Your be fine hun I'm excited for you. I look forward to reading how you get on. That's 3 of us booked in for this week you tomorrow love87 Wednesday and me Fri.
I'm currently in for reduced movements again and having a stomach pains she seems very happy on the monitor so that's good. Just waiting on doctor hopefully they will let me carry on as normal x
I wasn't due until 18th June, but diagnosed pre-eclampsia last Monday, admitted Wednesday and induced Saturday at 37 weeks, baby girl born 4 hours into being induced, only pushed 4 times, no time for pain relief!
Still in hospital getting us both sorted but hopefully home soon.
Hope all the inductions go well ladies xxxx
Lewis Stephen Holdaway born last night 11:35pm 6 pounds 13 will update everyone what happend, let's just say I was only in the birthing pool for one hour and u started pushing had no drugs as well!! Hope everyone is well, I'm in love with him already xxx
Today I'm taking it easy because we had visitors, went out and finished the nursery this weekend and I actually feel tired for once
I think bump has shifted down and I think I can feel her head if I lay on a slight angle. DTD yesterday and I think I may have had a show this morning . I'll speak to the Health Vis later...
Speaking of HV, have you had an appointment through yet Yorkslass?
Wow lots of birth announcements starting to happen! Congrats ladies and good luck to all having their inductions this week, look forward to hearing how you all get on xxx
Yes - she came last week. She'd wanted to come the week before but as I was still working I rearranged with the health centre and then she called me while outside my house! Poor lady never got the message. Have seen her properly now, but all conversations seem to be repeating themselves, as we've thoroughly covered bfing and all that in various classes! Exciting about the possible show by the way alrm
Iv not heard from a hv yet. I did receive a letter in the post awhile ago saying they would contact me but nothing as of yet. It's so exciting hearing all the birth announcements. Glad to see ur both doing well and ur induction was not awful. Read a few now that was really fast.
Hope overthemoons goes ok today il certainly be thinking of her.
Ah good stuff Yorkslass! Yes I noticed there was a bit of repeat conversations going on too! HV seemed nice enough though, even when I explained I had all the handouts already that she had brought bless her
Thanks! Forgot to ask HV about it, I'll just keep monitoring it, see how things go I suppose! I'm at MW this Friday for my 38wk appointment so will mention it then if nothing has started to come about before Fri...
Well I thought I'd have a 20 min nap at about lunch time with Ewan the sheep playing a lullaby for bump. My 20 min nap was not 20 mins at all and I woke up at 3! Just messaged my DH about it and he text back jokingly asking if I'm sure I bought Ewan for bump and not for myself
I do love Ewan. Had hoped to pass down ours to the new baby but Isabelle has made it clear that he is still hers so I guess we'll have to get a 2nd one!!
lol - obviously Ewan has the right soporific qualities...
Is that Ewan the Dream Sheep? I was looking at that and nearly bought it. Might go ahead if you ladies like him I was also looking at some turtle thing... Cloud B? Found one at a discounted price but wasn't sure if it was worth it. It projects stars onto the ceiling... I think I just want it for myself haha
I really like the dreamsheep. We didn't use it straight away with Isabelle but it was really helpful at helping settle her. The only downside is that the music only plays for 20 minutes so we would have to keep turning him back on, as she took longer than that to settle. We don't use him anymore but he still lives in her cot and she turns him on from time to time. She likes the harp music.
I can't decide whether to just bite the bullet and fork out another £30 for a new one or wait until baby is here and see if she will share him. I'd like to use it sooner this time but it seems so daft to have two! I did see they make them in grey now though so at least we could get two different ones...
Isabelle's monitor has a light show. We didn't use it until she started self-settling. White noise and music were much more useful in the earlier months.
DH and I love Ewan already! You can also get a dog called Russell as next stage (I think after 18 months)... my DH wanted that one first though haha.
I've been recommended Ewan by so many friends who are parents though. My friend from work is on holiday at the moment actually with their 10 month old in Spain and he said that Ewan has gone along with them as their little girl loves him. I've not heard of the Cloud B turtle to be fair - it does look really cute and I like the light show feature. Not sure if it plays sounds?
I like the sounds Ewan makes, there's a heartbeat sound kinda like the doppler, lullaby, hoover and rain all with background heartbeat. I think it's supposed to mimic how things sounded in the womb and helps baby to settle? His little red glow is cute as well.
I guess it's personal preference really - DH's sister and a friend both had the Fisher Price Sooth and Glow Seahorse and swear by that too!
I completely understand what you mean by having 2 Maud. How is Isabelle with the sounds? Reason I ask is that I think the grey one is soft toy only, I don't think he plays sounds...
You can get the grey one as the dreamsheep or just the plush, same as the original purple one.
She hardly ever plays with him so I had assumed we could give him to the baby. But she has been a bit possessive when we have mentioned this to her (and she's largely very positive about becoming a big sister)
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