***June Mummies***

Hi Abi, congratulations! Don't worry I had 4 days of browny pinky bleeding around AF and nothing since then which was over 2 weeks ago. I'm assuming mine was late implantation or left over blood from my last period. Has it stopped now? X
Thanks! Smithy and Debbie, It's good to hear that the bleeding happened to someone else too and it was OK. I has stopped now which is also reassuring.
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OK so the spotting has mostly stopped but I went for a walk early and I got a bit of slightly orangey pink discharge. It's not even the dark brown it was the past 2 days but I'm still so scared it means it won't stick. I will keep thinking of what you ladies said and try to remember it's not completely unusual. I have an appointment with a doctor tomorrow to confirm it anyway so hopefully I'll feel calmer then. I'm trying to calm myself down watching bake off on catch up.
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I hope everything is okay Abi. At least the doctor might be able to shed some light on the situation. You are doing the best thing though by keeping calm.

I am wishing I knew when this fatigue would end. I am exhausted all the time at the moment. It's making work a bit of a nightmare at the moment.
I hope everything is okay Abi. At least the doctor might be able to shed some light on the situation. You are doing the best thing though by keeping calm.

I am wishing I knew when this fatigue would end. I am exhausted all the time at the moment. It's making work a bit of a nightmare at the moment.

:) Yeah, good luck with that, I've been exhausted since we conceived our 2 year old :wink: xx
Ha I have to agree with Unicorn. My 2 year old slept a total of 2 hours the other night ��
Yeah, I just ended up carrying our little monkey and his bike back from a bike ride I totally underestimated so he was too tired to ride home, this pregnancy is going to be hard work! Xx
Now this looks like we're pretty much it can we get to know each other a little more please?
I'm Rhiannon, this is our second baby as we have a little boy who will be a month off turning 3 when this one arrives. I live in Newport, South Wales with my husband and son having just moved from Cardiff to be closer to my family for childcare, and it turned out very good timing that we did. ;)
I have a unicornuate uterus, so only half a uterus so was very high risk last time with talk about needing a cervical stitch, only getting to 25 weeks and not being able to deliver naturally etc. But having had a very healthy little boy at 40+3 naturally I'm going to do my very best to insist on being midwife led this time and avoid all the unnecessary intervention, although I don't know how people wait until 12 weeks for the first scan, I'd already had about 3 by this time last time and seen the heartbeat, which was really reassuring. I'm considering booking an early private reassurance scan just to make sure everything is ok but still keeping off the NHS radar ;)
Please ask anything else you want to know and I'm looking forward to finding out more about all of you xx
Ladies! Don't frighten me! I love my sleep haha. I don't know how I will cope if this is it for the next 18 years :lol:
My first time posting and it’s very early days but I’ve just found out I’m 5 +2 weeks pregnant with my second baby. My daughter is now 5 and I seem to have forgotten all about early pregnancy from the last time. I think I’ve worked it out right and my due date is the 17th June.
Welcome Bumbles and Congratulations! This is my first but there are lots of ladies here pregnant with their second baby :)
Anyone else feeling seriously dehydrated? I'm drinking twice as much water as I ever did before but I still feel thirsty all the time and have such a dry mouth.
Yes I’ve been drinking a lot more than I usually do. I also have really sore breasts and have had much worse morning sickness than I did with my first. Very happy to have got a BFP though.
Yes I'm so excited too, although I'm trying to stop myself getting too excited about it too early. The symptoms have really surprised me though, how quickly they start and how noticeable they are. Exhausted today too, laying on the sofa watching jezza!
I can’t stop drinking water, especially at work. I just had to go look back in my diary about my last pregnancy as I can’t remember when I started getting symptoms last time. I don’t have many so far. It said I napped a lot and felt nauseous all the time. I’m hoping with a toddler who’s none stop that I won’t be so exhausted this time round.
Hi guys, sorry I've been AWOL. I promise to update that front page tomorrow! Nice to see a few more BFP :) hopefully as we all get further along and feel a little more confident that all is OK the group chat will pick up.

As I said my symptoms have all but gone, boobs feel normal. Nausea on and off but it's not overly strong. Although someone mentioned about thirst? I do have this, I'm constantly needing to drink. As I'm here thinking about it I've realised I've gone off hot drinks so can only drink juice. So maybe I do have another symptom, an aversion to hot drinks... I am or was a coffee fiend, now I can't stomach the thought lol.

Hope everyone else is OK? Xx

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All sounds great Baby.3! So happy for you.

I feel less than pregnant at the moment. All my symptoms seem to have disappeared which is freaking me out because this happened before my last MC. Such a stressful time. Literally all I feel at the moment is exhausted and that could just be because I feel overworked lately.
Oh Smithy, I can understand with the situation at work, it must be really upsetting and making you feel so down. I really hope you feel better soon. Its so hard when you're worrying because it's basically impossible to stop.
I had my results back from the doctors. My blood hcg level was 161.7 which from the paperwork seems good although the doctor is meant to call me about it when she isn't needed in delivery. I'm still dreading going to the loo, expecting to see blood every time but so far so good. I had a hard time hiding it with my sister visiting, I ordered a non-alcoholic cocktail at dinner last night, trying to be subtle and the waiter announced it as 'the non-alcoholic cocktail' twice. But I'm keeping it up because its really too early to tell anyone and my sister has a sick phobia so she would be terrified thinking I might throw up at any moment. So far I only feel a little bit sick between about 5am and breakfast.
Well done you. I have a girls night out next week and I am going to find it hard to hide without a bartender blowing my cover.
I still keep worrying and checking for blood even now. I don't know if that feeling will ever go away but I'm the same as you I'm opting to keep quiet for a while yet just til after the 12 week mark.

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