***June Mummies***

Good luck to you Bubbles. If you had bleeding before you never know. For lots of women it's totally normal. I hope little bean is safe and well x
I was very nearly sick today. As a primary teacher I am so used to all things gross but another teacher was talking about snot and I got this sudden wave of intense nausea and I really thought I was going to have to run out of there haha!
Apart from that not a huge amount. I have gone from having diarrhea to now being completely constipated which is a nightmare, makes me horribly bloated and gives me cramps which make me worry too much.
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I threw up yesterday and today, yay! Lol. In all seriousness though I still feel relatively normal. Just little waves of nausea occasionally. Boobs are having a good day today, sore to the touch but not as bad as they have been. But I've noticed an increase in watery cm. Like I'm running to the toilet expecting to see blood and its just clear watery cm. I vaguely remember this in my pregnancy with my son. And I've suddenly become aware of my uterus, I feel heavy and it feels different if I lay on my tummy which is crazy coz I'm fairly sure at 7 weeks the uterus isn't even peeking over the public bone :/

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Sounds good with all these pregnancy symptoms :) they aren’t the nicest to experience but are nice to put mind at ease a little.

Had the scan and saw little baby with a flickering heartbeat. She couldn’t measure it as the sack was big and it had curled up right in corner but she said she would say about 6 weeks but will get actually date at dating scan. Very happy and lovely to see!! X
I think I may be in here! I had a very very faint line on a cheapie test this morning but I’m in denial.
Yay! Congratulations bubbles :) so glad you got to see your little bubs.

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D3bbie, welcome. Let me know what date you think you might need and I'll pop your name down. FX that line gets stronger and puts your denial to bed! Xx

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Welcome D3bbie!

Wow 29th? That must mean that there will soon be a July mummy thread and we won’t be the earliest anymore! X
Young baby is due in June. But my dates are confusing. Going by first day of last period baby is due 1st of June but going by clear blue digital test it say 2-3 weeks but doctors says about 4-5 weeks baby would be due 22nd June. Roll on scan. 2nd pregnancy for me but third baby (maybe 4th) if we get twins again xx my first set of twins were also born in June xx
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Bubbles, I was thinking the same. If we getting EDD for the end of June that means we won't be the earliest mummies-to-be soon!

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Oh Mrsyoung, welcome! How exciting, potential twins in the June group?! Roll on your 12wk scan!

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How exciting Mrsyoung. That’s confusing about the dates. Does the test include the 2 weeks from first day of your last period? I’ve never used a digi before so not sure how they work.
Congrats to the newbies! That might be the last few we get in our little group. So glad everything went well for you Bubbles.
I know what you mean about watery CM and also being aware of your loser abdomen. I don't like lying on my front at night (used to be my fave sleeping position) because it feels uncomfortable too. Funny isn't it.
So glad everything is fine Bubbles and hi to the new ladies :wave:
I know this is ridiculous but I am huge! If I carry on like this I'm going to have to get my maternity clothes out! I didn't show at all with my little boy until really late but I honestly look about 5 months pregnant and my stomach is rounded and hard nearly as high as your bump ends up being, how can that possibly be? Xx
Im with you with the achy boobs and tiredness. I agree the cold weather is not helping ether. Just dreading the nausea...
Can I join you ladies? I just got my :bfp:. Based on ovulation I think I'm due the 29th June. I'm terrified because I had some bleeding but I'm hoping it was just implanting because it has stopped now. Also been feeling sick since about 1dpo so I'm really not sure what's up with that!
Congratulations Abi!! We have the same due date at the mo �� Fingers crosses its just implantation. I didn’t have bleeding this time but I did in my first pregnancy.

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