***June Mummies 2016 Tri 3***

No you just call your antenatal department or labour ward. I didn't feel her for along time last night was up from midnight to 5 am when she finally moved. I nearly went up then was waiting for hunky who then got home at 5.30. X
Hi everyone, sorry I have been AWOL over the past few days. Just an update, our daughter shot into the world at 7.23pm today the 3rd of June weighing 7lb 7oz after an almost failed induction. Did it all on gas and air but will tell you all about it in birth announcement. X

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Very happy for you and glad you didn't end up having a c section.

I wonder how overthemoon I'd she went in on Tues x
Congratulations love87!

I've just ordered a new changing bag. As it's one of a very small number of purchases for this baby I'm quite excited about it arriving (sad I know!). Our current one is still great, but I won't be able to hang it on our pushchair with our toddler on the buggy board so wanted a rucksack style bag for easier carrying. Have gone with the Babymule. OH wouldn't agree to the pretty two-colour ones sadly so we've ordered it in chocolate brown. Hopefully it'll be worth the money!
Huge congrats Love!! Look forward to your story. Enjoy baby cuddles!

Maud, dont apologies. Changing bags (and everything else baby related) IS exciting;-)

Still no baby here:-( Lost a bit more plug this morning but nothing else to report. Even the Braxton Hicks have slowed down in frequency. Urgh... feeling miserable:-(
Dreamt last night that I'd had her and my mother-in-law was looking after her for a bit and when I came back she had got baby's ears pierced....:shock:
Haha my OH says I'm not allowed to get our babies ears pirced. I'd like them done not for a while though. Sorry to hear they slowed down when I had the sweep I was so excited thinking it's happening then nothing. I'm in the labour ward now getting monitored and if she is still ok I'm in tomorrow to have induction. Don't think iv ever been so scared, nervous and excited. How many sweeps can you have before they induce you?x
So I'm on the monitor and have had a few feelings. I asked if they was bh turns out there contractions! Not regular yet but told.me.to do lots of walking today x
Finally blueclass - had a feeling you'd start before induction, even if very subtly lol
And Maud, definitely anything baby is exciting... I got unnecessarily excited the other day after buying one of those popular giraffe teething toys you see lol - partner thought it was daft, but I LIKE GIRAFFES!
Sorry you're feeling down in the dumps babymaker - I'm not even a week within being due yet, and already had enough, must be crap being over, having shows and nothing! It'll happen soon for you, I'm sure!
I've had some utterly insane dreams lately too during naps, won't even detail them or you'll think I'm nuts. I'll just say that one of them involved the alien out of the alien films - shows what I think of my current situation...
Oh and my mother has dug out a load of my old toddler clothes and they're fab - they look really vintage and fashionable now lol - this baby really had better be a girl, or a transvestite! ;-)
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Lol yorklass I don't think my mum kept my bits.
I hope the contractions keep coming iv had this feeling before but thought it was bh then it stopped. I'm going to go into town now and do some walking. Hopefully things will start on there own. They also said if they get regular over night they might be able to hold induction till later in the day.
Yay Blueclass!! Really hope this it for you so you dont have to be induced! Keep us updated.
I'm having 3 more sweeps before induction next Friday.

Lol yorkslass, pregnancy and dreams have certainly been interesting. Just shows what hormones do to us;-)
Congratulations Love87! :dust:

Good news Blueclass! Heh I can imagine me saying something like that "are these B.Hicks?" "No" :lol:

Oh I've seen those giraffes! Are they a weird plastic texture? I used to have a baby Donald duck when I was younger which felt similar I think... May ask for a giraffe for bumps Christmas presents...

Bumps moving around a lot today which is good but I keep needing a wee more often :oooo:

Our parents are all on count down now too... :clock: No pressure! :lol:

DH's mum and dad are quite chilled as this will be their 3rd grandchild (DH's nephew & neice) but it's the first on my side and I've got my mum, my dad and my stepmum to keep their excitement contained as nothing is on Facebook, only close family and friends know. We're quite private people... I had to remind my stepmum again that we have asked for strict no visiting policy until we're home from hospital. I think she thinks I'm joking or just saying it, so I'm just not gonna tell anyone when it does happen. I understand the excitement but should also respect our wishes. Tbf, I think it'll be the last thing on my mind texting people but families eh? :roll: :lol: /rantover

On a plus note, I finally got that second middle name I was after :cheer: lol
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Yes... plasticky rubbery teething giraffe hehe
We're exactly the same alrm - it's my partner's parents' 3rd grandchild, but my parents' first... my mother near a heart attack every time I phone now thinking things are starting, so I've stopped phoning lol - she can phone me if she wants to chat!
Luckily none of our parents use facebook - my mother's the only one with an account but only uses it to check up on my brother haha We're the same with our privacy - we'll likely do a small post when we're ready to announce the birth,but we want to keep any pictures of our kid to a minimum online - and just for family really :-)
Of course, I'll post one for you ladies whenever he or she makes an appearance!
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Contractions have gone so looks like il be induced in the morning x
Oh yorklass please be cautious with those giraffes my eldest had one with no problems but I read now that some countries (or states) in America have banned them because a few babies have managed to get the thin legs down their throats and have choaked, like I said my LG had no issues and I'll be using the same one again for this baby but I'd never forgive myself if I didn't just mention it, I'd hate for harm to come to any baby
Noted... I suppose it's a case of keeping an eagle eye on them! ;-)
Good luck for the induction blueclass! Keep us posted ;-)
Oh blueclass how frustrating! Are they keeping you in or are you going back tomorrow? What's the plan of action induction wise? Break waters first? Best of luck hun. Hope it's quick for you xxx
My little boy had this giraffe teether and still loves her :) x


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