***June Mummies***

Hi ladies, can I join please? I'm ever so sorry to read about the losses and wish you ladies lots of love and support in your recoveries. My EDD is the 22nd June, so very early days so also very nervous about a loss but very strong pregnancy test this afternoon and already feeling pretty sick so also very nervous about a multiple pregnancy as I only have half a uterus so wouldn't be able to carry more than one, also nervous about having horrendous sickness again but with a toddler to look after this time and of course of the labour, so all in all I'm feeling pretty overwhelmed, although this is a very much wanted but also totally unexpected pregnancy as we didn't think we could conceive naturally, although we were giving it a very good go :wink:
Sorry for blurt of emotions xx
Hi everyone, DD 14th June for my little peanut 💗👶🏽💙
Hi everyone, DD 14th June for my little peanut ��������

Congrats! I'm due on 15th :) Have you had any symptoms yet? Other than slight cramping on and off I haven't had anything else yet. Is this your first?
Hi everyone :) I am due in June but I'm not sure at all on the date as my cycles are so irregular. If I go by my average cycle length (34 days) our due date will be June 18th. We are so freakin excited!!! This is our second baby (DS is 2yo) xx
Hi ladies, can I join please? I'm ever so sorry to read about the losses and wish you ladies lots of love and support in your recoveries. My EDD is the 22nd June, so very early days so also very nervous about a loss but very strong pregnancy test this afternoon and already feeling pretty sick so also very nervous about a multiple pregnancy as I only have half a uterus so wouldn't be able to carry more than one, also nervous about having horrendous sickness again but with a toddler to look after this time and of course of the labour, so all in all I'm feeling pretty overwhelmed, although this is a very much wanted but also totally unexpected pregnancy as we didn't think we could conceive naturally, although we were giving it a very good go :wink:
Sorry for blurt of emotions xx

I think I recognise your user from when I was pregnant with my first in 2015/16? (I was mostly a heavy lurker) :lol: congrats on your BFP. I too am so worried about having severe morning sickness again, but with a crazy toddler this time!! It's such a bizarre flood of emotions when you find out you are pregnant, at least it is for me. I have never felt so worried and excited all at once. I hope you are okay <3
Sorry to hear that Nic :(

And hello to all the new ladies! Glad I&#8217;m not the only one with spot issues! And my hair is falling out a lot! I always thought it wasn&#8217;t meant to fall out when pregnant but this time is moulting everywhere! No nausea still but I didn&#8217;t have it that bad last time so think I&#8217;m just lucky.

Exciting with all the early scans coming up too!! :)
Hi ladies, can I join please? I'm ever so sorry to read about the losses and wish you ladies lots of love and support in your recoveries. My EDD is the 22nd June, so very early days so also very nervous about a loss but very strong pregnancy test this afternoon and already feeling pretty sick so also very nervous about a multiple pregnancy as I only have half a uterus so wouldn't be able to carry more than one, also nervous about having horrendous sickness again but with a toddler to look after this time and of course of the labour, so all in all I'm feeling pretty overwhelmed, although this is a very much wanted but also totally unexpected pregnancy as we didn't think we could conceive naturally, although we were giving it a very good go :wink:
Sorry for blurt of emotions xx

I think I recognise your user from when I was pregnant with my first in 2015/16? (I was mostly a heavy lurker) :lol: congrats on your BFP. I too am so worried about having severe morning sickness again, but with a crazy toddler this time!! It's such a bizarre flood of emotions when you find out you are pregnant, at least it is for me. I have never felt so worried and excited all at once. I hope you are okay <3

Hi, it's nice to have someone from before on here :) I was a prolific user back then because we were having so many problems but I'm sure I won't be able to find anywhere near as much time this time! How old is your little one now? Ours is 26 months so perfect really in terms of having another not long before he starts nursery school but also a pretty hard time to be suffering with sickness, but then I suppose any time would be! Labour is also a little bit too fresh in my mind :wink: xx
Hi ladies, can I join please? I'm ever so sorry to read about the losses and wish you ladies lots of love and support in your recoveries. My EDD is the 22nd June, so very early days so also very nervous about a loss but very strong pregnancy test this afternoon and already feeling pretty sick so also very nervous about a multiple pregnancy as I only have half a uterus so wouldn't be able to carry more than one, also nervous about having horrendous sickness again but with a toddler to look after this time and of course of the labour, so all in all I'm feeling pretty overwhelmed, although this is a very much wanted but also totally unexpected pregnancy as we didn't think we could conceive naturally, although we were giving it a very good go :wink:
Sorry for blurt of emotions xx

I think I recognise your user from when I was pregnant with my first in 2015/16? (I was mostly a heavy lurker) :lol: congrats on your BFP. I too am so worried about having severe morning sickness again, but with a crazy toddler this time!! It's such a bizarre flood of emotions when you find out you are pregnant, at least it is for me. I have never felt so worried and excited all at once. I hope you are okay <3

Hi, it's nice to have someone from before on here :) I was a prolific user back then because we were having so many problems but I'm sure I won't be able to find anywhere near as much time this time! How old is your little one now? Ours is 26 months so perfect really in terms of having another not long before he starts nursery school but also a pretty hard time to be suffering with sickness, but then I suppose any time would be! Labour is also a little bit too fresh in my mind :wink: xx

My boy is also 26 months, we must have been in the same due month group last time? July? Haha! I know what you mean, my last birth was horrendous, everything I didn't want to happen, happened :roll: my mum has even said she has PTSD from my last labour so I'm a bit worried to tell her I am pregnant again lol. I think the age gap for the babies will be perfect though, almost 3 years. Eldest will be old enough to understand the process and hopefully there won't be any jealousy! Fingers crossed anyway. It will be so strange to go from one child to two! xx
Wow, that's crazy that we were in the same group last time as well! Yes, I think it'll be a lovely age gap and I lovely time of year to have a baby again :) xx
Lovely to see so many June mummies! How is everyone feeling? Where is everyone? I'm 5 weeks 2 days and my nipples are on fire haha. Woke up at 3am feeling nauseas this morning and have got spots all over my face. Apart from that I feel pretty good today! We aren't telling anyone til 12 weeks which will be the first week of December. Feels like an age away.
Hey ladies,

I will update the front page once I get on the laptop. Welcome to the new mummies!

So according to my app I'm 7wks today, another week down :) I'm feeling OK still. Boobs are on and off tender, nausea is still here but visits on and off, it's not constant. Although today it lead to my first vomit. And I've broken out in a million spots. Got my scan on Friday, I'm praying I'll see a heartbeat and that the bleed will be gone. Hopefully this week will go quickly. I'm at uni Monday and Tuesday, getting hair and nails done on Wednesday, graduation on Thursday, then scan Friday.

Hope everyone is going OK? Xxx

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Smithy I remember the burning nipples! They were so painful I couldn't even wear a bra! Hope your nipples feel better soon lmao xx

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Haha I'm hoping they feel better soon too! Good luck with the scan Friday, I really hope everything is perfectly where it should be. Sounds like you have a busy week so it should keep your mind off things. I've decided to take the offer of an early scan at 8 weeks, my midwife practically insisted, she is so amazing. Hopefully we will both have gorgeous little jelly beans that are bang on target x
Oh that's good! It's good that they are on the ball and offering early scan, your not normally scan unless there is something amiss. So it's good she can offer you reassurance. When is your scan?

Yep busy week ahead, I'm hoping time flies by. I'm so nervous though, I keep flitting between 'yep I'll see a little bean' to 'I don't think there'll be anything there'. And I'm basing the latter purely on the fact that my symptoms aren't overly strong. With my last viable pregnancy my symptoms where so strong. With the last 2 mc my symptoms have barely been there... So I'm still feeling very much in limbo xx

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I know I&#8217;m not a real June mummy (well, due 20th May so bloody hope not anyway!) but I can&#8217;t help joining you. 9 weeks tomorrow and my 8 week scan (last Tuesday) seems an age ago. Anything could have happened since then! He could have grown an extra head or leg or swam up my Fallopian tube or summit so I now want another scan. Must resist though, at £50 a pop the husband would kill me! I feel just a bit rubbish during the morning but I feel pretty rotten from about 3pm onwards so mine is afternoon evening sickness. Getting s teeny bump now but only I would notice, husband just says I look like I&#8217;ve drunk a can of Coke a bit quick and have gas!
Just had a thought whilst at the gym this morning - can you still do strength exercises whilst pregnant? Specifically ab exercises? I was using an ab cruncher machine at my usual level and felt a gentle pop on the left side of my stomach. I got a little unsettled, so stopped and went back to cardio...I'm so scared now that I've done something wrong! During my last pregnancy I was a major couch potato so I never worried about any of this. I imagine it was probably nothing considering I'm only 5ish weeks preg....but I'm still concerned eek

I hope everyone is doing ok today <3
I'm not sure about the strength exercising to be honest. I know your advised not to lift heavy objects in pregnancy as the hormones can soften/relax tendons and ligaments. So you've more chance of hurting yourself.

I think your probably better off avoid the heavy lifting until you've spoken to your midwife. They'll be able to advise you better. Try not to worry though, your little egg will be burrowed nice and snug by now so will be totally unaware xxx

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Started bleeding last night :( gone to brown bits now (sorry tmi) currently trying to get through to GP but being a Monday morning it&#8217;s going to be hard to be seen anytime soon. I&#8217;m trying to be a little bit hopeful as did bleed with my DD1 at exactly same point and probably more and she is here, but I am getting so many cramps this time around it is hard to be positive.

Hope everyone else&#8217;s week has started better? X
Oh no bubbles I've only just managed to get online.

How are you? Did you manage to get seen by your GP? Try not to panic, as you know early bleeds can be absolutely normal. And cramping too! Hope all is OK. Xxx

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Oh no bubbles I've only just managed to get online.

How are you? Did you manage to get seen by your GP? Try not to panic, as you know early bleeds can be absolutely normal. And cramping too! Hope all is OK. Xxx

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Thanks :) Yeah saw GP, she was really nice. Got scan tomorrow morning at 9.20am. No more bleeding but lots of cramps and back ache so we will see. Xx

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