***June Mummies 2016 Tri 3***

Tbh, I don't understand the breaking waters thing either - I'd seen a couple of water birth vids where the sac came out intact around the baby even and popped after birth lol - does it really do much to get the process going? Perhaps triggers a release of hormones maybe? I'm a bit clueless about it.

Babymaker, sounds like a crappy time, don't blame you for the chocolate! Hopefully whatever she's done with that one will make the next easier and more effective. Hope it isn't that painful again! Is it still uncomfortable? Glad for the benefit of your experience though, will wear a decent pad if I decide to let them do that next Friday...! I'm still dubious, as I'll still be 3 days until due date, but we'll see... heheh Happy due date btw ;-)
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Tbh, I don't understand the breaking waters thing either - I'd seen a couple of water birth vids where the sac came out intact around the baby even and popped after birth lol - does it really do much to get the process going? Perhaps triggers a release of hormones maybe? I'm a bit clueless about it.

I'm not sure either. From memory I think the MW said that once the waters go the baby's head pushes against the cervix more when you contract which can cause it to open and progress quicker.

But then I've also heard that when the baby's head is bumping against the cervix without the waters cushioning it it can cause it to become swollen (which makes it harder to give birth vaginally) so I dunno.
Confuses me too lol.

I had dry land births and my waters broke on their own not long before the baby came out. With my first they bulged out and then burst and then it was literally just a few minutes of pushing before the baby shot out lol.
Think it was slightly longer between waters breaking and baby being born with my second, but still only a matter of minutes (maybe 15 or so?) and I was at the pushing stage before they broke.
There was less of them though as that time they had been leaking slightly every time I got a contraction (I blame one of the MWs I am convinced she tried to break my waters when she checked me to see how far on I was - I was 4cm it was 7pm. Ever since that point the contractions were horrendous and I leaked every time I got a contraction. But on the plus side she was born less than 3hrs later lol)
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Still no news from overthemoon and love 87? Hope they are doing ok and just far to busy with bundles of joy. Xx
Tbh, I don't understand the breaking waters thing either - I'd seen a couple of water birth vids where the sac came out intact around the baby even and popped after birth lol - does it really do much to get the process going? Perhaps triggers a release of hormones maybe? I'm a bit clueless about it.

Babymaker, sounds like a crappy time, don't blame you for the chocolate! Hopefully whatever she's done with that one will make the next easier and more effective. Hope it isn't that painful again! Is it still uncomfortable? Glad for the benefit of your experience though, will wear a decent pad if I decide to let them do that next Friday...! I'm still dubious, as I'll still be 3 days until due date, but we'll see... heheh Happy due date btw ;-)

Thank you:-) Officially overdue now...
I felt a bit crampy and achey afterwards but not for long. I'm now losing my plug every time I go to the loo which I guess is a good sign. At least the sweep attempt did something;-) I'm still bleeding and I'm not sure if that's normal... It's like a very light period with pink and brown blood (TMI...) Or maybe it's just part of my bloody show? Who knows. Will keep an eye on it and if I'm still bleeding tomorrow I'll call MAU.

Overthemoon and Love, hope you're both ok??
Anyone else getting close? No queue jumping though please lol ;-) :lol:
Hopefully just a long bloody show babymaker, but if you're concerned, always best to call, of course - sounds like the sweep has definitely done something to start things off though! Any progress for you blueclass?
I bet overthemoon and love87 are cuddling babies by now, surely!
I just feel odd today - just very achy about the bump and a bit queasy - wondering if it might be a sign, but I'm wondering that at bloody everything now! Baby is very low, and a lot of pressure down there. Still over a week to go until due date... although most of the roads are shut down in leeds the day before that for a damn triathlon for the queen's birthday! Partner stressing about it and trying to figure out alternate hospital routes in case...
I'm kind of hoping it comes on 6/6/16 so Lucifer or Damien might be viable for a boy's name haha ;-)
Stephylou, are you having any luck with the hands and knees exercises btw? Any sign of the babe turning the right way? How did they deduce back to back, by feeling it, or was it noticed on a scan?
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I'd say it's the plug baby maker but definitely call them.if your worried. They told me to be worried if it's blood like iv cutyself.so pouring. Iv had it since last Friday as that was my 1st sweep. Iv also been losing plug since then so it can be a sign for some but not for others. Iv been in latent labour for almost a week and this baby is not coming on her own. X
Haha 6.6.16 would be such a cool birthday! My son is 09.10.11 so if she came on Monday they would both have cool birth days:-)

Blueclass, are you still bleeding from your sweep(s) then? Urgh, if only there was a text book answer to all our signs and worries:-( The blood is mainly there when I wipe - just a small amount on the pads.

Stephylou, are you having any luck with the hands and knees exercises btw? Any sign of the babe turning the right way? How did they deduce back to back, by feeling it, or was it noticed on a scan?

In examination but afterwards in now seems obvious to where I get kicked. Don't know if she's turned but definitely made her more active and my back hurts less.
In examination but afterwards in now seems obvious to where I get kicked. Don't know if she's turned but definitely made her more active and my back hurts less.

Ooh, maybe it's worked then... fx
Yeah I had one yesterday to and I asked about the blood and how long to expect it and she said it can continue till she arrives. Like you its mainly when I wipe and a bit on pads. It's not generally bright red looks more like old period blood sorry girls lol tmi. I did have some red blood though and again she said it's normal. After she did a sweep she had vlood on her fingers and she said this is normal so don't be alarmed. I'm not a mw though and you should never doubt your self so if you're concerned just call and ask, I did after the first sweep. 4 later I feel like I'm a pro now lol. The one I had yesterday wasn't as bad and she said she could definitely feel a difference and it's favourable. X
Just got back from 38 week midwife appointment. Bump still doing great, her heartbeat is chugging along like a train. She's measuring 36cm fundal height and her weight guestimation is 3.2kg (7lbs). She's also moved sides - originally her spine was on my left and limbs on the right. Midwife said her spine is now on the right, limbs on the left and her head is engaged! Midwife thinks that's why I was restless earlier in the week cus she was getting ready and into position. Also spoke about the mucus - she said it probs wasn't a show, just other stuff... Sry tmi! :blush: Got my TENS machine hired now ready for early labour too! It's all go! :lol:

Sounds like things are moving along ladies! Fx for you! :hugs:
Yeah I had one yesterday to and I asked about the blood and how long to expect it and she said it can continue till she arrives. Like you its mainly when I wipe and a bit on pads. It's not generally bright red looks more like old period blood sorry girls lol tmi. I did have some red blood though and again she said it's normal. After she did a sweep she had vlood on her fingers and she said this is normal so don't be alarmed. I'm not a mw though and you should never doubt your self so if you're concerned just call and ask, I did after the first sweep. 4 later I feel like I'm a pro now lol. The one I had yesterday wasn't as bad and she said she could definitely feel a difference and it's favourable. X

That's interesting. Good to know its all normal:-)
I went to the loo earlier and when i wiped there was red+brown blood along with a big dollop of gooey stringy snot (yuk lol) which i assume was my bloody show? All my toilet visits since have had no blood. Zilch. Gone completely. How weird is that?? Makes me think that must have been the plug. Didnt get a call back from mw re sweep over the weekend so i'll go in monday.
Great news your cervix is favourable now. Does that mean it has moved down and more easily reached? Xx
Sounds like you're all set Alrm:-) ive got my tens too but still need to figure out how it works lol! Xx
That sounds like a show to me BabyMaker! Ha yeah, mw said to give the TENS a try first before labour begins so we don't panic :lol:
Colleague of mine told me about when his daughter was in labour... doc came to give her an epidural but they forgot she still had a tens machine going, so he bent her over to get the needle in, touched one of the pads and went flying backwards with the shock (she had it on full power). Nearly stuck the needle in her husband haha
Yeah I had one yesterday to and I asked about the blood and how long to expect it and she said it can continue till she arrives. Like you its mainly when I wipe and a bit on pads. It's not generally bright red looks more like old period blood sorry girls lol tmi. I did have some red blood though and again she said it's normal. After she did a sweep she had vlood on her fingers and she said this is normal so don't be alarmed. I'm not a mw though and you should never doubt your self so if you're concerned just call and ask, I did after the first sweep. 4 later I feel like I'm a pro now lol. The one I had yesterday wasn't as bad and she said she could definitely feel a difference and it's favourable. X

That's interesting. Good to know its all normal:-)
I went to the loo earlier and when i wiped there was red+brown blood along with a big dollop of gooey stringy snot (yuk lol) which i assume was my bloody show? All my toilet visits since have had no blood. Zilch. Gone completely. How weird is that?? Makes me think that must have been the plug. Didnt get a call back from mw re sweep over the weekend so i'll go in monday.
Great news your cervix is favourable now. Does that mean it has moved down and more easily reached? Xx

Yes she said it was much easier to get to still a little postier but was favourable and it's almost 2cm. She also said they would be able to break my waters. Mine goes then comes back but hope that's all of yours and maybe it will be the start for you. X
Is it too late to go up for reduced movements at 10pm? I had an odd nap and woke at 8pm but now can't get her to move.
Should be anytime as far as I know, if you call the maternity unit stephylou
Don't think it's ever too late to call if you're worried. I would have a large glass of ice-cold water, lie on my left side and then phone if I didn't feel anything.

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