***June Mummies 2016 Tri 3***

Awww... he's gorgeous Overthemoon! Good to hear from you at last. Hope all's going well - what a grand weight :)

Positive vibes to you babymaker - hope things start up before Friday, sounds like there's things happening, so don't give up yet!

Maud, don't overdo it - put yer feet up! I bet HV will be able to offer some alternatives - they can surely help somehow.

Pip, that sounds promising - hope it's the start of something ;)
Wonder how Blueclass is getting along? Hope it's not too long for her - maybe having baby cuddles already!

Elfs mummy, welcome to June mums ;)

I've been having a lot of tightenings today (and some dodgy guts, tmi o.o) still going to risk going to a singing rehearsal tonight, as it'll be my last one - hoping to be able to perform on Saturday, but who knows what might happen lol

Oh, and I dyed my hair.... I feel so much more like myself now just for that!
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Congrats overthrmoon- looks like a big boy what weight was he. Well done x
He's beautiful congrats over the moon. Can't wait to see more lovely babies being born xx

Ladies, so sorry I've not had a chance to update.
baby was born on Thursday 2nd June weighing 8lb 14oz.
Congrats love87, hope you're either well on your way or little miss is here Blueclass...
When I get a chance I'll do a proper update, in the meantime meat Isaac.....

Congratulations he looks like a fine little gentlemen, definitely got some hair on him!
Aww congrats over the moon, he's gorgeous!!
Hope miss blue class has arrived!
I'm sat here, feeling like crap, just want her out now....
I've had a real heavy feeling down there today, finding it easier to sit with my legs apart then closed, so think she's dropped....it's horrible waiting xx
Congrats overthemoon! :dust:

Fx for you babymaker!

Hope you'll be able to find other play groups in the area Maud, that's a real shame :(

Glad you're feeling a bit more like yourself Yorkslass :)

Its nice to have the warm weather back finally but I'm not used to this being warm malarkey! (I was always cold before pg). :lol: I've been eating ice pops like they're going out of fashion!

Bump is really solid today and I think there is definitely a shoulder resting on my right pelvis/hip as it aches a fair bit. Still managed to do a 2.3m waddle with the DH tonight though which was nice. Been sitting on my gym ball too to try and get things going. DH has asked what we should be doing more of to encourage her to come out :lol:
Aww overthemoon he's such a cutie:-) congratulations!! Hope you are both well. Xx
Congratulations overthemoon he is gorgeous xx
Sorry to hear that Pip. Its so disheartening isnt it? Had it a few times and now i try not to get excited about them but its hard. Hope they start up again for you.
Sweep at 12:30. Had lots of bloody show yesterday so i hope ive dialated some more.
Beautiful boy overthemoon x

I developed a headache yesterday evening that got so bad I couldn't even fall asleep so had a miserable night. Still have a bit of it now but nowhere near as bad. Am taking things a lot easier today, although I have just done the hoovering. OH has a list of jobs to do today that I really can't do, including moving the bed to hoover and chucking a load more stuff into the loft. Just hope this headache doesn't dwell too long.
Hi ladies sorry it's taken me a bit of time. Iv updated my thread induction day and added a couple of pics and my birth story. It's a bit long to write it twice. Hope everyone is well xx
Quite pleased with myself. I had some breathing notes from physio-led antenatal class on my tablet that really helped get me through my first labour. I stupidly deleted them afterwards and have been googling throughout this pregnancy looking for something similar. Just discovered they were still stored in an archive file so will be storing those back in my mind for this time. In case it helps anyone else:

1 Start with diaphragmatic breathing - deep and slow.
2 As contraction builds, switch to a puff, puff, blow pattern
3 At worst of contraction switch to hee, hee, hah
Then as it eases off you go back through 2 & 1 and then regular breathing in between

It's all focusing on breathing out, you will breathe in naturally

I found it gave me something to focus on, which helped a lot and am very pleased to have re-found this as I couldn't find anything similar online.
Had my extra appointment at 38 + 4, got a weight estimate of 7.4lbs, if she gains 1/2 lbs for the next two weeks I'm going to be having a big baby 0_0 - I'm 5'2 and small, everything is bump I'm actually freaking out about this, I really don't want a C Section but baby is still back to back.
Oh, thanks for the breathing tips Maud, useful... I'll try to remember those.
Sorry baby's still back to back stephylou :-( is there anything more they advise to turn her, or is it just a case of keep on with the usual exercises and see what happens? A relative of mine did a back to back and said it wasn't as bad as they'd built it up to be. I think a bigger baby could even help, if gravity takes it better?
Yours is measuring about the same as mine I reckon - from my last scan at 35 wks I've estimated it'll be about 8.5lb at the due date - I've heard it doesn't make it particularly more difficult though, unless they're getting up towards 10lb! It's my partner's fault - he and his sis were over 9lb lol
Oh, thanks for the breathing tips Maud, useful... I'll try to remember those.
Sorry baby's still back to back stephylou :-( is there anything more they advise to turn her, or is it just a case of keep on with the usual exercises and see what happens? A relative of mine did a back to back and said it wasn't as bad as they'd built it up to be. I think a bigger baby could even help, if gravity takes it better?
Yours is measuring about the same as mine I reckon - from my last scan at 35 wks I've estimated it'll be about 8.5lb at the due date - I've heard it doesn't make it particularly more difficult though, unless they're getting up towards 10lb! It's my partner's fault - he and his sis were over 9lb lol

Yeah I'm hoping if I try and birth on my knee's it might go a bit quicker.

I have to rock my hips and keep the doing the exercises and see what happens.
So many June babies being born!!! I've officially got one week left at work thank god - struggling now and feeling knackered x
Not surprised work is a chore in this heat ttc! Hope the last week is good ;-)
Just taught my 2nd to last piano lesson before stopping for maternity... last one tomorrow afternoon, then that's it - no day job, or evening teaching for a while o.o
Had a persistent stitch in my left side all day... ugh... being on hands and knees seems to help though. Think it must be some ligament pain going on again!
Determined to finish knitting my damn pram blanket before baby arrives too, but got a feeling I'm not going to make it lol - I'll just have to knit as the baby grows ;-)
You don't have long to go at all yorklass. I'm trying to keep as active as possible but I couldn't go out walking tonight as getting sharp pains down below - I'm thinking its baby moving lower. Almost feels like pressure - at times I'm scared my waters are going to go pop lol. Well done you being able to knit. Luckily I have a family fbriend who has knitted me a lovely blanket for baby - if love to be Able to knit xy
I've had a lot of weird pains and pressure down there when baby was dropping down and head engaging - always worse in the morning when getting out of bed... sometimes feels like it might stick an arm out and wave lol
Feels like I have a bowling ball between my legs now! And all the odd sharp stinging which I think is the cervix doing... something... (I really know my stuff)
I revived my knitting from many years ago - thank god for YouTube every time I come across a stitch instruction I don't understand lol - so far have done booties, a hat and a frankly frightening looking stuffed owl haha
Regretting starting the blanket though, taking way too long, yeesh!
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