***June Mummies 2016 Tri 3***

Have decided to try to go out and swim today - might help taking the weight off... could do with getting out, going crazy o.O
So little TMI - I went to the loo this morning at 3am, did my business then came back to bed. Got in and sneezed and thought fantastic I've wet myself, got up to sort myself out but thought it was weird that there was no smell and clear.

Now it was only a little bit so I'm not sure if it's my water breaking but i'm not getting either contractions or Braxton's.
Ladies meet Willow Vivienne Grant 7lbs 14. Waters went ànd for 30 hours nothing happened. Had a pessary put in at 9pm and she arrived at 1.07am! Nothing like a dramatic entrance :)


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Aww... she's gorgeous pip - congrats :-)
Stephylou, have you called anybody about it yet?
Congratulations pip she is beautiful and I love the name willow. I hope you have a speedy recovery.

StephyLou Have you called anybody? You need to get it checked as if your waters brake it could lead to infection that's what happened when I was in hospital. Please call someone x
Congratulations Pip! :dust: Hope you and LO are doing well :)

Keep us updated please StephyLou! :hugs:
Hi everyone, I know I havn't been on here for a while but just wanted to update you all. I had my baby boy on Saturday 11th June ( my due date) at 2.26am weighing 7lb 4oz. Was a quick labour and managed on just gas air. We have named him Jacob :o)
Congratulations on all your births and good luck to everyone else x
Oh congrats rebex! On the due date too... very efficient haha ;-)
Congratulations Rebex, a due date baby how amazing! xx
Morning ladies, ended up in triage last night with reduced movements. They said baby was a bit sleepy when I was on my back, but it picked up when I went on my left side. As this is my 2nd lot of reduced movements, I've to go back up for a scan tomorrow before my appointment with my consultant just to check everything. I just want her here now, this constant worrying if she's ok in there is a killer
Hope all's ok at the scan lottie - let us know. You don't have long now - hang on in there ;-)
Congrats Rebex and pip! Xx

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Congratulations to all the babies born recently :love:

After a long and painful induction last Friday, baby Ruby finally made an appearance on Saturday 11th June at 08:31am weighing 7lbs 11oz. After hoping to use the new Birth Centre I ended up having the pessary in Delivery Suite, waters broken due to her heart dipping, pethidine, epidural, foreceps, episiotomy, and finally suction cup before she finally arrived... We just missed a c-section:shock:
So i had the works lol! But, despite the traumatic experience we are so in love with her and have settled at home nicely. The breastfeeding is going better than last time thankfully. And her big brother is totally smitten with her which I am so relieved about. All in all we are in a bubble of love (despite the lack of sleep;-)) and hope it continues :love:
Good luck to those still waiting! Hang in there, it will all be worth it;-)


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