Losing weight.... who's joining me?

Hey lindsay im still partial to the chinese food myself just try and have a smaller plate so it tricks my mind into thinking i got the same amount as the others. I do thai boxing twice a week with my OH my mum takes the weeguy for an hour and the other 2 days, my OH has his own time with Kaiden and instead of sleepin which id prefer i go to the gym for an hour, but the thai boxing training is leathal, you guys should give it a try its fun and it gets u fit burns tons of calories too, plus i can get to kick the **** outa my OH as well which is a bonus XkelX
Yeah Mai Thai Boxing is similiar, but i ve done both think Thai training is more intense, and in thai your allowed to use elbows and stuff and more knees, i initally took it up to get fit but now im quite interested in the competeing part. Their really frindly and understood i would be so unfit since having a baby now ive lost most of it and my fitness has improved, i do the same as all the others and theres also alot of females into it to. Also gives me and my OH something to do together thats fun as well. If i cant get to the gym due to child care i get my skippin rope and do that at home and do some of the stuff that Billy shows us at thai boxing. :D XkelX
I have thought about getting a skipping rope myself!! I went for a longer walk today was out for 2 hours, I think Jacob enjoyed it too when he was awake!! I have lost another 2llbs this week. I was really good last night, DH went to pizza shop for a takeaway and I made myself a salad. I have found a lovely dressing to have with it, Kraft honey and mustard would recommend it for all you salad lovers out there :rotfl:

i'm loosing weight but not skin... when did everyone else notice their stomach skin getting tighter? I went from 9 stone 10 pounds pre pregnancy to about 12 stone 7 pounds (9 months on).. 5 weeks later i'm 9 stone 13 pounds but i look much bigger than i did pre pregnancy. My goal is 9 stone 7 pounds. So I have 6 pounds to loose now! I can't do stomach excercises yet as i had a section.. so i'm going swimming. I just want my stomach to go back to pre pregnancy - do you think it ever will?

Congratulations to everyone loosing weight

sorry to be the bearer of bad news but i dont think that you can ever get your stomach back to pre pregnancy after a section as your stomach muscles have been cut and no amount of exercise will stick them together.
on no.. you are the bearer of bad news! :( my stomach is really flat (waist upwards) but from my belly button down it's kind of rounded... i'm not that bothered because it's not like i'm about to go out in hipsters and a tit top but i do hate all the excess skin... when will this tighen up. It's getting better but i can still pinch quite a lot.

does any one know how many layers they have to cut through to do a c section? i remember the MW mentioning something about 4 layers but i was a bit out of it at the time... (skin, muscle, what else?)

Hayley have you tried the Palmers firming stuff for after pregnancy? I don't know if it works but I'm going to try it!
hayley you have 7 layers of skin before you reach tissue and then muscle etc.
I'm exactly the same as you Hayley, got back down to my pre-pregnancy weight quite quickly but now have a lovely jelly belly. It's OK when I stand up but as soon as I sit down I have tyre that just wasn't there before pregnancy.

I didn't have a c-section though so hopefully my stomach muscles will be able to get back together eventually but who knows.

A good friend of mine had a totally flat stomach after just 4 months after having a c-section. There's hope.

All you can do is excercise and allow yourself plenty of time.
Hi Guys! Im back......with a vengence!!!!
After the honeymoon and a weeks worth of 5* All Inclusive food, i put on 6lb in week! :shock:
im now 12stone 6lb. at 5'2" this is classed as Obese.
I need HELP!!!
After having Charlie i was less then my pre preg weight, but since stopping BF i have put on a stone :roll: Im doing a 'loose a stone in a week' diet, then im off to join WW. Can i take Charlie with me?? I dont have any childcare as DH works away all week.
I have joined a gym....it has a creche for only 90p her hour! so it will be good to have me time and for Charlie to go in to the creche to play too. They will even get her in to her swim stuff for you and meet you at the pool, so i can swim for an hour, then i can swim with Charlie without having to get dressed to get her! Good hey?
All i need is some encouragement...........
good luck hels, i am still trying to shift the weight, not doing too bad. just cant be bothered to keep changing my ticker.

you have got a good deal there with your gym, make sure you set realistic goals that you can maintain. for example dont go 5 times a weeks if you arent going to be able to keep it up. better off going twice a week for as long as it takes.

good luck hun, let us know how youre doing.
Hello everyone! I can't wait to join you! I am quite pleased that my stomach has gone pretty flat already but its like jelly!! My waist is still 4½ inches wider than the day I found out I was pregnant and I'd actually like to be a bit smaller than then. I have an easy shaper exercise machine ready for when I'm allowed to exercise and I will start running again. Oh and I must get a hula hoop my friend got herself a titchy waist after doing that every day.

I haven't gone on a diet yet but I think the breastfeeding must be working because ther weight seems to be coming off. When did people that have had a section get the all clear to excersise?

Keep up the good work to those losing pounds :D
I started exercising about 3-4 months after my c section. It was just after christmas and I had Aaron in the september!

I really need to start up my diet and exercise again. I feel like a balloon! I haven't put any weight on but my belly has gone back to post birth jelly belly again! I went for a mile walk the other day but then my period came and I feel like crap again so just kinda slobbed about again. Next week though I am going walking and starting my home exercise routine again! I need to lose the weight cos I feel crap :D
i finally found some willpower a month ago and started the atkins diet i have lost a stone whoooo hooooo!!! i know it gets bad press but if you wanna lose weight quick its the dogs!!!
I have followed the atkins diet in the past and it really worked and I kept it off .... until I became pregnant. I am worried about effecting my milk supply at the mo, if I go back on it. I really need to lose some weight I am still 13st 4lb and only 5'7". That is not quite as bad as it sounds as I do have a solid frame and my target weight is about 11st. However I am sure my work clothes won't fit me any more and I am going back to work in 1 months time :(
Nicky_Jones said:
I have followed the atkins diet in the past and it really worked and I kept it off .... until I became pregnant. I am worried about effecting my milk supply at the mo, if I go back on it. I really need to lose some weight I am still 13st 4lb and only 5'7". That is not quite as bad as it sounds as I do have a solid frame and my target weight is about 11st. However I am sure my work clothes won't fit me any more and I am going back to work in 1 months time :(

im not sure about atkins and breastfeeding i dont think i would do it just in case. i have the same problem with my work clothes i have to fit in them cos theres nooooo way im going to ask for a bigger uniform. i reckon i put on about 5 to 6 stone with nathan( i hate admitting that) so getting back down to my 12-14 uniform is going to be a laugh!!!!
Awful isn't it. My work clothes are all size 14,and TBH I think I am a 16 at the moment. I am working out in the gym (have been since she was 7 weeks), but that hit a set back when I hurt my knee going down stairs (watch out for the relaxin still in your system) and I had to stop for a couple of weeks while it recovered. Thankfully yesterday I managed to do 10 mins interval training on the running machine again and didn't upset my knee. :cheer:
just want to brag. ive lost 19lbs in just over 5 weeks on atkins diet I love Dr Atkins hooooraayyy!!!! pat on the back. ok bragging over.

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