***June Mummies 2016 Tri 3***

Iv used a tonner and bleach so you should be ok yorklass. Just do a skin test as our skin can be more sensitive at the moment and some pregnant ladies have used the same hair dye and then had an allergic reaction.

Kanga can you remember how dilated you was when they broke. Your waters? X
Cheers - hang in there with the induction! Sounds like a slow process, just relax if you can and have the end goal in sight!

Oh god... hope all the nesting doesn't mean this thing is imminent o.o
Think it was within a week of having my daughter, so about right for your dates ;-)
Good - hopefully I have a few days yet... too much left to do!
By all rights it should be babymaker next lol
Anybody heard from overthemoon?
Hope audra's doing well, and you and OH kitty ;-)
Anyone else had a mega active baby today. Not sure if it's the weather but I've had a lot of movements - could well be baby making way down into pelvis as some sharp jabs low down. Still at work at during a meeting this lunchtime I was worried the jabs were going to break my waters lol x
Mines squirmy all the time now. LOL. And every so often it sticks its bum/knee/elbow out and leaves it there stretching my skin and that feels so weird and uncomfortable lol. Til it moves again and stops stretching out.

Definitely running out of room in there now lol.

I have my 36 week midwife appointment tomorrow but my usual midwife is on holiday so don't know who I'll see.

I'm really hoping I have the baby in about a fortnight lol. I'm too impatient!
Iv used a tonner and bleach so you should be ok yorklass. Just do a skin test as our skin can be more sensitive at the moment and some pregnant ladies have used the same hair dye and then had an allergic reaction.

Kanga can you remember how dilated you was when they broke. Your waters? X
I was only 1cm dilated when I had my waters broken. It was difficult but they managed it. Hope it is going OK and sorry it is taking a while to get going. Fingers crossed once your on labour ward and waters broken it will go quickly xx
Looks like I'm going to be a June mummy being induced at 37 weeks so will be sometime in the week of the 20 th x

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He's had a period of static growth and reduced fetal movements x

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I'm almost jealous!

I'm not being induced this time (as things stand & not unless there was a genuine concern, which as yet there isn't thankfully).
But I'm 36 weeks tomorrow... if I go more than another fortnight I'm going to be sooo bad I've never gone over 37 weeks before as I was induced with my other two at 37+0!
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Hi ladies,
Just catching up with everyone! Congrats love 87!!
Good luck blue class, hope things are progressing well xxx
AAARRRGGGHHHH get this baby out of me!!!! :wall2::help:
Hips are excruciating at night, I feel so heavy, tired and generally just really miserable:cry:I know I'm being induced on Friday and that the end is in sight but I really wanted to avoid induction as I've heard it can take ages - even days!
Had irregular, mild contractions on and off all day yesterday after the sweep but once again everything died down at bedtime. On the plus side I had a big dollop of bloody show this morning so you never know... But my positive thinking for a natural labour is slowly disappearing.
Going overdue sucks big time:mad:
Sorry for the rant.x
39 weeks today!!!! Been having random mildish contractions since 9pm last night, eased off over night but after some morning "encouragement " started up again today. Really hoping this is the beginning!!!
I overdid things this morning. Took daughter to children's centre stay & play and decided as the weather was nice to walk. It's only 1.5 miles each way but, with being on my feet the whole time we were there too, by the time we got home I was shattered and barely had energy to cook lunch. Have been stuffing sweet things since she went down for her nap to re-energise.

Feeling gutted too as they told us they are one of the centres being closed down as part of council cost-cutting measures, so I won't be able to take this baby to any of the groups I had planned to. The centre was a lifeline to me last time as I was borderline PND and getting out to groups made a real difference. Apparently the bods up high believe there are enough privately run baby groups/classes out there to provide support, but I found most of those too far away and expensive to be feasible. Guess I have to rethink our activity plan! Hopefully my HV can help me find some that aren't a half hour drive away.
Ladies, so sorry I've not had a chance to update.
baby was born on Thursday 2nd June weighing 8lb 14oz.
Congrats love87, hope you're either well on your way or little miss is here Blueclass...
When I get a chance I'll do a proper update, in the meantime meat Isaac.....

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