***June Mummies 2016 Tri 3***

Must be scary for you! Have they mentioned induction or a section or anything? Hope you manage to get some sleep hun x
Hope everything's ok sjenkins, let us know how the scan goes. Sorry it's left you so upset. Perhaps they can still turn him with ecv if he is breech? It is still doable to deliver - if it's any consolation at all (probably not) my partner's mum and my gran both delivered breech natural with no problems at all. Hope his growth's ok too - did they say that due to a fundal measurement? It could just be that he's dropped very low, which can affect that measurement a lot. Fx for you xx
My midwife said they will go through everything tomorrow with me ahhhhh!! This is going to be one long night, thanks hun! Hope everyone else is ok xx
Yes she did say he could be really low down that's why he's coming up small, so much worry I'm going to try and relax xx
Do they mean you are measuring small or that they think they miscalculated the due date?

Try not to panic overnight. Babies can turn at any time and the scan might show baby head down tomorrow. Even if not they can try to turn the baby (I did quite a lot of reading when my MW got me worried about baby being breech).

I washed all the neutral baby clothes today so the line is just white and a teeny bit of cream! Left all the pink stuff in the loft for now. It's making me want a boy so we have a need to buy some more clothes!
Yes sorry I didn't explain very well, I'm measuring 35 weeks and I'm 39+2 I'm more worried the fact he hasn't grown or something isn't right, I had a different midwife today and my other midwife isn't that good I don't think she's been doing her job very well :( thank god my scan is 8:15 tomorrow morning xx
My MW said it's better to always have the same MW if possible as they all have their own way of measuring, so it might be that the difference in growth isn't as bad as you think. Hopefully the scan will be reassuring anyway x
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Good luck hun and try and get some sleep tonight.

Does anyone else have a pain in their groin? It hurts to walk it's only on one side. I also have had awful heart burn recently. I thought it was garlic so had no garlic today and bang it's back. I'm going to go to bed now as I want to try and sleep before tomorrow. Good night ladies x
Aww sorry you're going through a worrying time sjenkins:-( good luck for tomo. Will keep an eye out for your update.

Blueclass, could be that she's lying awkwardly and pushing on a nerve in your groin? Hope you're ok and good luck for tomo. Keep us updated.

Had some very mild contractions tonight:shock: At first i thought they were BH but then they built up into something a bit more painful. They were only mild and i could talk through them. I had about 5 of them and they were irregular so im not getting excited. All quiet now though.
Well ladies what an eventful day I've had, came to have my daily ctg and trace was fine, baby was head down, went for last attempt at sweep this afternoon to be told baby is transverse (lying across my tummy-basically sunbathing they said) and that because I have more fluid she's just swishing about in there and I'm not feeling any of it. Gutted is an understatement as instead of induction tomorrow I am now on the antenatal ward being starved from 2am and in the morning the consultant that's on will decide if he'll try to turn my naughty lady or take me to theatre for a section, which is so not what I wanted. Such an emotional day xx
Aww ccbunny, let us know what happens - maybe little 'un will turn the right way again more easily if there's plenty fluid. Hope for the best for you x
Babymaker, exciting though, sounds like a practice run at least!
Blueclass, I answered on the other thread, is tricky to know if other people's aches n' pains are the same as our own, but I know I've had a lot of groin pain the last coupla weeks, I put it down to spd and baby's head dropping into position, as I'm guessing it's right on the symphysis pubis thing! I'm back on with the fanny daggers this week too lol
The joys of pregnancy!
Enjoy your last day at work today Blueclass, hope they give you the send off you deserve.

Fingers crossed for the sweep too! I had one of Wednesday and been losing my plug in bits since yesterday. I've been booked for induction Tuesday due to reduced movement and baby being on biggish side. Fingers crossed he comes beforehand! X
These June Babies seem to be little pickles.

Good luck for your sweep blueclass and have a good last day at work.

Sjenkins I hope all is well with your scan tomorrow. I have no faith in the accuracy of fundal height when taken by different people, in one day I was measured at 28, 30 and 32cm when I was 34 weeks.

CCbunny I hope all is well and baby turns head down again for you so you don't need a c section.

Babymaker fingers crossed the contractions are the start of the real thing soon. Your boy was early right?

Good luck for induction overthemoon but hope baby decides to arrive before then.

It was my due date yesterday lol and Alfie was 16 days old :) Can't wait for more June babies to join him xx
Happy damn Friday June mummies. I'm so happy slept ok for once although I'm up stupid early. Think its all the excitement! My groin is not as bad as last night so hoping she was on a nerve as it was so painful. Hat of to you girls with spd I don't know how u manage. I was nearly crawling into the bathroom in the night. I told the consultant I wanted to cancel my induction as I'm to scared and rather her come on her own. He told me to have the sweeps which I'm fine with and come in for the induction and they will monitor her for a bit then discuss it with me. Made me feel I wasn't really going to get a choice in the matter. I thought I could just call and say thanks but no thanks.

Sjenkins good luck with your scan hun keep us posted I know we will be checking to see how you are.

Ccbunny must be horrible stuck on the ward. I know I hate staying in hospital and nothing worse than not being able to eat. Don't know about anyone else but I'm hungry all the time now. Hopefully she will turn and they can leave you alone after that. Having a section is not ideal. When you feel able posy and let us know what consultant says.

Baby maker I hope you get the real thing soon, must be noting when they stop.

Over the moon I hope baby comes naturally for you before Tuesday. Losing your plug is a positive step in the right direction so will keep everything crossed for you.

Kanga so crazy to think your little man is that already.
I can't believe here we all are discussing inductions and contractions ect. It feel like we was only saying hello to one another a few months back. It's gone so so fast and now our babies are coming. When I joined this forum I wasn't sure what i expected but it's been wonderful. Sharing this magical experience with you all has been great.xx
Blueclass they really can't make you have an induction at all. They can only advise you on what they think best. They can't force you into the hospital if you are happy with her movements now then I don't see why you can't just wait.

The consultants were adamant I wouldn't get a homebirth due to my previous section and retained placenta but it wasn't their choice. I could have still pushed to stay at home and pregnant but for my anxiety and stress I went with the induction. No way would I have lasted til at least now wondering if he was OK size wise etc xx
Ccbunny, I really hope they are able to turn your little lady. Let us know when you can.

Happy last day at work Blueclass! Hope the sweep works.

Overthemoon, hope your little man comes before Tuesday. Sounds like you're well on your way:-)

Kanga, yes, DS was born at 39+1 which is what I am today! I had 1 mild contraction this morning but nothing since. But, I do have this constant dull ache in the same area as the contractions. Not sure what it is but hoping it's doing something good, whatever it is. MW at 11:30. If she offers me a sweep I think i'll say yes;-) Our families have done a sweepstake on when the baby will come and my prediction is tomorrow. Come on, little lady! Mama could do with the £60 in the pot;-) lol
Lol that's funny.

I had sweep this morning and I'm already 1cm dilated which they was surprised about. I was so happy as I didn't think they was going to be able to do it. She said if it don't work come back Tuesday. She also said she could feel the baby's head and she was turning it xx
Hey everyone, been to my scan and everything is normal �� he's not breech or back to back like my midwife has been saying for last 4 weeks �� he's also 6 pounds! I just have a small bump. I'm so tired I only got 1-2 hours sleep as I was so worried. Happy Friday xxxx

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