eaten a huge bowl of slimming world chips! :oops:
I'm not dieting as I'm bf'ing, but I am trying to cut out the junk and walk more. I'm down to 12st 2lb now, so have about a stone to go.....going on a walking holiday during half term week!
misslarue am struggling a minute hun missing the chocolate bad :( and not feeling very motivated at all am worried that i wont lose any weight at the moment as im still so immobile from the section (had 2 infections in scar) am managing to potter around the house but doctors have said im not even allowed out walking for another 2 weeks then can start gentle exercise walking and swimming :(
also struggling to understand how you can eat so much on a diet and still lose weight am not convinced need to keep telling myself free means FREE :D
oh well due to go back to weigh on wednesday and am dreading it but will keep at it lol
how are you getting on with it? xxxxxxx

rusks hun im sure your not unattractive and huge :hug: and your hubby to be probably thinks you are the most beautiful woman on earth :hug: :hug: xxxxxxx

Em well done hun im sure that stone will come off in no time at all :hug: xxxxxxx

Er hun good luck xxxxxxx
I'm joining you. Have all the books from slimming world last time. Only went twice but I got the gist and went from nearly 13stone to just over 10 and half on my own, joined SW for the extra boost and went down to 9st 1 at my lowest. I want to get to 9 and half by end of june.

Tip ladies, plan your meals in advance. Dont leave things till last minute and umm and ahh over whats for tea, you'll end up eating crap. Check the books and pick out anything you will actually eat that has SS next to it and have that over anything else ;)
I have a weekly menu planner so I know what we're having for tea well in advance and make sure I have everything in for it. Last ime I had lots of fish, try a bit of cod (SS) or salmon grilled with some cajun sprinkled on it ;)
Rach, I'm actually loving it at the mo! (see how I feel in a few months when I'm sick to death of fruit and veg!!) I can't believe it either how much you can eat and still lose weight, but it seems to work for all the ladies at my meeting. First week I only lost half a pound and was really upset as I had been so good. But I was on my period, first one since Dan so I put it down to that. The following week I lost 4lb and won slimmer of the week! heheeheh I was so happy, I'm so sad :roll:
But last week I stayed the same, which was very disheartening. So I will see how I go this friday.

If you're missing the chocolate, use a few naughty syns and have one.............don't deprive yourself or you're end up hating it. Have you tried the orange and chocolate bars they do? They are really yummy. You can use them as healthy extras or syns if you want.
Good luck on Wednesday :hug:

(I am finding it hard too what with trying to stay not smoking. Don't know about you but what with the diet I feel like I'm not allowed anything?? lololo. I had a few naughty cigs this weekend at a family BBQ. Finding it hard today as I really want just a little puff! Promised I won't though.)
well it was weigh in time last night and i lost 4 pound in my first week :cheer: was really shocked as im still not very mobile from the section so was sure i wouldnt lose anything but i did :D
got some of the hi fi bars in choc orange they are yum :D
good luck for friday misslarue xxx
hows everyone else doing xxx
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Yay! Go on Rach! 4lbs...........go on, thats well good. It all seems worth it when you get results.
I agree the choc and orange bars are gorgeous, even my OH eats them! Gonna stock up tomorrow at my weigh in

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