Labour and Birth - Things the Movies don't tell us!!

So true febtobemum- at 40 weeks feels like uve been pregnant 4ever - i read and read labour and birth storys so knew kinda what to expect but nothings like the real deal as they say - the ring of fire omg and the bum check :roll:- and i was convinced my contractions wernt real until was told i was 5 cm and they were getting real bad - but no matter how your labour goes your LOs are worth it and here iam two week later not saying never again ;-)
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I got to almost 42 weeks pregnant.....I would have gone through ANYTHING to get him out at that point lol!! It's true it's the worst pain I've ever experienced, but it's so primal, so natural, it's also the most bearable pain if that makes sense, it's all part of welcoming your LO to the world and I'd do it all again in an instant. That from someone who had a very difficult labour too - I can't wait to TTC again :yay:
I love this thread! I like to know the in's and out's of everything so keep the stories coming! :)

I'm like Pinky, i'm looking forward to experiencing labour! It may sound weird but I want to know what contractions feel like for myself because everyone says they can't explain them. I know it's going to be THE worst pain i'm ever likely to feel but I can picture seeing my OH's face the first time he holds his Son so it'll be worth every second!! Plus i've told him if he doesn't cry when he sees him i'm going to hurt him til he does cry! lol x
Beth if you were numb you may have had the finger up the bum! lmao. My mate had epidural and she didnt know until after they had done the bum check! hehe.

I think if you tear they always do the bum check to make sure its not all the way through. It is seriously such a small part of the whole experience though so dont worry yourselves!! xx

Very true but i didnt tear i was cut so maybe i escaped.. oh well as long as i couldnt feel it i dont mind... I think id rather have an epistomy this time than tear as at least i never felt no ring of fire or fingers up my bum that way lol.. new there must be an advantage to having an episotomy :D

And everyone is right... labour is the worse pain ive been through in my life i even asked my birthing partner to kill me as i couldnt think of any other was to cope lol.. but its sooo worth it and im looking forward to going through it all again in less than 6 weeks hopefullys..

ohh and i got to 42 weeks and 1 day when lil one was born and was just excited and happy to finally have him i would of gone thorugh anything lol
when i had my son alfie i went into labour at 1045 pm and didnt go up to the hospital until 5am the next day and i was already 5cm dilated. i had alfie at 2:05pm.
the pain hurt bad but i didnt scream and shout but i understand why women do lol
the worst thing i can remember is the stinging when the head is coming out and also the stinging after the baby is born when u go for a pee owch!!!!
i found badidas was great so get some girls :)
the best thing is when the baby gets placed in your arms and looks at you the bond was instant for me and amazing!!! i cant wait to do it again!!! it might hurt but we are very lucky to e able to do this, its something only a mother will understand :)
Great thread :)

Does anyone have any storys/experiences of water births?

Water is great in early labour to relax and ease the pain, I haven't used it later x
Same here I started in the water and found it to really help keep me calm in early labour (up until about 6cm) but really felt the need to finish off on dry land. As it happened I had to have an assisted delivery so couldn't have stayed in the water anyway
Thanks both of you :) I am really thinking about finding out about having one. I suppose though in the late stages of labour, being in water won't make an awful lot of difference with the pain lol!

I am deffo up for a water birth - I saw a girl have a water birth on OBEM and she was so calm and in control. I have kept the episode on my Sky+ box to watch back if I get a wee bit scared nearer the time LOL!
Bring lots of juice in with you too, I found that my mouth went so dry while on the gas and air, and if you are opting for gas and air I would recommend the tube instead of the mask, you can squeeze and bite it which helps a bit :lol:
OMG....amazing thread but i am terrified xx
Oh man this is making me want to give birth again!!! Just without the pregnancy first :rofl:
I LOVED labour!!! All the bad bits included. It is true towards the end you will be BEGGING for your labour to start BUT once you have the sleepless nights you (if like me!) may wonder why on earth you thought having a baby was a good idea! haha. You get over this quickly though...

One thing that no one seems to have mentioned (probably because this thread was about labour and not post natal) but I feel is very important for first time Mom's to know about is the BABY BLUES! Please do some reading up on it and speak to your midwife about what to expect. No one warned me about this and I honestly thought I was losing my mind. I didnt want my baby anymore and was anxious and 'trapped'. Sorry to put a downer on the whole thread... bum pill and all... but you need to be prepared! It only lasts for a few days but its horrible!!!

That said I cannot wait to do it all again!! 2012 and we are onto baby No 2!!!! hehe. Hopefully no tears next time! xxx
Aw thanks Pudds :) x Post natal is a great idea too! We should start a post natal thread!! :D I want to gather as much information as possible. I have to say, even though I know it's going to hurt, and it may be horrible (hopefully not) I cannot WAIT to experience it! Had my 12 weeks scan today, and I love my little baba so much I can't wait to meet him/her!! :) x
Ohhh god yeah I remember the feeling in the early weeks, thinking "why didn't I sleep all day long when I had the chance" :lol: It passes though xx
Loving reading all these posts! Actually trying to stop myself from lol in case I wake the wee man! I was induced, went through a couple of days of strong (pointless?) contractions before having waters broken and real labour started. At this point I actually started to enjoy it. Wasn't prepared for how much 'water' there was or that it keeps coming with every contraction. Definitely leave your dignity at the front door. I was in stirrups for quite a while and didn't know my legs could open that far! Ended up with a section which my dh described as a puppet show. Felt like they were rummaging about in a handbag. I asked them how long it would be before baby would be born just as he gave out a lovely little cry. Afterwards I was surprised by how much blood there was. Don't think section made any difference. I also had terrible trapped wind and constipation for weeks. Oh and I decided straight away that I would def do it all again so can't have been all that bad. ;)
See youre right, It cant be all bad if women do it again and again!! x It's def going to be worth it all xx
I don't want anyone near my bum!!! Arghhh!! Had no idea most of this stuff happens/could happen. I guess I'd rather know what MIGHT be in store for me rather than being shocked by it when it happens. I'm sure at the time I won't care, just the thought of it!

Not looking forward to all the bleeding afterwards, how many weeks do you bleed for? Does it feel like a period? Because I get AWFUL periods, don't look forward to feeling like poo when I'm suppose to be enjoying my new baby! x
With Mia my first who is now 6 I went into hospital at half 8 in the am 6 weeks early with period pain and my waters broke, they kept me in as it was my 1st and I was there all day myself just reading mags and watching tv then at 4pmish the pain was getting a little sorer and by half 4 I was screaming in the WORST pain EVER and then they done an internal and they said 10cm dilated!!!! I was in shock and myself so was taken to the delivery room on my knees on a wheelchair by a male porter as I couldnt walk got there and after and hour and 18 mins of pushing with no pain relief Mia was born!!! Although the worst part I thought was the stingy bit where the head is delivered but they tell you to pant and stop pushing that was so stingy!!!!

With Ellie I had an emergency section and my spinal wor off just after Ellie was delivered and quickly taken away to special care, that was DEF the WORST EVER EVER EVER pain of my life so ended u[ getting pu under and woke up in high dependancy after losing 5 pints of blood

So yeah labour is bloody sore and I would worry if I had hours of it but it really is forgotten about when you see that beautiful little (or big) baby of yours xx

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