Labour and Birth - Things the Movies don't tell us!!

i think they only gve you the bum pill if its a really bad tear! they told me about it before i went into theatre and i completely forgot!

and they dont tell you about the finger up the bum cos you tense if you know! they told me with K, but didnt with E, but i knew what was coming and had ridiculous amounts of gas and air :lol:
I administered one after a C-section..... Pain killers and anti-biotics in one hit...... :shock:
Now that I think about it I remember her saying she was gonna give me painkillers and anti biotics then I was all set... An I don't remember taking them orally :shock:
did anyone else end up farting uncontrollably after giving birth?! i remember being on the ward and me and FOB proper giggling and the mw came in like whats so funny?! and i was like, i just cant stop farting, just load of really little ones :blush:
i can't say i remember farting a lot lol!
and I'm presuming you don't mean fanny farts hehe!!
Haha no it wasn't fanny farts! Jesus if I'd had done one of them it'd have shook te whole building! Katie was 9lb12 so there was a lot of flapping to be done :lol:
Farts ... Absolutely!! I was going like the clappers for days, actually, haven't stopped yet :rofl:
Haha no it wasn't fanny farts! Jesus if I'd had done one of them it'd have shook te whole building! Katie was 9lb12 so there was a lot of flapping to be done :lol:

:rofl: you actually just made me spray my drink all over my monitor lol!
I had a bum pill lol. I asked.the midwife.while.stitching me up 2nd degree to give me a designer vagina Pmsl lol I was high still x x *blush*

My mum always said if you don't ask you don't get lol!
I wish I'd asked for one, they were really nice I think I might have got it but I wa too busy crying tears of happines that Aiden had his daddy's long eyelashes :rofl: high as a kite!
I'm loving this thread now :) I feel like i have the next 6 months to prepare myself :) hehe x

I wasn't meaning to start this thread for negative stuff, just anything that you experienced, although everyone is obviously diffrent it's really good to know what COULD happen x

Even though I'm S**t scared of the experience, at the same time I can't wait! :D x
bum pill :shock: i dont think i had 1 of these is this only if you tear your bum??

:rofl: @ alice
bum pill :shock: i dont think i had 1 of these is this only if you tear your bum??

:rofl: @ alice

Lol nope i dont think i tore my bum but I had a bum pill lol.. i had an episotomy though so god knows. Wasnt painful untiil a few days later .

Oh and when your water break.. i was told i didnt have a lot of water but literally every time i stood up it gushed out of me... i ended up sitting on the bed with a towel between my legs cos i was just getting soaked everytime I stood up. :S
There are some positives too . Your body pretty much knows what to do and takes control of the situation , you'll know when you need to push and how to do it . The endorphins afterwards really and truly make you feel amazing too , like your superwoman . Its a painful experience no doubt but its amazing .
Bum pill? I feel like I missed out lol!

The farting thing (pmsl & Alice!!!).... I didn't fart so much after labour, but it took about 10 days to do a poo afterwards... And the build up of gas that must have been there.... Man my hubby and kids were actually gagging!!!

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