Losing weight.... who's joining me?

I'd like to join if I can... I want to get down to a size 10 again! I've been a size 14 since Austin was born. I don't own any scales but I think I need to get to about 9 1/2 or 10st. I was 11st 11lb when I weighed myself at my mums a couple of weeks ago, I'll weigh myself again next time I'm there.

I can't diet as I'm breastfeeding but I'm watching what I eat - no more crap! I'm also going to be starting to do aquarobics twice a week at my local pool. I don't drive so I've been walking loads since Austin was born.

Minime - I've started planning meals, I never used to but I've found it so much easier! It means I'm wasting less food too as things are less likely to go out of date without me realising.

Good luck ladies
:wave: ello everyone

misslarue ive just made sin free ice cream :shock: yum yum yum
muller light mixed with fromage frais pop in freezer and mix every half hour till its ready :D xxxxxxx
rach said:
:wave: ello everyone

misslarue ive just made sin free ice cream :shock: yum yum yum
muller light mixed with fromage frais pop in freezer and mix every half hour till its ready :D xxxxxxx

ooohhhh mmmmmm Gonna have to try that
(waddles down shop!)
Just to motivate you all that YOU CAN DO IT

This is me prior to watching what I ate and exercising a little more, and I mean a little more!


And this is me afterwards (This was taken the day I met OH)


That took in total less than 6 months :)
misslarue how did you get on last week hun? xxxxxxx

wow minime you look so different well done you xxxxxx
I'd like to join this. I want to lose weight - i'm currently 9 stone 7 lbs but i'd like to be 8 stone 11 lbs. I'm going to really try my best to get there - that's my target and i'd be well chuffed if I reached it. Haven't got a time limit as such but just gonna go with the flow
rach said:
misslarue how did you get on last week hun? xxxxxxx

I lost 1lb
Which I wasn't that happy about, but I guess a lb is a lb.
Unbelievably I won slimmer of the week! I had to share it with 2 others, but there was only 12 people at the meeting and they had all even gained, stayed the same or lost half a pound. So won slimmer of the week twice now. Very happy with that! :dance: :cheer:
well done hun what you have to think of its a pound off and not on so your going in right direction :clap: :clap: :clap:
congrats on slimmer of the week :cheer: xxxxxxx
hi hun just got home now and have lost 3 pound and got my half stone sticker :D :D :D so 7 pound in total :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: xxxxxx
OMG Rach!!!
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
That is so good. Well done hun
Isn't it great when you get a sticker for your book!
I'm so sad :rotfl: :rotfl:
then im sad too hun i was so proud of my sticker lol my friend that joined same time lost 5 pound 1st and 2nd week so 10 in total she had half stone sticker and slimmer of the week sticker we were like a pair of giggling idiots :oops: xxxxxx
good luck with this weeks weigh in misslarue xxxxxxxx
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
another pound and a half off so 8 and a half in total in 3 weeks :dance:

hows everyone else doing? xxxxxxxxxxx
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Rach you are doing so well. Go on Girl!

I was naughty and didn't go last week. I still followed the diet, but to much was going on last friday and I just couldn't make it.
I will see how I go tomorrow.
good luck for today misslarue hun hope you have a really good weight loss xxxxxxx
Cheers rach :hug:

Yay I lost 2.5lbs :cheer: :cheer:
Got my half a stone sticker. Woo Hoo! lost 8lbs now. (well over a stone in total but they won't count that as it was before i joined. I'm not letting it go though! hehe)
Got 3 stickers on my book now............its so exciting! heheheheh

Good luck for wednesday rach :D
well done misslarue :clap: :clap: :clap:
awww hun you are doing fab :cheer:
ive not had a good week this week so will be glad of any loss at all :pray: am dreading wednesday xxxxxx
Hey rach :wave:
How did you get on yesterday hun?
I hope it wasn't too bad :pray:
I'm not looking forward to tomorrow. One, AF has just arrived so always makes you heavier and two, I had a few beers last friday and last night. Naughty lady!

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