***June Mummies 2016 Tri 3***

I got mine from argos came with a pump. Iv been bouncing loads loafs not sure if you can over do it or jump to vigorously. My hubby said I was making him get motion sickness. X
Had a dull belly ache for a while and been to the loo 3 times today which is a lot for me lol. Also iv just started heaving a bit. Was over the toilet and heaving lots but nothing came up. Wonder if this is the start of something xx
Still got a belly ache which has woken me up, feels like period pain or like i need a poo AGAIN...
Yorkslass - I've got a feeling I'm having a girl and most people think the same as my bumps all at the front apparently lol. There's really no way of knowing is there. We would be happy with either really - I'm not too fussed. My friend and mum are organising a baby shower for me today so I will get everyone's guesses then. - can't wait.

Blue class - I hope it all starts soon for you.
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Blueclass, the night before I had my daughter I woke up every hour or so with back ache and feeling I needed the loo but not. About 12 hours later I went into labour so fingers crossed for you x

Everyone wants me to have a boy as there are so many girls in the family already. I honestly don't mind as a girl would be a lot easier but a boy would complete the set, lol.
Blueclass, sounds like things are happening for you!!! Any update? Best of luck :love:
Was up a lot through the night with period type pains. Called mw and she said sounds like early labour. However it has now stopped ��. Hopefully it will start again anytime and actually carry on. X
Had to take rings of as my fingers had swelled up but don't have any other issues so think it's just a pregnancy thing x
Blueclass, sounds like things are moving in the right direction.
I'm officially overdue today, had some reduced movement yesterday so went in to be checked out, all was ok and they were not worried. Have to go back for another trace today and a scan tomorrow morning. Hopefully they will look at possibility of induction then.

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Yorkslass - I've got a feeling I'm having a girl and most people think the same as my bumps all at the front apparently lol. There's really no way of knowing is there.

Wait - mine's all front too, which is what they were telling me meant boy lmao - man, these old wives' tales, eh? They could at least be consistent!

Maud, have you had bump guesses? We'll have to compare lol

Love87, let us know what they say.

Blueclass, definitely not long now!

I've had another sleepless night of heartburn, but luckily partner has started wearing earplugs, so slept through lol - must say though, gaviscon is so much better than rennies o.o
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Yorklass mine is all at the front and I'm having a girl. Everyone told me girl before the scan I wasn't convinced as I thought boy.
Hope baby comes soon love87. Xx
Think this is the first time throughout pregnancy that I would like to have a night on the town, only no energy to do so. Its so sunny, there's a music festival on but I just walked up the stairs and got out of breath :(
Few photos from my baby shower xx


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Aww looking good sjenkins! Are those Shawn the sheep cakes? Lol

Stephylou, you should go for it - I totally didn't feel like going to a gig the other day but was glad I did - just did a lot of sitting down at it heheh

We just blown our money on a load of cloth nappies and paraphernalia - hope it's bloody worth it! Actually found some great deals via a couple of websites and taking up a cash back offer our local council does for cloth nappies, so really, we probably spent about half we could have done on it all! :-)
Scan today went fine, all good. Had a sweep which I couldn't tolerate. It was the most uncomfortable thing I ever felt in my life :( I'm such a sissy. Good news is I'm booked in for induction on Wednesday!!!! Excited and terrified at the same time. Eeeek

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Little update! My waters broke this morning I'm in slow labour!!! Been to the hospital sent me home to get rest as the contractions are every 30 mins, will let you know what's happening xx
Ooooh good luck sjenkins. Will be stalking for update. X

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Ooo good luck can't wait to see pics and read how it goes.

Love87 I found the sweep manageable. It hurt when she pulled my cervix down but then it was fine. I got my 2nd tomorrow and hoping I'm more than 1cm as il feel I'm getting somewhere. Also praying it works as induction is Friday. I am however dying to read how yours goes so please please inform us before then lol.
Iv had nothing since the other night, it would seem she is comfortable. I'm in town today having a walk hoping any type of activity Will help xx

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