***June Mummies 2016 Tri 3***

Oh, glad to hear from you at last babymaker! Was wondering how things had gone. Huge congrats on ruby - she's gorgeous! Sounds like a rough labour, but so worth it - hope you recover soon! :-)
Congratulations babymaker, she is gorgeous. Sounds exactly like my labour last time and hoping to.avoid this time. You soon forget about it all once your little bundle is in your arms �� xx
Congrats Pip, Rebex and Babymaker! I still don't have any signs of labour and am getting pretty fed up. Am having a sweep on Thursday when I see the midwife if nothing's happened by then.
Congratulations Babymaker, sorry it was such a traumatic experience for you but glad you and baby Ruby are doing well at home. She is gorgeous xx
Congratulations Rebex and Babymaker! :dust: Hope you and the LO's are still doing well :hugs:
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Whether or not it was my waters leaking is inconclusive as I definitely still have the bulk of amniotic fluid but I'm 3cm dilated. Have to go back in 24 hours to see what's cracking. Getting strong period pains on and off so I'm not expecting to end the week without a baby but there are cases of women going over even when there so many centimetres.

Literally waddling like a duck.
Good luck stephylou - hope it happens soon for you! Sooner than mine is, definitely lol
So many babies!, congratulations everyone.

Yorklass I think your currently the only one overdue, been surprised by how many June mums have been early or on time. There has to be a couple of us that have the drawn out experience, sorry to say :)
Gah! ;-)
I'm hanging in there... another mw appointment today, will see if there's any progress and if the baby's positioned better. The pain in the side is grinding me down now... off swimming again this afternoon, seems the only way to get a break from it!
Congrats babymaker, she's so cute!

Technically this is the most pregnant I've ever been. I had my other two at 37+0 but that was by scan dates. My scan with my first put me back a week (so was 38+0 by LMP) and this time I'm only going off LMP as I didn't have a scan, so if I make it to this time next week I will officially be the most pregnant I've ever been LOL.

Kinda (really) hoping baby makes an appearance this weekend. LOL
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Isabelle was born at 39+4 and I'm now 39+6 so the most pregnant I've ever been too. I'm convinced baby will make appearance within the next week, but no signs whatsoever so far. Really hope I'm right as my MW is going to push me for a sweep at 40+5 and I've already told her I don't want that. Plus OH is getting antsy waiting.

I'm trying to make the most of our last days as a family of three but it's getting very hard to do what Isabelle wants to do as just getting up and down off the sofa is becoming a struggle and she wants me to sit on the floor, play in the garden and fling her about! I have to decide whether to take her to her swimming lesson tomorrow morning at 40 weeks. I love taking her but it is increasingly exhausting!
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When I'm sat down I'm actually enjoying the peace and quiet of no work but now got to the point that I can't walk very far without being uncomfortable.

I'm getting a sweep next Wednesday at 40+4, my midwife think that because I've potentially started to leak that the likelihood is I'll go into labour within 24 hours from that point.

The one good thing about this is we were starting to worry that my entire family are going to turn up at the hospital (divorced parents ect..) but from some look everyone is either working away, at a conference or on holiday from Monday so it could be a silver lining.
I had mild period like pains last night when I was in bed for a bit but I was also laid a bit haphazardly so not sure it is anything to go by just yet. Due date is Saturday and my next MW appointment. I believe she will also offer me a sweep at 40+5. Every day I seem to be getting messages from family asking if there has been any signs and each time I say no. Hoping people get bored of asking me soon... :lol: Keep hearing pops and clicks still and I've started spending an hour a day kick counting at the same time and bonding a bit more. Also put the baby bouncer together today as well as baking peanut butter cookies. The due date I worked out is the 21st June, so we shall see who is right, me or the MW I guess! :oooo:
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I had mild period like pains last night when I was in bed for a bit but I was also laid a bit haphazardly so not sure it is anything to go by just yet. Due date is Saturday and my next MW appointment. I believe she will also offer me a sweep at 40+5. Every day I seem to be getting messages from family asking if there has been any signs and each time I say no. Hoping people get bored of asking me soon... :lol: Keep hearing pops and clicks still and I've started spending an hour a day kick counting at the same time and bonding a bit more. Also put the baby bouncer together today as well as baking peanut butter cookies. The due date I worked out is the 21st June, so we shall see I guess! :oooo:

Everyone I know seems to have come out of the woodwork asking for updates, My OH says I should send a standard message that they'll be an admission fee of £10 to see the baby, only friends and family who have contacted us in some way in the last 6 months are exempt.

I think he's joking but I might put a new pin on my phone just in case lol.
Just seen mw - baby has turned the right way! In fact its spine has swung all the way round to the other side - that'll be the 6 hrs a day on hands and knees! Now to fix my broken knees...

Also got given a huge long sweep, apparently baby's head is very low and ready - having a little old blood loss now. She said with all the pain and lack of sleep I've had, she'd do the biggest sweep she could lol

Booked in for induction 23rd if all else fails o.o
And if that doesn't do it, I'll go bungee jumping.
Haha! I like his thinking StephyLou ;)
We've warned people that if they turn up unannounced at the house (and hospital) we will not be answering the door and I'm quite pleased that the hospital also has security systems in place whereby you can't even get on the ward without seeing a MW first. Bit awkward for birth partners when they need the loo as they have to go off the ward and then wait to be let back in but hey ho :lol:

Also, tell a lie the mild period pains seem to be back again so I'm currently sat on my gym ball rocking back and forth and bouncing a little. Bump seems to be awake and probably wondering what's going on lol. I suppose DH and I need to have another practice with the TENS machine when he gets home from work. :)

Ah that's good news Yorkslass! Hopefully the sweep wasn't too uncomfortable and helps move things along :dance: FX for you that you won't need to consider the bungee jump! :lol:
Appointment with consultant this morning went well. He done a quick examination and said he felt the baby's head?? Does that mean my cervix is open? Due to reduced movements and health conditions, induction has now been brought forward to this Saturday
Appointment with consultant this morning went well. He done a quick examination and said he felt the baby's head?? Does that mean my cervix is open? Due to reduced movements and health conditions, induction has now been brought forward to this Saturday

Yes your cervix must be slightly open to be able to feel babys head. Hopefully baby will come on their own or the pessary will work for you if your already slightly open x
Had my sweep today, by she was rough ��, head is 3/5 engaged and I'm.2cm dilated so hoping something kicks into action soon xx

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