***June Mummies 2016 Tri 3***

I haven't been posting much on here much recently but I've been keeping up to date with everyone's progress. That's great news sjenkins, so relieved for you!
Glad all is well sjenkins, 6 pounds is a lovely weight, just a dinky one. Hope you can chill out now and get some sleep.

Yay for being 1cm blueclass and for them being able to do it, fingers crossed it gets things moving for you.

Hope the mw goes well Babymaker and your little girl doesn't keep you waiting too much longer and you get to win the sweep stake xx
Great news blueclass - hope things start happening very soon for you:-)

And great news sjenkins! Seems your mw needs another course on how to work out where baby is;-)

Just got back from mw's at the hospital (combi appt with the diabetes nurse). Last week, at my usual mw's I measured 38 weeks, today at the hospital I measured 37 weeks... Just shows how each mw measures differently. For the past few weeks I've had immense pressure down below and last week my mw confirmed baby is pretty much engaged. Today the hosp mw spent aaaages trying to work out where baby was and poked and prodded and it was actually quite painful. Finally she moved down to the head and said not engaged. And when I got off the couch the pressure was gone. Is it possible the mw actually popped the baby out of my pelvis?? I know it doesnt make much difference in terms of when labour would start seeing that it's my 2nd but I just feel I was making progress with head being pretty much engaged and contractions last night and now I'm back to square 1 lol! Also, I told her i've had a big increase in discharge the last few days and she said "oooooh sounds like things are starting" and I said "You really think so?" and she said "No, i'm afraid it's not really a sign".... WTF? she JUST said sounds like things are starting:wall2:
She is so strange. She was the mw a few weeks ago who couldnt find the heartbeat and turns out she was looking on the wrong side of the bump. Luckily I wont have to see her again. Unless of course she's on call when I go into labour:shock:

Anyone got any plans this weekend? I have nothing planned except Operation Baby Eviction;-) We've dtd twice in 3 days and so far nothing... So perhaps a long walk will get things going.

As usual my post has turned into an essay so well done if you got this far lol.
lol - what an odd mw, Babymaker o.O Hopefully not the one tending to you in labour... yeesh
Hope Operation Baby Eviction goes well!
Sjenkins, great to hear things sounding much more positive after the scan :)
Good to hear from you too Siskin, hope you're doing well!
Blueclass, hope the sweep gets things going - let us know... good to be off work after today, no? Hope the last day's good!
Kanga - is crazy your little one has been here so long now already lol

I had an awful night - haven't slept at all (nor my poor partner!) Had horrific heartburn, felt sick, couldn't lie down (terrible bowels too, tmi o.o), mucho crotch pain, propped myself up with many pillows and just moaned all night. Chewing gum helped a bit to ease the acid problems, and a bit of back rubbing, but I've stocked well up on Gaviscon now, as the Rennies just weren't doing anything! I dunno if loose bowels are a sign of impending labour?

Went to mw appointment this morning, both of us knackered, apparently my iron is low too according to some blood test I had (ages ago, like, back in March lol), so mw is having some iron prescribed. Baby is definitely engaged though, she seriously hurt my poor suffering pelvis poking and squeezing things! She said they'd offer a sweep at my next app, which will be 39+4, which surprised me... I thought they'd only start those after due date. I said I wouldn't want one, initially, would rather save them for when things are going overdue, but her reasoning sort of talked me round, I guess. This sh**s getting real! That's only two weeks away! I suppose I'm actually going to have a baby. Holy crappola.
I know it's scary how fast it's happened for us all.
Seems iv had a show. I went to the loo and it was a tiny bit of blood and lots of kind of discarge. It wasn't like glue but it was more discarge like so didn't think it was it. Then I had a small clot of blood when I went to the loo. I called and asked if the discarge stuff was normal and they said sounds like a show xx
Blueclass....your sweep sounds as if it has started working!! Hope this start to progress for you!!

Yorklass, I have bad heartburn that keeps me up at night as well, it's a nightmare!! And with my DS I had loose bowel movements right before my contraction started so could be a sign!! Xx
How was your last day at work Blueclass? Hope you got a nice send off?

Happy Maternity Leave :-) xxx
How was your last day at work Blueclass? Hope you got a nice send off?

Happy Maternity Leave :-) xxx

Was lovely they did a baby shower for me and I nearly cried.
Also been to the pub after lunch and now on my way home to get on ball. Can't believe I'm 1cm and lost my plug come on baby xx
Yorklass, I have bad heartburn that keeps me up at night as well, it's a nightmare!! And with my DS I had loose bowel movements right before my contraction started so could be a sign!! Xx

Nooooooo! Lol - I want it to stay in here now!
I remembered that I'd said I might sing in a concert 2 days before due date too Bahaha - that's so not going to happen... they have been warned that I might not, depending. Since this sweep might be the day before, it's probably going to be a no after all ;-)
It was lovely. I was hoping to be home so I can get on ball ect but iv been non stop driving. I want to get in and help her out xx
Everyone's had a really hectic couple of days by the sounds of it.

My nesting has made me lost the ability to stay awake today, house never been so clean mind :)

I went for a swim yesterday and were doing start jumps sideways up and down the pool, do feel more 'flexible' downstairs today but legs aching a bit.
I'm going to try and clean the house tomorrow. Definitely needs doing before she arrives and car could do with a wash and a dust x
That's what I need stephylou, a swim... I even have prescription goggles now, so I've no excuse!
Off travelling to my folks tomorrow, me dad's going to change brake pads for me. Hopefully no more car issues - after forking out for the new starter the other day I have no faith in the car anymore! Probably won't even get us to hospital. ;-)
Can't recommend swimming enough although it does make you realise how much extra weight we're carrying when you get out the water, was a bit of shock.

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