***June Mummies 2016 Tri 3***

Oh blueclass how frustrating! Are they keeping you in or are you going back tomorrow? What's the plan of action induction wise? Break waters first? Best of luck hun. Hope it's quick for you xxx

I'm going in at 8.30 tomorrow morning and then they will examine me and go from there. She did say they could break waters then see what happens if nothing then the trip. I'm going to ask about having the pessary first maybe and then see what happens. It might be a longer process but it might be less painful. Iv no idea to be honest. Xx
Well whatever happens, you'll have the little un in your arms soon... :-)
U hope so. Going to try and get some sleep as I need to be up early night ladies x
Good luck for in the morning blueclass. Hope it is a speedy and straightforward induction xx
What a scorcher of a day, ladies - even oop north haha
Went for a couple of short walks and sat in the garden a lot of the day with my alcohol free beer... lovely :-)
Finally gone through everything and (re)packed the hospital bag too - think we're nearly there... I just need some cheap towelly dressing gown and that's about it, I reckon.
Lots of tightenings today, but nothing of interest - still Braxton hicks I assume, but a bit more frequent now. Actually felt like I have a little energy today too, so I think the iron might be doing the job! Certainly wasn't so flaked out and miserable as I have been lately... although maybe that was the effects of the sunshine :-)
Hope you're all good, 'n enjoyed the sun ;-)
I have a little mischief maker on my hands, my turning exercises have half worked but now my stomach is completely lopsided. literally scrubbed floors today to get her to finish turning.
Sounds good yorkslass. You are defo nearing the end of pregnancy:yay:
Sat in the inlaws garden this pm and didnt realise how hot it was as there was a constant breeze. Got home and my thighs are like lobsters!!! Oops... Ive got a sweep tomorrow and i just know mw is going to tell me off and lecture me about suncream and sunburn in pregnancy:roll:
Had some shooting pains in my cervix earlier. It was the same pains i had when mw pulled my cervix down so i really hope it was moving further down and that ive progressed since the last sweep:pray:
In all seriousness whats it like getting your cervix pulled down? Is it something I want to google?
Oh, sounds like it's working stephylou... good! Mine often has what I can only assume is its bum sticking out on one side, so my belly's constantly lopsided haha
Watch that sun babymaker! I nearly did the same tbh, but I had the little voice in my head reminding me of sensitive pregnancy skin heheh - slap on some moisturiser... Hope tomorrow's sweep is less painful and more productive ;-)
Is that what the shooty internal pains are btw, the cervix getting ready? I think I might have had some of those... quite uncomfortable enough to make you stop walking?
Another scorcher... just been and bought a cheap dressing gown, so think that's my hospital bag finally sorted... now to clear out the dog cupboard a bit and write dog instructions for our parents...
Been having sort of bad period like cramps on and off all day, and kind of stingy sharp sensations down below (assume that's something to do with the cervix?) but I've had nothing else, no show or anything, so I think it's my body doing a practice run - haven't mentioned it to partner, he'll only panic haha
Hope blueclass is doing alright and hopefully having baby cuddles by now... hope babymaker's sweep's gone well too!
StephyLou, for me it was unbearable and almost told her to stop! However, i had another sweep today with a different mw and it was a totally different experience. The one today was very quick and very rough BUT she said she managed to do a pretty good sweep (well, as good as she could with 1cm) and it was alot less painful. More uncomfortable. I reckon the other mw was too slow. A bit like ripping off a plaster - gotta do it quickly;-) Going back wednesday for another attempt if nothing happens.

Yorkslass, i'd like to think those stabbing pains are the cervix doing its thing (thinning out etc) or baby engaging further which pushes on the cervix. After googling it some say its just baby pressing on a nerve but not in my opinion. The stabbing pains are defo in the same spot as where the mw's pulled the cervix.

My hospital's MAU is located between the birth centre and postnatal ward. So as i walked in i heard a woman screaming in pain at one end, and babies crying the other end. Felt quite surreal but didnt put me off. Just wished it was me:-(

Blueclass, hope you're having baby cuddles by now!?!?
My bags are as ready as they can get and I've stuck lists on the fridge for the stuff to be added on the day. Last time my OH completely failed to add the last bits, resulting in me being stuck in hospital with an uncharged phone and no glasses, so this time I'm going to do it as soon as labour starts.

Going to make another cake this afternoon. I'm already the size of a house (the last few weeks I have properly chubbed out with love handles, tree trunk legs and wobbly arms - delightful!) so am going to bake, bake, bake until baby comes!
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Had such a lovely weekend with DH , so much so I was trying to convince him to stay home with me today so we could enjoy more sun and fun together! :D It's probs a good idea he didn't though as it would've been wasted - I've been in bed with a migraine since 10am and only just managed to eat some toast and drink a glass of water half hour ago :( At least half the room isn't missing anymore but still feel odd. Hope you ladies are having a nice day :)
Oh, glad this sweep was better for you babymaker! Hopefully things start to happen, must be rubbish being overdue in this heat!
And Maud dammit, I could just sit and eat cake... my partner made a lemon sorbet type thing which I've just been eating solidly though o.o
I think you're definitely safer checking the last bits into the hospital bag - I'm not leaving that one to my fella lol
I cleaned the dog cupboard... and two other cupboards... and the kitchen floor... and the back door... wth is this, nesting?!
Also bought hair dye... I've not dyed my hair the whole pregnancy and it looks awful lol
Was going to do it after the birth, but now I'm not sure I'd have time to with a newborn, so toying with the idea of doing that today... would that be fine for the baby, ya think? I do 3 colours with foils and it gets on my hands (I'm crap at doing it with gloves on)...
Also bought hair dye... I've not dyed my hair the whole pregnancy and it looks awful lol
Was going to do it after the birth, but now I'm not sure I'd have time to with a newborn, so toying with the idea of doing that today... would that be fine for the baby, ya think? I do 3 colours with foils and it gets on my hands (I'm crap at doing it with gloves on)...

I've had a couple of toners throughout pregnancy, I think the fact your due in a week there's no harm.
Thanks stephylou - I just looked it up on a nhs site too and it seems to suggest it's fine :-)
Definitely nesting yorkslass! Last time I pulled out my bedside cabinet, cleared out all the drawers and bleached the mould off the wall behind it. OH was not impressed and has told me I am not to do anything similar this time. Wish he would hurry up and move the bed so we can hoover under it though...

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