lol - what an odd mw, Babymaker

Hopefully not the one tending to you in labour... yeesh
Hope Operation Baby Eviction goes well!
Sjenkins, great to hear things sounding much more positive after the scan

Good to hear from you too Siskin, hope you're doing well!
Blueclass, hope the sweep gets things going - let us know... good to be off work after today, no? Hope the last day's good!
Kanga - is crazy your little one has been here so long now already lol
I had an awful night - haven't slept at all (nor my poor partner!) Had horrific heartburn, felt sick, couldn't lie down (terrible bowels too, tmi o.o), mucho crotch pain, propped myself up with many pillows and just moaned all night. Chewing gum helped a bit to ease the acid problems, and a bit of back rubbing, but I've stocked well up on Gaviscon now, as the Rennies just weren't doing anything! I dunno if loose bowels are a sign of impending labour?
Went to mw appointment this morning, both of us knackered, apparently my iron is low too according to some blood test I had (ages ago, like, back in March lol), so mw is having some iron prescribed. Baby is definitely engaged though, she seriously hurt my poor suffering pelvis poking and squeezing things! She said they'd offer a sweep at my next app, which will be 39+4, which surprised me... I thought they'd only start those after due date. I said I wouldn't want one, initially, would rather save them for when things are going overdue, but her reasoning sort of talked me round, I guess. This sh**s getting real! That's only two weeks away! I suppose I'm actually going to have a baby. Holy crappola.