***June Mummies 2016 Tri 3***

It's so weird not knowing what to expect in terms of baby engaging. I managed a short walk there just now and had no pains so definitely intermittent. I don't fancy the feeling of a bowling ball between my legs lol
So sorry not been on much as im still in hospital iv been busy with baby and visitors. We have finally named our little beauty she is called summer - rose haslett.

I think having a induction and it leading to c section as everyone in my ward ended up with one x
Alfie was weighed today at 4+2weeks and is now 7lb 8oz and on the 2nd centile. Want to keep him small forever lol xx
I've had a constant ache at the entrance to my pelvis since this morning now, just won't go away. I had a nap and dreamt she was trying to escape wearing a miners hat and use a chisel!!!

Anyone else's appetite disappeared, couldn't get enough food the last few weeks and now its a struggle to eat.
Love that dream stephylou - ha... I've had some freakish ones lately too...
Babymaker, anything happening for you, or looking like induction tomorrow?
Having a much looked forward to day to myself and I'm bored! Everyone is telling me to just relax, but there's loads of cleaning needing doing and I'm just putting it off rather than enjoying doing nothing. Plus I know if I don't do anything my OH will comment on it when he gets home.
Maud I used to feel like that but then decided i didn't care xx
Alfie is gorgeous Kanga!

I feel the same Maud. It's so frustrating because if it was my husband who was off work rather than me, there's not a chance he'd be doing any cleaning or housework. He'd be on the Playstation or watching films. Whereas I am acutely aware of how grubby everything is and feel I can't settle until I've done all the cleaning... which physically I am too exhausted to do, thus meaning every simple task takes me hours and results in me being even more exhausted and fed up at the end of it!
Had a pedicure with a foot massage today and I swear its making me dilate, I've had a bloody show and getting twinges.
I'm being induced on the 24th going to have sweeps in that week. Been having tightnings all afternoon come on baby !

I've been to the shops, done a load of washing and the washing up, dinner prep is started and there's a cake in the oven. I'm stopping now, although still need to clean the loo and the kitchen floor. OH has said if it were him he'd just watch films, but he clearly does still expect me to keep the house clean as it was when I wasn't pregnant. Last pregnancy I did nothing around the house as I pretty much slept the whole time!

Stephylou you've reminded me I wanted to paint my nails (can't remember the last time I did that)
I've been to the shops, done a load of washing and the washing up, dinner prep is started and there's a cake in the oven. I'm stopping now, although still need to clean the loo and the kitchen floor. OH has said if it were him he'd just watch films, but he clearly does still expect me to keep the house clean as it was when I wasn't pregnant. Last pregnancy I did nothing around the house as I pretty much slept the whole time!

Stephylou you've reminded me I wanted to paint my nails (can't remember the last time I did that)

Good luck with that I had my OH do it before today as just couldn't reach, amazing how a little pampering from a professional can make you feel better.
I've been to the shops, done a load of washing and the washing up, dinner prep is started and there's a cake in the oven.

:lol: I went and made a cake after I read your post earlier LOL
Hi ladies I just got home and just realised it's my due date. Summer is doing well and I'm getting there. Can't wait to see all the other June babies. I feel so privileged to finally be a mum and have our beauty here. Iv read that some.of you have been having signs really hope you go into labour soon. Xx
So exciting that all the June babies are starting to arrive. Seen consultant the other day and he's provisionally booked me in for an induction on 22nd June, but has asked me to come back for an examination and to discuss blood test results on Wednesday. Does this mean they'll do a sweep on Wednesday?

Also, how long am I looking at staying in for an induction?
With induction you don't have to stay in any longer than any other birth as long as there are/were no issues or complications.

My hospital now encourages everyone to go go home after 6hrs as long as they are doing ok and feel well enough to.

Why are they talking induction?

I was supposed to be having an appointment on Monday to discuss my blood test with a consultant because my platelets are low, but I cancelled it.
They were 140 a few weeks and 120 at 34 weeks but then I had them checked again at 35+3 (last Friday) and they'd gone up to 128. Supposed to have them redone today but going to go on Monday instead (MW did say I could go either Fri or Monday as they wouldn't do anything with the results over the weekend lol).
Really CBA going to see the consultant. I know that generally they don't get concerned as long as platelets are over 100 which mine are. Second of all, it doesn't worry me enough to stop me having a homebirth so the whole appointment is pointless.
I have Crohn's disease which has been flaring over the past few weeks and my albumin levels were already low which the consultant isn't too happy about.
Oh dear, hope all is well at your next appointment (or at least, no worse)

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