***June Mummies 2016 Tri 3***

So Elsie Sofia arrived on 27/5/16 at 22:33 normal delivery, by the skin of our teeth!! She was turned At 12:30 and had my waters broke shortly after, there was so much fluid it was unbelievable-no wonder I could not feel her move, at 15:30 they put up the hormone drip (left it a while as her heart rate was playing up) at 17:30 2cms and at 21:50 I was 4cms so they advised epidural so that they could monitor baby more closely, however at 22:10 I was 10cms and pushing, she arrived 22 mins later. Much different to 3 hours of pushing with first baby, but the speed of it sent me into slight panic and I was listening to no one, got away with a tiny tear that they said didn't need suturing! She's was 6lbs 4oz, very different to the 6lb 9pz they estimated her at 3 weeks ago!! It has been an intense week but I'm so glad I kept on at the doctors as I was not feeling her move-we now know why lots and lots of fluid with small baby but feel better I wasn't going crazy!!!
Oh wow congratulations and she is beautiful. It sounds like it happened so fast. Hope your doing ok xx
I lost some more of my plug just now. I'm so scared labour will start but at the same time I'm excited. X
Congratulations CCbunny so glad you managed a natural birth, I can fully sympathise with the shock of it all, I was 1cm at 6:20pm and he was born at 7:08pm!! I had the gas and air for the pushing and I was listening to no one either and luckily got away with just a graze.

She is gorgeous and a nice tiny size like Alfie. No wonder you couldn't feel her with all those waters!

Fingers crossed for you blueclass xx
Thanks kanga lost more plug today so really hoping she stays coming soon so excited but scared.

Happy due date love 87.

Sees if you have the drip it all happens very fast!x
Aww ccbunny, lovely news to wake up to - she's gorgeous, well done and many congrats! :-)

Happy due date love87 too!
Seems may mums are pretty much done - yikes! Looking at the June front page, there's only 3 of us team yellow. We should take bets on those lol
Congratulation CCbunny, Elsie is beautiful.

Fx labour starts soon Blueclass. I'm still waiting after my sweep on Wednesday so looks like I'll defo be attending that induction appointment on Tuesday x
Congratulation CCbunny, Elsie is beautiful.

Fx labour starts soon Blueclass. I'm still waiting after my sweep on Wednesday so looks like I'll defo be attending that induction appointment on Tuesday x

Iv got another sweep on Tues and one Thursday then induction Fri morning x
Congrats CCbunny! She is a little stunner.
Thanks for all the happy due dates. No baby here yet though. I do make very lazy babies. I have a clinic appointment Monday so I'm going to ask about a possible induction.
Blueclass hope labour starts soon for you. X

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Congratulations Ccbunny! Elsie is gorgeous:-) Hope you're both well. You must be so relieved after all that worry.

Sounds very promising Blueclass! Keep us updated hun. I lost some plug this morning too. Going to take the dog for a walk now and see if something happens. Tonight is Chinese take away so i'll probably get a spicy dish to see if that works;-) I went off curry this pregnancy so Chinese will have to do.

Sweep next Thursday and Induction has been booked for 10th June eek! So max 2 weeks to go for me.

Happy due date Love!
Cant believe it's June Mummies' turn!!! yikes!

Good idea yorkslass - I'm due 1st July and team yellow aswell - could easily be a June baby although I've got a feeling I'l be late. Do you have any inclination what your having?xx
Congratulations CCbunny! She's lovely - hope you are doing well too :)
Sounds like things are starting to progress for most too!
I kept swimming up until about 35 weeks but I'm now 37 and last night was the first time I felt tired after a walk! I still managed to do 2 miles but when I got home I showered and went straight to bed!
Today DH and I are finishing off the nursery as we have visitors over the BH. Time to blow up my gym ball as well as I forgot about it :lol:
Right iv dtd lol been bouncing and going to book a table at a curry house tonight x
Congratulations ccbunny :) blueclass sounds like you might be next, how exciting xx
Good idea yorkslass - I'm due 1st July and team yellow aswell - could easily be a June baby although I've got a feeling I'l be late. Do you have any inclination what your having?xx

No idea! People keep asking and I joke that I'd like a human baby. I'm slightly edging towards girl, but a lot of people think I have a boy bump - I swear people are taking bets at work lol
What about you ttc1234?

Ooh - I finally bought a gym ball thing which turned up today, on advice of mw. Having to encourage partner to blow it up properly as he doesn't think it should go up to the size it says without popping. But then... he won't let me take over and do it myself. Can't win lol

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