***June Mummies 2016 Tri 3***

Keep getting frequent bowel movements at the moment and braxton hicks has increased this week. Could this be the start of something?
Iv had loose stools for a week on and of but il keep my fingers crossed for you.

Yeah I guess it does but hoping both will come out ok. Yes we knew at the beginning it could have been twins. Plus my husbands sisters are twins so we thought there possibly was a chance. I'm hoping she won't be much bigger than 7lb as that's a good weight. It's scary to think by Monday I could be a mummy. I hope my induction is as fast as yours kanga. X
7lb is a great weight my other 2 were 7lb 1oz and 7lb 6oz. I really hope you have a speedy induction too, although it does sound like you are getting more favourable by being 2cm already.

I always worried I would have twins as I'm a non identical twin myself, but 4 pregnancies have all been singles, phew! xx
Would you of liked twins?
Hope so kanga, had a sweep today and got terrible back pain but iv given up reading into these things x
isn't pets especially female ones getting clingy a sign of labour? something about how they think you should be in a corner nesting so they get worked up if your up and about.

You know, I never thought of it like that - she's a rescue with bad anxiety issues (although she's been with me for over 8 years, so has come a long way with chilling out!), so I assumed she was just getting worried that she'd be pushed out or something, as she certainly knows something's going on. Maybe she is just caring about me though, bless 'er... and I had her down as purely selfish motives lol

Blueclass, good they let you push it back a bit - who knows, maybe things'll start before then :-)

Lottie, I had that on and off for the last weeks too... is definitely a sign of clear out in readiness though, see what happens!
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My lovely OH brought me home two big bags of soft liquorice to help my digestive system. Can't do any harm anyway. He wonders whether the pain was brought on by my having gaviscon last night. Apparently stomach cramps/ constipation can be a side effect, although I only had two doses. Anyone experienced that? It didn't help my heartburn so wondering whether to avoid it in future...

On an unrelated note, our daughter has decided we are having a boy. Baby has been her new brother/sister for ages but she now keeps telling us it will be her brother. Hope she won't be disappointed if it's a girl! She's also getting very excited about all the visitors we will get and keeps asking if various people are coming today to take her to the park, lol.
That's too cute Maud :-)
Gaviscon's worked wonders for my heartburn, but if it's not doing you any good, better cut it out :-S
Well 20 minutes on your hand and knees a day is not as easy as I thought it would be, feel like I've done a workout. Tomorrow it will be hovering and a bit of front crawl in the swimming pool.
Would you of liked twins?
Hope so kanga, had a sweep today and got terrible back pain but iv given up reading into these things x
I don't know, having had just one to look after at a time, I dread to think how hard it must be to have twins. So maybe for my 1st as I wouldn't know any different lol Think I would have freaked out more if I had twins for my 3rd though xx
As I know baby will be here in a few days iv just hoovered, cleaned the hob, put washing and hung up washing. We also got the crib out so going to put that next to the bed aswell. I'm also going to keep drinking raspberry leaf tea and keep taking epo. Been taking one 1000mg a day but a few times have taken two. I don't think it will hurt her if it's not every night I take two x
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Does anyone know if your induced can your partner be with you the whole time?
If you are on labour/delivery ward then I believe they can stay with you the whole time. But if your not in active labour and on a normal ward then partners can only stay visiting hours which is 9-9 at my hospital. Have they told you how they would start your induction? If by breaking your waters then you will be on delivery so should be OK xx
No they didn't but she did say she thinks a pessary would be better first. Just to help me get from where I am to 4cm. I need to go labour ward first so I will ask. They are meant to be calling me at some point. She did say they could break my waters but that means I'm more likely to need the drip. X
In our hospital if you are having the pessary you are on the induction ward and that is restricted by the visiting hours as they have 4 beds in the room. So if you aren't in active labour and 4cm by the time visiting hours are over then you could be left alone and your partner made to go home . I have heard the pessary causes contractions so it is possible to avoid the drip. I couldn't have a pessary due to my previous section so that's why they went straight for breaking my waters. I honestly didn't find the drip that bad though xx
Maybe they will use the pessary then break my waters? I'm. Confused now xx
There seems to be so many ways to induce lol The pessary may get you going enough to not need to break your waters and let them pop on their own. Or they may break your waters to speed things up xx
Kitty, Audra is gorgeous! How you getting on with bf'ing?
Blueclass, glad they spotted the 2nd placenta. Not heard of that before. Is it functioning?

So due date today and i went for my sweep. Baby is pretty much engaged which is great but cervix not favourable:-( so mw pulled it down (which was absolute agony!) and said she could just about get her finger in to do a mini sweep and that im 1cm. After mild contractions on and off all week i honestly thought she'd say at least 2cm with a favourable cervix. Little Miss is far too comfy to come out anytime soon i guess. Mw didnt think today's mini sweep has done anything to get things going so she'll try to get me an appt at the hosp over the weekend for another attempt. If they're fully booked, i'll get an appt on monday. If that doesnt work i'll get another on wednesday and finally thursday. Induction Friday which i really hope i dont make! I know it's only a week to wait to meet my baby but it suddenly seems a lifetime and going overdue is depressing. On top of that i didnt realise i could bleed after a sweep so i was only wearing a panty liner. Well, walking home afterwards i bled thru pantyliner, pants, and my jeans:-( overall a crappy afternoon and ive eaten faaar too much chocolate to make me feel better and now i feel sick... Blah! Rant over.
Hope everyone is well xx
That's what I don't get - it's the drip that poses the risk of scar rupture as it makes your uterus contract too severely (can't think of the better way to describe it).

I had the pessary only when I was induced but it was a long time ago now so it's possible that some hospitals do things differently. However at the antenatal class I went to the midwife said they prefer waters to go as late as possible because first of all the waters cushion the baby when you get a contraction so there's less likelihood of them getting distressed from contractions if the waters are still intact, and second, if they break your waters but then contractions don't start, or if it's slow, they only have around 12 hours before they get worried about infection (if they break on their own it's 24hrs but if they were broken manually there is more risk of infection).
So at my hospital anyway they don't like to break waters unless they have to or unless they are fairly sure it'll result in the baby being born soon.

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